• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Cristian Andreu

I started roleplaying somewhere between 1995-1996, though I had prior encounters with the stuff through the means of games like Dragon Strike (the one with the creepy VHS full of B-movie actors) and loads of Dragonlance novels from my dad. My first game was AD&D, which I kept playing regularly until 2002. I tried a couple of other games at the time, but AD&D was my favourite by far (I started DMing the stuff almost as soon as I started playing. That's what you get when your friends are all lazy bastards).

2002 coincided with my first year of university. While I still played with my regular life-long group (which is more or less the same group I play with to this day), I was asked to DM D&D 3.5 to a new group of lads I met there. I had no idea how to play the thing and I got the books less than a week before our first game, but despite the initial improvisation and the fact the group I was invited to ended including 12 players, it managed to hook me up enough to stop playing AD&D and switch completely to the new edition.

At the time I also started experimenting with new games. I ran a pretty long 7th Sea campaign between 2004-2007, and thout I don't get to play that game too much anymore, it became my second-favourite behind 3.5. Multiple other games on the background, with stuff like Space 1889 and Ars Magica gaining me over.

I think it was 2009 when I decided to give 4e a chance, but after 5 sessions (and noticing the player's reaction to the system), I rounded the group during pizza break and asked them what they thought; we ended going back to 3.5. A few days later, I ordered the Pathfinder books, just to see what the fuss was all about.

We moved from 3.5 to Pathfinder soon after, and it quickly became our main game, which we still play. I've run three major campaigns using it (one set in Golarion that ran between 2009 and 2011, one in a homemade setting between 2011 and 2013, and our current one set in Planescape).

More recently, I began DMing a D&D 5e campaign about pirates set in Forgotten Realms in early 2015, and the game won me over almost instantly. Though I still have deep love for (and an extensive library of) Pathfinder, I think 5e is the edition that will bring me back to D&D once and for all.
Dec 12, 1984 (Age: 39)
Santiago, Chile


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