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Recent content by Chronosome

  1. Chronosome

    D&D 4E your 4E game is set...

    Ooops -- I accidentally put in for "classic" Realms instead of 4e.
  2. Chronosome

    Boston Gameday May 21st - Directions posted

    :) Seems like much fun was had. Turns out I had the Saturday free. Coulda, shoulda, woulda, etc... :erm:
  3. Chronosome

    Line of sight rule?

    Good ruling. I'd throw in a Perception (DC +10 "through a wall", at least) check to guess which square the creatures might be in.
  4. Chronosome

    You Wanted Character Themes, You Got 'Em - Dragon 399 ToC

    I see themes as "what defines you" and backgrounds as "what made you". Either option can independently influence a character's mechanics and narrative. There may be some descriptive overlap, but I don't think their fundamental reasons-to-be change much.
  5. Chronosome

    You Wanted Character Themes, You Got 'Em - Dragon 399 ToC

    Yup yup. We've got a demand, they've got a supply.
  6. Chronosome

    Dragon 398: Rituals Index

    "Wow" is right! It never seemed to me there were this many. Handy reference. They should put the description lines in the Compendium.
  7. Chronosome

    When did WotC D&D "Jump the Shark"?

    Discussing whether or not something has "jumped the shark" is silly. Some people currently dig D&D and some people don't, for various reasons. You don't discuss if something has "jumped"; you discuss when it did, after it did. I'd leave it to the nerd-historians (snarkyologists?) of tomorrow. :)
  8. Chronosome

    What does the Artificer, Seeker and Runepriest need?

    Hmm... This thread makes me wonder if one could just tweak some druid controller powers and give them to the seeker (and vice-versa, I suppose). Change their ranges to "weapon", etc... I'm going to poke around, see what can be done.
  9. Chronosome

    Dungeon 188 - Baelard's Legacy

    Ooh, classic... I'll have to "flip" through this soon. (Maybe I should print it out, for nostalgia's sake?)
  10. Chronosome

    Enemies going stealth????

    I'm opinioning, and stand by my "bleck". :)
  11. Chronosome

    Enemies going stealth????

    "Verbing" was "gifted" to us by the internet's influence on culture. Bleck.
  12. Chronosome

    D&D 4E How did 4e take simulation away from D&D?

    Here's another option for threefivey adaptation: Why not just make your own skill and set its DCs? All "trained" means these days is a +5 bonus, so make Craft (soap) or Perform (comedy) into 4e skills with an Intelligence and Charisma base, then write up what these new skills can do. (Hell, use...
  13. Chronosome

    Correct Persistent Tail usage?

    The power, per activation, works only against a particular target once per turn. There's really no way around that. You activate the power on your turn with a move action which effectively "brands" the target. Then, when they move, you have the opportunity (via immediate reaction) to move and...
  14. Chronosome

    Dungeon #187 - first issue with 0 adventures?

    This is a disappointment to learn, since I just renewed. Hmm. Oh well -- at least the next issue of Dragon looks promising.
  15. Chronosome

    Dragon 397 - Table of Contents

    Dragon had taken a mammoth uppercut and now lay prone on its belly, gasping for air. Through the bloody, blurry haze of its one good eye it made out the shape of the referee, ethereal and counting. It felt weak, so weak... 5... 6... 7... No! This fight wasn't over yet! The last round's beating...