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Recent content by arwink

  1. arwink

    Stunlock in Mutants & Masterminds!

    The hero point you're giving out should only go to the hero whose stun result you're reversing rather than the whole group. It's not a huge change, but it does make a difference and the payoff for that single character not having an effect on that attack is the chance to do something spectacular...
  2. arwink

    Knowledges that are hard to fit.

    It depends on the setting - I'd throw astronomy under knowledge Nature, but I like my druids to be mysterious stargazing types that hang-out in circles of standing stones. In other settings I'd either put it under Arcana or Religion, depending on the number of gods associated with celestial...
  3. arwink

    The White Cloaks: Tales of Borr

    Lik returns to the group around the campfire, moving as casually as he can. Fortunately the tradition-bound kobold is always a bit stiff and formal in his movements, so his attempts at subtlety aren't too bad; he delivers the news in a low voice, prompting a brief discussion about what might be...
  4. arwink

    The White Cloaks: Tales of Borr

    They slog through the rain, wary eyes on hilltops, but there is no further sign of ambush. A sense of relief spreads through everyone as Father Osterbolger sends the order down the line, telling people to slow the pace and starting looking for a decent campsite. It's a tough proposition, given...
  5. arwink

    The White Cloaks: Tales of Borr

    Notes for the Interested This is ostensibly the same world that I used in my last storyhour (left unfinished way back in 2005 after players relocated), though it's been advanced 500 years and I'm stealing stealing elements liberally from any source that seems interesting. Heck, even the...
  6. arwink

    The White Cloaks: Tales of Borr

    Session One, Part One The soft whir of slings spinning cuts through the thick rattle of the rainfall on the wagon, a small hail of stone bullets following soon after, though the rain makes accuracy near impossible. The cry goes up from all three wagons – Raiders! To Arms! – and the small unit...
  7. arwink

    EN World Short Story Smackdown - FINAL: Berandor vs Piratecat - The Judgment Is In!

    Sorry guys, my fault again. It seems like the only free time I'm getting these days are Saturdays, so this has been my first chance to check in and read. Currently writing up comments and getting them ready to send through.
  8. arwink

    EN World Short Story Smackdown - FINAL: Berandor vs Piratecat - The Judgment Is In!

    I just cleared Rodrigo vs. Piratecat off the decks and mailed the judgement off. Damn your hides, the pair of you - it would have been faster if it hadn't been a tough round to call.
  9. arwink

    EN World Short Story Smackdown - FINAL: Berandor vs Piratecat - The Judgment Is In!

    My fault, I'm afraid. The deadline I was trying to meet by Friday ended up eating most of my weekend, but it was (finaly!) finished about a half-hour ago. I've sent off quick gut-instinct-style judgments for Eeralai vs. Disharock and Berandor vs. Starman, but I imagine it'll be another couple of...
  10. arwink

    EN World Short Story Smackdown - FINAL: Berandor vs Piratecat - The Judgment Is In!

    Appologies to those who are waiting for judgement - this week has kind of gotten away from me despite my best intentions. I wish I could say I was about to do it now, but I've been up for fourty-six of the last fourty-eight hours trying to hit a work deadline and I'm feeling a little vague. The...
  11. arwink

    EN World Short Story Smackdown - FINAL: Berandor vs Piratecat - The Judgment Is In!

    I've got to ditto Herremann's notes on the picture use. For me the basic default test for effective image use in Ceramic DM is this: 1) Would the story be changed if you removed the scene/character/etc the picture inspired from the narrative? Commentary: I'm going to pick on Rangerwickett on...
  12. arwink

    EN World Short Story Smackdown - FINAL: Berandor vs Piratecat - The Judgment Is In!

    Congratulations to all the winners, and commiserations to all the folks who didn't go through. Ceramic DM is a tough competition, both in terms of the contestants that show up and the kind of pressure you put yourself under coming up with ideas and getting the story down. I have a huge amount of...
  13. arwink

    EN World Short Story Smackdown - FINAL: Berandor vs Piratecat - The Judgment Is In!

    Deep and meaningful is over-rated. All other things being equal, I'd happily read the story of a writer whose having fun with their work over anything else :)
  14. arwink

    EN World Short Story Smackdown - FINAL: Berandor vs Piratecat - The Judgment Is In!

    One of my friends has a theory that writing should get harder, rather than easier. It means you're getting more discerning when you judge your own writing, that you're pushing yourself to try new things rather than relying on familiar techniques, and generally evolving into a better writer...
  15. arwink

    EN World Short Story Smackdown - FINAL: Berandor vs Piratecat - The Judgment Is In!

    That will probably leave me as the delay. Seems it was a bad weekend to be a Ceramic DM judge (I was in a minor car accident; I'm fine, my car is not quite so lucky, and the insurance companies have eaten my free time today). I've sent off a judgement for Piratecat vs. Orchid Blossom, but I...