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Recent content by Aethmud

  1. Aethmud

    (IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

    Jack flits over to Logrim. "Ludo's a brave companion, and I know how much he means to you. Once we get out of here, I'll help you fix him up." Jack grins as he conjures a spectral hand, takes out a playing card from his his pocket, and begins a brief one-handed game of fetch with his mage hand...
  2. Aethmud

    (IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

    Jack's eyes widen in horror as he spots the flickering runes on the floor, and begins to realize that they are somehow growing stronger. "Everyone, get out of the circular room now!" he chirps, his voice frantic with urgency. "There's a magic circle that surrounds the whole room—and it’s...
  3. Aethmud

    (IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

    Jack focuses his Icy Touch spell on the one-eyed zombie. "Time to frost your vision, you ghastly gourmet!" The spell lands a hit, but does only minimal damage. Then, Jack flutters through the chaos, his wings shimmering with a mix of urgency and determination as he notices his harengon friend...
  4. Aethmud

    (IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

    Jack's eyes open wide with concern, as he prepares to launch another icy blast. "Who ordered the frost-bitten special?" Jack shouts. With a swift, precise flick of his hands, he conjures a gleaming icicle, directing it with deadly accuracy toward the derro zombie. The icy spear sails through the...
  5. Aethmud

    (IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

    As the unsettling groans intensify, Jack takes to the air with a flutter of urgency, his wings beating a rapid tempo. Hovering slightly above his companion's heads, he scans the dimly lit corridors with keen eyes, darting back and forth in a nervous ballet in an attempt to see whether the horde...
  6. Aethmud

    (IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

    Jack blinks, twice, in astonishment at Aric's handling of the undead remains. He's without words, but just for a moment. Then, he glances at the smoldering heap with a mischievous grin, some thoughts taking shape. "Well, if we're turning undead to cinders, why not be efficient about it? Once...
  7. Aethmud

    (IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

    Jack lets out a lighthearted chuckle as he floats closer to Brydum, his eyes and wings twinkling with mirth. "Brydum, my friend, you haven't had too many of Angrom's 'mountain spring waters' influencing your button-pushing decisions, have you?" he jests, a playful smirk playing on his lips. "But...
  8. Aethmud

    (IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

    Jack, with a flicker of his luminescent wings, gracefully flutters to a strategic vantage point, settling in a position where he anticipates having a good view as the secret door swings open, while leaving plenty of distance. A chill of air begins to swirling around his fingertips, as he...
  9. Aethmud

    [OOC] Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden [closed but waitlist is available]

    Deffo not waning interest. Been very very busy. I have some unexpected work that's come up this week too. But I will do my best to keep up.
  10. Aethmud

    [OOC] Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden [closed but waitlist is available]

    Jack is reliant on light from the party. As a fairy, he has Druidcraft as a cantrip which could light a torch or fire if necessary. I've been roleplaying a shimmer from his wings that plays up his mood and energy, but he doesn't have any specific class feature that actually produces magical light.
  11. Aethmud

    (IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

    Jack gives Angrom a knowing grin, "That must be some special spring, Angrom, where the water flows with a hint of grain. Dwarven springs never cease to amaze! Anyway, I prefer to keep my wits as sharp as my blade before a delve. There'll be plenty of time for toasting once we're not the ones...
  12. Aethmud

    [OOC] Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden [closed but waitlist is available]

    Just a few notes for you @Quickleaf as we get started with the dungeon crawl, given that we haven't taken a long rest in a while: Jack has 2x lvl-1 spell slots left (all his other spell slots are spent) Jack has 1 sorcery point left (the other 2 are spent) Jack's Tides of Chaos ability was used...
  13. Aethmud

    (IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

    Jack steps forward with a modest bow, stopping to stand slightly behind his companions, his posture conveying respect to the Dain and a mindful deference to Zeth and Lumrolur's lead in the dialogue. "Dain Silverstream, I am Jack Everfrost, humbled to stand before you in your esteemed hall. Our...
  14. Aethmud

    [OOC] Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden [closed but waitlist is available]

    I'm good with meeting with the Dain, and getting on our way. I was thinking about whether meeting with Drizzt might be helpful or harmful for our party. He could be a guide/mentor, or he could be a foil, tough to say. Jack would be skeptical of Drizzt's intentions, just due to preconceptions...
  15. Aethmud

    (IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

    Jack chuckles, catching Lumrolur's wink and adding, "Should we encounter any of those unwelcome undead, a vial or two of that blessed water should do the trick." Jack flutters up above and exclaims, "I'll take to the skies and give those ground-bound ghouls a proper celestial shower. Undead...