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Watching it again with my 15-yo. My oldest wouldn’t be able to stomach the gore, and my youngest would get nightmares, but my middle daughter enjoys this sort of stuff, and it’s perfect for some father-daughter time.

Gonna see if I pick up on more the second time around. Gotta make the most of my 7-day free trial of Prime as well.

I wonder for how long the Ghoul was Dom Pedro’s prisoner. Honcho says something about the don digging the Ghoul up “every 30 years” to cut bits off. He doesn’t appear to be missing any bits … Also, I wonder if Dom Pedro is based in what used to be Mexico. It’s obviously not in California, judging by the conversation between the Ghoul and Honcho.

EDIT: Spotted a bit of foreshadowing in episode 2 ... when Ma June points out that Lucy has all ten fingers.

Also, Jim's Limbs are pretty horrific. How would anyone survive that?
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Watching it again with my 15-yo.
Yeah that sounds about right - my friend was asking me if I thought the gore etc. level was okay for his 11-year-old daughter (he hasn't watched it yet), who is like pretty practical and tough and I had to say "Honest opinion? Probably not quite yet - mainly because of the gore" - but like 15 for sure (probably 13 for some kids - and probably never for a few people!).

I remember personally I saw The Untouchables at 11, because my dad was watching it, and he failed to shoo me out of the room, I think because he thought it was a good movie and I should watch good movies, and wow, I should not have watched that, the headshot in the elevator scene is with me to this day, despite having seen far, far worse since - and other stuff was pretty disturbing too at that age. But I watched Alien and Aliens and Terminator and so on at 13 and loved them.

Gonna see if I pick up on more the second time around.
Yeah I'm kind of sad I haven't got a reason to watch it again myself - it seems like it would definitely bear at least one re-watch, like GoT early seasons did (I watched most episodes of that twice, for various reasons). Unfortunately I seem to have become "please watch this great show that no-one will watch so we can talk about it!!!" guy to my friends (this is as surprising to me as anyone else, given my propensity for 'hot takes'!) and am like, "booked in" to watch multiple other series so I can talk to people about them (Dark S2 is next!).

He doesn’t appear to be missing any bits
As a ghoul, he regenerates (this has never been entirely squared with their horrific appearance, missing noses, etc. - artistic licence I guess). The show shows this a bit, like Cooper gets shot quite a few times and just shrugs it off, and when he sews his finger back on, it rapidly becomes operational again and the new ghoul regenerates a horrific foot injury and a fatal crossbow injury. So the bits may simply have come back - it might be that if he waited long enough that finger would have come back - but it might be months/years. And 30 years would give time for that (realistically you'd need biomass - i.e. food etc. but all shows forget this re: regeneration so I won't hold Fallout of all things to that!).

"Every 30 years" suggests Dom Pedro is himself a ghoul or otherwise extremely long-lived too (robot, cyborg/brain-in-a-jar, etc.), because that's very infrequent otherwise, like twice in a long lifetime. It could also be an exaggeration/legend of course (or the traditional duty of a passed-on title "Dom Pedro"). Also thanks to your comment I now finally get why when the other ghoul, who was about to go feral, said "You must have made a lot of money to have bought all the vials to stay sane for the decades since I saw you!", Cooper says "Something like that" - he's referring to Dom Pedro pumping the stuff into him in his coffin so he could suffer properly. At the time Cooper seemed so hyper-competent that I just assumed he was being vague for the sake of being vague, because I'd quite forgotten that scene!
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Watching it again with my 15-yo. My oldest wouldn’t be able to stomach the gore, and my youngest would get nightmares, but my middle daughter enjoys this sort of stuff, and it’s perfect for some father-daughter time.

Gonna see if I pick up on more the second time around. Gotta make the most of my 7-day free trial of Prime as well.

I wonder for how long the Ghoul was Dom Pedro’s prisoner. Honcho says something about the don digging the Ghoul up “every 30 years” to cut bits off. He doesn’t appear to be missing any bits … Also, I wonder if Dom Pedro is based in what used to be Mexico. It’s obviously not in California, judging by the conversation between the Ghoul and Honcho.

EDIT: Spotted a bit of foreshadowing in episode 2 ... when Ma June points out that Lucy has all ten fingers.

Also, Jim's Limbs are pretty horrific. How would anyone survive that?

Amazons the weakest in terms of bew content. They have a great back catalog though.


Movies (we did a Bond marathon)
Bosch (cop drama)
The Boys
Married With Children
Clarkson Farm
Grand Tour
Archeo (archeology documentary)


I didn't realise that the whole "War never changes" was a continuing line until I loaded up New Vegas again and it popped up, it's one of the opening lines in fo4, I think while you're making your character.

It's also sature. In the show the not Fascists and not Communists are going at it.

"War never changes".


I actually think that the BoS was portrayed pretty well in FO4, all things considered. They were definitely the "good guys" of FO3 but in the Commonwealth they're pretty horrible, all things told.

BOS is kinda complex. They can easily be the villains, protagonists, antagonists and everything in between.

Human supremisys but ghouls go feral and most supermutants are insane from FEV.


I remember personally I saw The Untouchables at 11 …
I think I was also 11 when my dad showed me that movie! We were in a hotel room in Lesotho, I think, and it was on the TV. I don’t remember much about it.

, … and when he sews his finger back on, it rapidly becomes operational again … So the bits may simply have come back - it might be that if he waited long enough that finger would have come back - but it might be months/years.
One thing I wasn’t sure about is whether that’s his finger he sews back on or Lucy’s. I need to check when I watch that scene again.

Oh, and I just thought of some other bits of foreshadowing! In ep 1, when Hank talks about how the “mean old” surface world might change the vault dwellers rather than the other way around (it might not have changed Hank, but it certainly changes Lucy), and in ep 2, when Wilzig muses whether Lucy will still want the same things after she’s “become a different animal entirely” (I’d argue she doesn’t completely change, but she no longer wants to take her dad back to Vault 33 by the end).


BTW the brain in a jar are Robobrains.

Kid in a Fridge is a mission in FO4 except the kid becomes a Ghoul. 200 years sealed in the fridge.

Life extension tech dies exist outside cryogenic or Ghoul. Cybernetics on east coast. Not sure on the show.
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Definitely this is not true in the game lore - ghouls 100% were created by radiation, it's absolutely explicit and repeated lore - most humans just die from it, but an infinitesimal proportion become ghouls. It's more likely the inverse is true, i.e. the scientists found out about ghouls and thought they could "improve" on that, but just found a way to make more ghouls.

No, your idea is correct and it's not even in question. Even the Bethesda games repeatedly explain this. There are other ways to become ghouls though - I think this is "future-proofing" in a sense, because otherwise pretty much all ghouls would be from exactly 2077.

Re: feral ghouls - they're common in the games - you always start sentient then most ghouls go feral in days or weeks, but some take decades or just never do - non-feral ghouls are still relatively common as of FO4. The games didn't have a liquid to control it - it's unclear from the show how long that liquid has been around for, but it seems like a while - perhaps it was only locally available in this part of California.

They're really small nukes, like very tiny - I know they look large, but none of them except maaaaaaybe the first one are Hiroshima/Nagasaki in size - the flashes are much weaker too - the first should have blinded them and burned their skin at that range, if it was as strong as Hiroshima. Thus the amount of gamma radiation they're emitting is probably going to be pretty limited - they're not hydrogen bombs and they're certainly not neutron bombs (which are a real thing), both of which emit a lot more hard radiation. The alpha and beta particles won't be a serious problem for like, minutes to hours. So given in minuscule size of those nukes (like the nearest one, was that even a kiloton? It looked maybe smaller than the conventional fertilizer explosion in Beirut a few years back and that was what, 0.5 KT?). I will say despite the size of the nukes, that was a particularly eerie nuclear bomb scene.

The city-killers we have in our ICBM/SSBMs IRL are hydrogen bombs in the high dozens to many hundreds of kilotons, adjustable via how much deuterium/tritium is used - there's literally a mechanism to change it prior to detonation (and we have multiple ones per missile via MIRVs), and we've had (though I dunno if we still do) multi-megaton weapons (the largest ever detonated being 50 megatons, which was stupidly large even for the Soviets). So we have much, much nastier nukes than we saw deployed here. My guess is they had many more, much dirtier, much smaller nukes that we would use - perhaps hydrogen bombs were disfavoured for some reason (they're much much cleaner for the amount of destruction they cause - I can strongly recommend Dark Sun: A History of the Hydrogen Bomb if you're willing to read serious science along with fun anecdotes about the cold war and disturbing information about how awful nukes are).

Correct. And yeah that grainy short video was by far the most disturbing thing in the entire show for me. The nukes being the next.

The bombs are a lot bigger than Hiroshima.

That hill when they detonate is a good 2-4 kilometers away from the initial blast. Maybe more scale is hard.

Less than 1 megaton though 8km radius blast apparently.

200-750 average in their universe.



He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
On a different note: I don't know if it's just me getting old, or if it's an issue with the way the modern movies/shows are filmed, but there are always some lines of dialogue that I find difficult to hear. In this case it was mostly Norm and Maximus (especially when he wasn't projecting in his deeper voice). I felt like their actors often didn't enunciate their lines very well. Anyone else feel the same way? (FWIW I watched the whole show on my iPad with my ear buds, so it wasn't an issue with my TV sound system, which occasionally as audio issues - most notably with Dune Part 1, where the dialogue is super quiet and everything else is super loud.)
I didnt find any issue with Fallout or most programming in general. However, Nolan and Villenuve do some crazy mix as you say. Im not sure if the purpose is for theatrical experience that doesn't translate well or what. Those seem to be the only places I get a slight issue keeping up.

The bombs are a lot bigger than Hiroshima.
I am aware of what the wiki says.

But we're talking about the actual bombs actually shown on-screen here, not waffle from the wiki from the inconsistent info in the games. None of the ones shown even remotely approach 200 KT, no matter how much you tweak the variables. Let alone higher figures.

Re-watching the scene, I did notice one potentially important thing - these are ground bursts not air bursts. They were not hit by warheads from ICBMs, SSBMs, or even a cruise missile. They weren't bombs dropped from a plane (which also normally airburst - Hiroshima and Nagasaki did for example). They were detonated at or beneath ground level (which includes up to a few stories up).

So that means they could be larger than my initial estimate. When a bomb ground bursts, the radius of all aspects of destruction except the fireball and radiation zone are like 20-30% smaller (very crude generalization).

There's a grim tool you can play with here to see historical nukes: NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein

NB the destruction radii are quite conservative, rather than maximalist.

Even 150 KT ground burst would have caused 3rd degree burns at 4.7km - no-one would be walking or riding away, they'd be rolling around and screaming. Even a 20 KT bomb does that out to nearly 2km on a ground burst, and would have caused a ton more flash-fire than we saw.

So I would suggest the bombs we saw were probably more like 10 KT, given no-one caught fire, was blinded, or got any burns, and the cars didn't even have their windows shattered, only the huge ultra-vulnerable windows of the house did (meaning you're beyond even the "light damage" radius, where basically all windows will shatter).

They also had the sound/blast travel unrealistically slowly, but I'd put that down to artistic licence.

But them being ground bursts is very interesting (and definitely intentional given the complexity of the FX). It suggests that perhaps the Vault-tec alliance's plan to start the war themselves was very, very literal, and they just drove bombs into position. So perhaps you could say the wiki is correct in that the FO military typically used 200 KT or more bombs, but Vault-tec used significantly smaller ones (perhaps to ensure the right people could be in the right places to get to the shelters).

The other thing that's a little interesting is Janey is with Cooper, but her mother surely knew when the bombs were being detonated, so I wonder what is going on there.

Also even a 10 KT bomb in the middle of a bright day at 4km would almost certainly have blinded anyone looking in the direction of the bomb, as Janey was, but perhaps the blast was slightly underground? The trouble is the flash is from the fireball, which would have been nearly 450m wide. So maybe we just have to say that was unrealistic - or it may be that the bomb was significantly underground - the one used on Shady Sands almost certainly was underground, from the massive crater but limited blast damage.

I didnt find any issue with Fallout or most programming in general. However, Nolan and Villenuve do some crazy mix as you say. Im not sure if the purpose is for theatrical experience that doesn't translate well or what. Those seem to be the only places I get a slight issue keeping up.
It's the mixing, and also Nolan (not Jonathan Nolan, his brother, the film guy) is intentionally a dick about it, and very intentionally and consciously has mixed his film so even on most cinema setups, you have to strain to hear them clearly, because he delusionally thinks (or thought, he seems to have changed his mind somewhat with Oppenheimer and after the negative reaction and huge mockery for it with Tenant) that this "enhances the experience", rather than just screwing over a large part of the audience who are watching the movies in less-than-ideal theatres, have minor hearing issues which don't cause problems with other films, at home, and so on.

It's a slightly similar issue with high-end TV shows (including BBC ones here) - many seem to be mixed on the assumption that you have a 5.1 or better surround system that is fully and correctly set up. Now, what gets me is - we know that's completely false - almost everyone (I forget the exact figure, but it's very high, like over 80%) is watching TV with the sound coming from the TV's built-in speakers, or on a laptop or tablet or phone with terrible speakers or low-end stereo headphones. On top of that, many people just don't turn the volume up, because the mixing is such that, to hear the speech, "loud" sounds have to be VERY LOUD, and depending on the speakers, potentially even distorted. This is part of why so many people listen with subtitles on now.

If you have good quality headphones, or a proper surround setup, or even just a good soundbar, you probably won't come across the issue.
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