D&D General Bob World Builder Recreates WOTC's "Do You Like Me?" Survey!

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It’s only been a week. Good grief.

That was part of why it seems so odd. He obviously wanted to know what people thought of WotC and D&D so bad he immediately released his own survey days after theirs closed.
he released his before theirs closed, presumably because it was clear / highly likely that WotC would not release the results, at least that is my understanding


You might be the only person who claims that people expressing joy only to have that joy eventually end is "almost as bad" as that same period of relentless sorrow.

No Zard, long stretches of bubbles of people being positive is not, in any way, equivalent to long stretches of negativity. The world brings it's own negativity without any need at all to spread more of it around regarding people's hobbies. And spreading positivity, even if it risks being ended earlier or is based on hopes which do not end up being realized, remains incredible more valuable to humanity than constant negativity.

You are not a hero for being a realist about a fantasy gaming hobby. You are not making people's lives better by being a realist about fantasy gaming hobbies. Your fear of hopes being dashed should not rule your courage to have hope about things you enjoy in life like your fantasy gaming hobby.

Thanks for gaslighting me.
Relentless positivity when it goes to far is when people start actively "fake news" or "clickbaiting" anything they disagree with.

In 5E terms we've seen that with the movie, bookscan and Hasbros financial reports.

You se ot on other hobbies and with sone forums in 4E. Anyone with different opinion gets shouted down and only "positive" opinions are allowed. Anything negative is fake news, brushed aside or ignored.

At least until the negative becomes such a thing you can't deny or minimize it.

If you present a negative that's not doom and glooming it if the source is good or its direct from Hasbro. Adding additional commentary is.

So depending on the results of Bob's survey and how he presents it if the results are positive or negative depends if it's clickbait or not.

Other places use a click bait thumbnail but the video for example is fairly neutral.

And even if someone has a negative opinion so what? It's theor opinion. If it's always negative or they only do negative titles that's a bit different.


I find it very hard to believe that anyone who follows her thinks this is true.

Like, I like her IG and twitter content, and a lot of her videos are very fun, but she does a much broader range of content than silly music videos and D&D pickup lines and a pinup calendar.

But of course people want to performatively roll their eyes at eachother so badly they’ll take “person X makes more of content Y than I’d like, even though most of their content isn’t Y” and pretend it’s instead saying “Person X is a content Y monger who only makes content Y.” 🤷‍♂️
Going through Ginny's videos, I see:

  • Tips on building characters together in session zero to have pre-existing connections to help fuel roleplay.
  • Common problems people have when DMing, from not setting expectations for the table, not being flexible with rules, or communicating things poorly.
  • A silly video based around a signature cantrip.
  • A treatise on the positives of letting players get to the JRPG endgame of killing gods
  • Tips for other people who have AD&D to help them manage a hobby that takes a good amount of focus
  • A showcase of her dice goblinry
  • A video going into her playing 1 on 1 D&D
  • A video about one of her DnD PCs
  • Tips for running the infamous shopping scene
  • Tips on how to make characters more than their stats
  • A heartfelt video about playing D&D with her parents
  • A video about how BG3 is different from RAW 5E
  • A video about liches, with an accompanying music video
  • How the cursed items of yesteryear might need adjustments for more common playstyles
  • Tips on running horror in a game that's made to be a power fantasy
  • A way to adjust the ending of a module for impact
  • A video making a character in BG3
  • Tips on how to roleplay a character's strengths and weaknesses
  • Thoughts on formulating character backstories
  • A music video
  • An NPC for people to use in their games
  • "What it's like to be a professional D&D Youtuber"
  • A showcase of a very pretty character binder

That's her last nine months of videos; nine months where Ginny Di is essentially doing free advertising for this game that apparently she's very cynical about? Wait, not free: one of the music videos is literally sponsored. She had 2 videos, two, about the OGL when that was a bit more current, the first of which was her basically saying she didn't want to get pulled into the muck with the rest of the scene and the second was an interview with Kyle Brink, essentially letting him get thoughts out with her doing a bare minimum of push back on certain ideas.

I try really hard to be positive when I interact with people online because I see how much negativity makes people miserable, and it's REALLY easy to not think about posters as fellow humans and just use their avatar as a target for venting, but for some reason this narrative of "Bob and Ginny are just toxic clout chasers using cynicism for cash" is really making me upset. It's not grounded in reality.


I can’t help but notice that despite all of Bob’s positive content, it’s the click bait stuff like this survey that gets posted as a thread here on these boards.
The last six months of this board's interaction with YouTube has been: Look at How YouTubers Are Bad For Not Being Nice To WotC: The Movie: The Game.


The last six months of this board's interaction with YouTube has been: Look at How YouTubers Are Bad For Not Being Nice To WotC: The Movie: The Game.

Probably because youtubers are saltyover OGL debacle. ..
Self inflicted by wotc. Before that it was mostly neutral/positive.

Non D&Ders youtubers also picked up on it. Eg Penguinz0. His channel is quite large.

3.4 million views. His thing is mostly calling out corporations and toxic youtubers.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
but for some reason this narrative of "Bob and Ginny are just toxic clout chasers using cynicism for cash" is really making me upset. It's not grounded in reality.
I’ll tell ya what

You show me with actual quotes from my posts where I stated or supported that made up narrative you’ve got in quotes, and I’ll get around to reading the rest of your post.

If you’re just lumping everyone on one “side” of an argument together as if I’m responsible for other peoples’ statements, please just block me.

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