• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Cleric, Druid, Wizard Options

In another new Unearthed Arcana (these things are coming out fast right now!) the cleric receives a new Divine Domain option: the Twilight Domain; the druid gains a new Druid Circle option: the Circle of Wildfire; and the wizard gains a new Arcane Tradition feature: Onomancy, the magic of true names.

In another new Unearthed Arcana (these things are coming out fast right now!) the cleric receives a new Divine Domain option: the Twilight Domain; the druid gains a new Druid Circle option: the Circle of Wildfire; and the wizard gains a new Arcane Tradition feature: Onomancy, the magic of true names.


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Mod Squad
Staff member
The ones saying it (if they are serious) might be brainlets. I mean...i cant take this seriously.

Mod Note:

Insulting people for liking something you don't is a fast way to get the hairy eyeball from a moderator, folks. Please accept that reasonable, and intelligent, people can want different things from a product.

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Do not argue with a moderator in-thread. If you have an issue, please take it to PM or e-mail.
Mod Note:

Insulting people for liking something you don't is a fast way to get the hairy eyeball from a moderator, folks. Please accept that reasonable, and intelligent, people can want different things from a product.
I thought i made pretty clear that the issue wasnt that i didnt like it. The issue was that i literally dont understand what usefulness people are finding in it. As in it genuinely is confusing me. I dont see anyone having explained the actual usefulness of it which differentiates it from uaing an internet connection. In other words. This is not about preference. This is about me not perceiving any function to be had. At all. You cant realistically say that this is about "what i like" when its been positioned this way the literal entire time.

Also i suppose we'll just have to disagree about whether i made any "insult" per se. But i suppose I'll leave it at that.

The whole book is a tremendous bargain, in bang per buck ratio. The name lists are a delicious dessert, and again, I use them. Also, unlike online name generators, they can be used at the table on the fly without involving electronics. That's worth $$$ right there.
I've lost too many good books to Cheeto fingers and spilled mountain dew to ever go back to paper books. I died a little inside when my Changeling book got covered in black smudges, and I still haven't found the culprit.

Actually, when you dont remove all context like you did it could be said that i was saying i REFUSE to think of the players in said fashion. Sorta confounds this notion that i just called everyone stupid which would be a very narrow view of what i said.

Point is i disagree with the accuracy here. About me. About who was insulting players. About players in any signifficabt regard having sent that feedback in.

But ill leave it at that. I'll move on.


CoW has a great spell list and I like the idea of using Wild Shape for other abilities. That said, I'm not seeing the allure of Summon Wildfire.

I like the damage when it is first summoned but after that, you are basically using your bonus action for a +4 to hit ranged attack that deals 1d6+2 damage or maybe the Help action once in a while. Oh, and you get a 1/rest short-range teleport.

(Side note: when does the teleport recharge? After the druid's short rest? Or the Spirit's short rest? If it dies, does the teleport reset if you use another usage of Wild Shape to resummon it?)

Maybe it's fine because druids don't have much that use bonus actions so this gives them something I guess. But the spirit doesn't really do much. It feels underwhelming.

Enhanced Bond is also a clunky mechanic. And it's unclear what "When a creature you can see touches these flames..." in Flames of Life means. Do you simply just choose a target and they hit automatically?

I'm guessing it recharges on the Druid's short rest because the spirit only last for 1 hour so it CAN'T take a short rest otherwise it goes POOF!

And yeah, the attack doesn't really scale with level. As a Druid you CAN have uses for your bonus action, like with Flaming Sphere or Dust Devil and other similar things... and I think some of the summon spells? Or if you want to use Magic Stone?


For those of us who have no idea:

What is an "Izzet" wizard?

Like @Twiggly the Gnome said, Izzet is a faction in Ravnica dedicated to magical mad science. Last year in Unearthed Arcana, they tested a Wizard Subclass called the "School of Invention" which was a Wild Magic surge table sort of Wizard. It was intended for Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica, bit did not pass mister in the UA surveys.

BUY A BOOK OF NAMES, seriously, you can already buy books that are nothing, but names including fantasy names, many of which are great, you don't need to ruin another one of the few official releases that D&D puts out on useless filler anyone can do on their own out. There is limited space that could have gone to something that was actually cool, instead of a lazy list of names.

Do you really think they would have put anything else on those pages other than the name lists? Instead, the book would have been shorter by those 17 pages plus more pages would have been lost, since publishing does all these kinds of books in page batches of 24 or 32, I don't remember which right now, so either 7 or 15 more pages of material would have been cut from the book as well.

And I am fine with the name lists too. In fact, if I want a Dwarf or Elf name, sometimes I will still get out the Lord of the Rings books and look through all the names in the appendices for something I like.

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