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Unearthed Arcana Unearthed Arcana: Psionics and Mystics Take Two

February's Unearthed Arcana article from WotC's Mike Mearls has been posted. This time around, the topic is psionics again "This month, Unearthed Arcana returns to the mystic character class and the rules for psionics. Based on the playtest feedback you sent us, there are a number of changes you can expect." The article expands the Mystic class to 10th level, and adds a variety of new options.

February's Unearthed Arcana article from WotC's Mike Mearls has been posted. This time around, the topic is psionics again "This month, Unearthed Arcana returns to the mystic character class and the rules for psionics. Based on the playtest feedback you sent us, there are a number of changes you can expect." The article expands the Mystic class to 10th level, and adds a variety of new options.

Find the article right here.

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Yeah, I can't quite understand why no-one else seems bothered by this. Perhaps I'm just missing something, but it looks wildly, conspicuously overpowered to me, especially when you compare it to the poor Knowledge cleric's *seventeenth level* domain ability

Well, here's the ability in question for those keeping score at home:

Psionic Investigation
At 3rd level, you can focus your mind to read the psionic imprint left on an object. If you hold an object and concentrate on it for 10 minutes (as if concentrating on a psionic discipline), you learn a few basic facts about it. You gain a mental image from the object’s point of view, showing the last creature to hold the object, regardless of how long ago it was last handled.
You also learn of any events that have occurred within 20 feet of the object within the past 24 hours. The events you perceive unfold from the object’s perspective. You see and hear such events as if you were there, but can’t use other senses.
Additionally, you can embed an intangible psionic sensor within the object. For the next 24 hours, you can use an action to learn the object’s location relative to you (its distance and direction) and to look at the object’s surroundings from its point of view as if you were there. This perception lasts until the start of your next turn.

So, this is basically a ritual that lets you gain a bit of information from an object and learn about the past of the object. Very useful in a whodunnit murder mystery but, I'm not seeing too much utility otherwise. Sure, you can use it as a sort of wonky crystal ball, but, since it's only on an object, you'd actually have to find some way to get that object somewhere where it will be of use. Again, very limited utility.

Now, a Knowledge Cleric's 17th level domain ability let's you go far, far beyond 24 hours, allows you to follow the chain of owners back for 17 days, learning information from each. It also lets you read Areas out to about 50 feet going back, probably, about 20 days.

I'd say both are pretty much fluffy abilities with very limited use. Included for flavour and not much else. It's extremely unlikely this is going to cause any distress at the table.

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I think Carrie is just as valid as Professor X as an inspiration for psychic powers, so it seems like there should be a mystic subclass that fits with raging.

Gotta admit, I'm a sucker for the "strange little girl with big psychic powers" cliche. Played a one-shot (not D&D. GURPS?) where I sank pretty much all my points into telekinesis, and pounded everything - including the villain's hideout, with villains inside - to pieces by using cars as wrecking balls.

She also had a balloon.
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Possibly a Idiot.
Do psionics work while raging? I don't see any prohibition but it would seem like there should be.

Well, yes you can use psionics while raging.

This is because of a few things:

Psionics and the Mystic v2 said:
In general, an effect that affects a spell has no effect on a psionic effect.

It is the effect of rage that explicitly prohibits the casting of, or concentration on spells. However it does not cover the Focus mechanic, at all. And it can be interpreted that only the concentration blocking quality of Rage applies, due to concentration mechanics explicitly following the same rules.

So at worst you can still Focus, and at best you can still manifest any power that doesn't use concentration.

This is another reason I really don't care for the Focus mechanic.


Not sure if you could concentrate while raging by the rules, but, I wouldn't have a problem with a ruling that said that while you can "cast/manifest/whatever" while raging, concentration is out. While maybe not RAW, it's not a bad house rule. Certainly fitting.

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