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D&D General The Ultimate Homebrewed Magic Item Compedium


World of Kulan DM
I've been considering starting this thread for a while in order to find out how many homebrewers create their own unique magic items for Dungeons and Dragons. Who out there prefers to make all the new magic items for their own homebrews? And who lets their players do most of the creative process of creating new, unique magic items?

Magic items are great part of the game, regardless of edition. So share your own "unique" magic items that you've created for a homebrewed game for any edition of D&D -- OD&D, 1E, 2E, 3E or 4E.

Weapons, armor, rings, staves, wondrous item, etc. Anything goes. Feel free to give background information on the item, its statistics, and how the item impacted your game.

Let the creativity flow,


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El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
I've got the thread subscribed so I can easily find it and add things later, but I don't have anything right now. Been too busy.:(


World of Kulan DM
Chaufron of the Unicorn (650 XP value)

2E STATS: This magical item bestows the animal wearing it the intelligence of a unicorn. It doesn't affect alignment, AC, dmg, or any other statistics.

The animal can attack with the chaufron and do piercing damage with the metal horn on the top of it as if using a +1 magical weapon (1d8/1d10) *double damage if charging.


World of Kulan DM
Hand Axe of Returning (250 XP Value)

2E STATS: Hand axe, +1 when thrown -- (Fighter)

Axe has a range of 15/30/45.It will return to the wielder at the end of the melee round that it was thrown (even if it hits). A dwarven fighter that wields thisweapon gains +2 to hit and +1 to damage.


World of Kulan DM
Larea's Hunter (A World of Kulan Artifact)

Background: This magical blade was crafted by the goddess, Larea, herself (along with the help of the god Cull) for her favored mortal champion.

Throughout the centuries it had been passed down amongst her faithul followers. The last mortal to wield the blade was a warrior named Kevin Tigerstorm.

The weapon hasn't been seen since his disappearance (and presumed death).


World of Kulan DM
Malecadi (A Time of Ages Artifact)

2E STATS: Sword +5, Holy Avenger -- sword of continual light; undead slayer (1d10/1d12); AL LG; ego 20; powers -- slays CE opponents with first successful hit, slays all other evil beings on an unmodified 20 attack roll, disintegrates all forms of undead upon contact, Turns Undead as a 20th level priest when unsheathed and held bya paladin within 25 feet; it speaks 5 languages (Common, Tigé, Orc, Teres, and Trooda); Int 18; personality score 38.

Curse: Any evil being who trys to use the sword is bathed in celestial light and must save vs. Death once per round or be disintigrated. Neutral beings who try to use the sword must save as above butonly once. If they fail to save they are disintegrated but if they do save their alignment shifts immediately to good. Each month thereafter they must save again or shift towards Lawful Good in alignment, if not already. All Lawful Good, Neutral Good, and Chaotic Good characters must save vs. Spell or be turned into a servant of the Upper Planes. Chaotic Good beings become lesser eladrin, Neutral Good beings become lupinal guardinals, and Lawful Good beings become lantern archons. Paladins are immune to this effect!


World of Kulan DM
Cursed item

Shield of the Blue Dragon (0 XP)

2E STATS: Shield +1, +5 vs. lightning attacks (-5 vs. Blue Dragon breath weapon), cursed

For every week a character possesses this cursed shield, roll 1d20. If the roll is a 1, 2, 3, or 4 the shield's magic will attract a blue dragon of a random age category. A blue dragon must be within 1d10+1 miles. For every week that passes without a blue dragon encounter, the range in miles doubles. :]


World of Kulan DM
Last 2E item

The Bow of Wind (A World of Kulan Artifact)

2E STATS: Composite Long Bow +4, Air Rider; double range and damage; slays evil humanoids on an unmodified attack roll of 20. Will pierce (i.e. fly through) high winds without any penalties to hit.

History: The Bow of Wind is one of the Five Treasures of the Genies. If it is removed from its alter in The Fallenlands, the Black Storms that surround the continent will disperse.

Curse: The wielder will become intensely claustrophobic when within any permanently built structure or when underground.


Victoria Rules
One that I dreamed up many years ago; designed for 1e but can be used in any edition.


On first glance this thin straight stick appears much like any other wand, though a bit longer. Closer examination reveals a slit or notch in one end; only when this end is nocked to any long- or short-bow, as if it was the arrow, do this item's properties manifest and become known to the user.

When fired as an arrow, the 'wand cannot miss (except in case of fumble, if fumble rules are used). It has range and damage equivalent to a normal arrow fired from the user's bow, and has no inherent damage bonus; it is considered +5 for purposes of determining what it can hit (or in 3e terms, it bypasses any and all DR). It reappears in the shooter's quiver - or at the shooter's feet - at the start of the round following the next after which it was fired; in other words, it can be used at most every second round. It does not reappear if the shooter has teleported or changed plane in the intervening time.

Attempting to use as an ordinary point-and-shoot wand accomplishes nothing. Unlike other wands, this item neither has nor uses charges.

Value (in 1e) 5000 g.p., 500 ExP.


Voidrunner's Codex

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