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D&D General The River Six


Steeliest of the dragons
So, jumping off of a tangent of a tangent from the "make a list of only 6 Classes" challenge thread, which recently started talking species, as well... I was 6reminded of an ollllld thread wherein we were kinda building a whole system of a D&D game around the number 4.

And here we are.

So I thought, how would one do that with the number six -and could it give you a complete game and enjoyable play experience, of course.

Beginning with Character Creation we already have the six Abilities. We have the set of six dice (4,6,8,10,12,20). From there, come up with:

6 Classes: We have a (several) good basis of classes from the former thread.
6 Species for PCs
6 Categories of Themes/Backgrounds: elements that will flesh out/individualize characters beyond a "default" type of character. So, in a way, these are how you develop your different flavors and types of subclasses.

6 Alignments: if you can boil that down into 6 meaningful options and definitions, bonus points for you. 4e is probably a good place to start there and then figure out how to tease out one more option.
6 Weapons of each weapon type: This is more of an "up to" I guess. But not more than six each: Simple, Martial, Ranged, Reach, Miscellany. Exotic.
6 Spell levels: We just set the various Spell lists to a maximum of 6 spell levels. I would say, for extra credit and a really tough challenge, limit each level's list to 6 (preferably iconic and diversely useful) spells. You can divide out your magics by Class or Magic type or any other way that makes sense to you... if you make 6 of those go to the head of the class. ;)
6 Deities. What are the six archetypes of divinities -which can double as the Clerical domains, possibly?

Mine [this particular Sunday AM] looks like....
6 Classes
Fighter, Thief, Cleric, Mage, Ranger, Swordmage

6 Species
  • Humans
  • Beastmen: Kobold, Orc, Lizardman
  • Goblinoids: Goblin, Hobgoblin, Bugbear
  • Hybrids: Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Half-Planar
  • Stoutfolk: Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling
  • Sylvanfolk: Elf, Satyr, Centaur
6 Themes
(These could go on forever, but we'll start with 6 each)
  • General Themes: any class or species can take these: Acolyte, Artisan, Mercenary, Noble, Outsider, Scholar.
  • Warrior Themes: Fighter, Ranger, Swordmage, Dwarf, Elf, any Hybrid, any Goblinoid, any Beastman can take these: Brawler, Cavalier, Dual-Wielder, Gladiator, Shieldbasher, Weapon Expert.
  • Wizard Themes: Mage, Swordmage, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Planar, Hobgoblin can take these: Arcanist, Hedge/Green Mage (druid), Illusionist, Psychic, Shadowcaster, Sorcerer.
  • Mystic Themes: Cleric, Ranger, Orc, Lizardman, Centaur, any Hybrid: Advocate, Crusader (paladin-lite), Healer, Medium, Undead Hunter, Warden (nature magic)
  • Rogue Themes: Thief, Ranger, Kobold, Goblin, any Stoutfolk, any Sylvan, any Hybrid: Acrobat, Archer, Burglar, Skirmisher, Smuggler, Trickster.
  • Specialist Themes: specific archetypes that are limited by some restriction: class levels, species, alignment, etc...:
    • Bard (must be fighter, thief, ranger or any sylvan folk of x level),
    • Cunning Trapfinder (must be Kobold, any Stoutfolk or any Goblinoid)
    • Dwarven Forgepriest (cleric-enchanter/artificer-smith-defender of dwarven law, must be dwarf)
    • Elfin Woodmaster (druid-sorcerer-shapeshifting-protector of the forest, must be half-elf or any Sylvanfolk)
    • Necromancer (must be Mage, Swordmage, or Cleric of x level),
    • Paladin (must be a Cleric, Fighter, Ranger or Swordmage of x level and extreme alignment).
6 Alignments
  • Lawful Good
  • Good: your NG and CG, those looking to better society/the world, or even themselves, but without wishing or doing harm to/with concern for others, compassion, honesty, respect and generosity, all the "good/virtuous" things, expanding the Good (justice, equality, peace, etc...) is a worthwhile End unto itself and the Means (ethics) to achieving that end is/can be flexible.
  • Neutral: those that are consciously interested in maintaining/fighting for cosmic Balance of Law & Chaos.
  • Unaligned: those that do not have capacity for ethical/moral decision making (natural animals, constructs, mindless undead,, etc...), or those simply lacking ethical or moral concern (the selfish-but-not-evil, and/or CNs)
  • Evil: can be LE or NE, selfish or self-serving aims by whatever means necessary (may be lawful/ethical means, may be no ethics whatever), with a distinct lack of concern -if not gleeful enjoyment- for the suffering and harm of others, if lying/cheating/stealing other unethical or [general] criminal behavior is necessary, so be it. The personal Ends of the Evil individual are entirely -and indisputably- "justified" to/by themselves and the Means (ethics) needed to achieve those ends are immaterial.
  • Chaotic Evil: wanton destruction, pain and bloodlust, unfettered desire for strength/power which, then, "deserves" to be inflicted over any you can, zero concern for the good/benefit of the world, society, or even the self, cruelty is the point.
6 Weapon Groups (and 6 weapons)
  • Simple: Unarmed Strike, Club/cudgel, Dagger, Hammer, Scimitar, Staff
  • Martial: Battle Axe, Hand Axe, Longsword, Mace/Morningstar, Short Sword, War Hammer
  • Miscellany: Bola, Garrote, Net, Pickaxe, Sickle, Thrown Blade/Dart
  • Ranged: Crossbow, Hand Crossbow, Javelin/Short Spear, Long Bow, Short Bow, Sling
  • Reach: Glaive, Halberd, Lance, Polearm, Spear, Whip
  • Exotic: Aklys , Double-bladed Sword, Flail, Maul-Axe, Trident, Two-handed Sword

6 Spell Lists (I'm not going to venture to produce the spelllists, this is already taking too long)
  • Arcane Magic: Mages, Swordmages, and arcane-related themes, magic for offense, defense, utility, transformation, etc... Arcane can be thought of as "General Magic." That is, anything that can be done with magic or by supernatural or extraplanar entities can be achieved either in part/minor ways or entirely/major ways through arcane magic and spell use.
  • Divine Magic: Clerics and divine-related themes, magic for healing, (quite literally) "divination," resilience, radiant/positive energy, etc...
  • Nature Magic: nature-related themes (druids, bards, sylvan-sorcerers, etc...), magic for plants, animals, weather, cardinal elements, some healing, some illusion, etc...
  • Psychic Powers: psychic-related themes, telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, etc..
  • Occult Powers: eldritch-/occult-related themes (warlocks, diabolists, shadowcasters, etc...), magic for dealing with supernatural powers/entities, but not divinity/"gods," elemental powers, shadow, demonic powers/entreaties, etc...
  • Supernatural Powers: physical/metabolic-related themes, magical or supernatural powers that effect the individual's body: shapeshifting, chi/ki powers, self-healing, enhancing strength/speed/size, transmuting skin, etc...
6 Deities
  • The Solar/Sky Deity: sun, sky/air/weather, order/law, bringer of light, civilization, protection from darkness, associated with truth/justice/security. Could be a sun king/god crusdaing against the forces of evil and/or a weather/sky goddess who brings the soothing rains that cooled and created the world.
  • The Nature/Growth Deity: plants, agriculture, life and growth, bounty/generosity, kindness/serenity, animals, the elements (and so weather here, too). Could be a mother-goddess bearing the bounty of creation or a hunter god on the eternal chase of some cosmic monster.
  • The Battle/Hero Deity: battleskill, strength (physical and otherwise), courage/valor, defense/protection, noblility/worthy causes, but also vanquishing/conqurering your foes. Could be a thunder-god who fights the hordes of evil to protect mortal realms or a victory-goddess of gleaming armor and unbeatable tactics and weapon-skill.
  • The Travel/Trickster Deity: movement/travel, trickery, shadow, illusion and enchantment, stealth and rogue-skills, equal parts charm/jokes/luck, duality, and deception. Could be a shapeshifting mischief-making god of music or a thieves' goddess of shadows, luck, and self-interest.
  • The Lore/Knowledge Deity: intellect, wisdom, history, language, writing, the seeking/discovery/understanding of the unknown, magic/sorcery, revelation of mysteries. Could be a moon-goddess of limitless sorcery or a pensive aged-but-ageless collector and chronicler of all knowledge in a library of infinity.
  • The Adversary/Darkness Deity: cruelty/pain/harm, hardship, unending/uncaring consumption, murder/willful death, thirst for power, conquest/subjugation, literal darkness/lack of light, all things straight up Evil. Could be a monstrous goddess of all-consuming chaos or an iron-fisted tyrant-lord of Evil seeking subjugation of all creation.
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