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D&D (2024) (The Real) Playtest 8 Video - Barbarians, Druids, Monks

I had to stop watching when Crawford said the interplay between Reckless Attack and Brutal Critical was too subtle for players to get.
Sometimes it is hard to accept if someone describes reality. You think math is easy. I do too. I teach math. Not everyone has a natural understanding of those thing. It takes some work for some. And not everyone likes to do work when playing D&D. Especially when statistics are involved.

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Keep in mind how smart the average median D&D player is. Then keep in mind 50% of them are dumber than that.
Calm down Carlin! :p

But in all seriousness, I have met let's say "less enthusiastic player" about rules mastery, to say it politely, but those players atleast knew what they know and what they do not know and stayed away from caster classes.


Keep in mind how smart the average median D&D player is. Then keep in mind 50% of them are dumber than that.
Yeah, can we not make this about how “smart” or “dumb” someone is? I’m a teacher, and equating intelligence to being good at math or any other singular task is not how intelligence works. Plenty of very smart people are bad at math, or bad at reading comprehension, or bad at fixing a plugged drain, or bad at acting, and so on. I’ve had tons of students who are great at math but terrible at literature, and vice versa, for example.

Intelligence IRL is a spectrum, not a single number like in DnD. Being good at math is a nice skill to have. That’s all.


Plenty of very smart people are bad at math, or bad at reading comprehension, or bad at fixing a plugged drain, or bad at acting, and so on. I’ve had tons of students who are great at math but terrible at literature, and vice versa, for example.
I agree that intelligence is multi-faceted.

But "good at" and "bad at" are synonymous with "smart" and "dumb". Using different words does not exactly changing the meaning.

I am smart at math. But dumb at literature.


Yeah, can we not make this about how “smart” or “dumb” someone is? I’m a teacher, and equating intelligence to being good at math or any other singular task is not how intelligence works. Plenty of very smart people are bad at math, or bad at reading comprehension, or bad at fixing a plugged drain, or bad at acting, and so on. I’ve had tons of students who are great at math but terrible at literature, and vice versa, for example.

Intelligence IRL is a spectrum, not a single number like in DnD. Being good at math is a nice skill to have. That’s all.
Ignoring it's a riff on a joke, the point is some players dissect every synergy and interaction but lots just roll dice and make elf jokes. If an interaction requires deep study to figure out if it's good, it's too subtle. It has nothing to do with overall intelligence, just the ability and desire to interact with the rules beyond simple play.


Did he say that? Or was he trying to explain that the benefit was too subtle to see over time? If you don't roll a crit in a session, you won't see a high-level combat ability occur.
No. He said that not everyone understands that advantage improves crit range.

And I don't doubt it. Your talking about a level 2 feature and a level 9 feature, which does not reference eachother. Especially if you stopped to read all the subclass in between.

I'd wager less than 50% of the players realized it on their first read though.

Also, it just kinda was bad to rely on dice for the extra damage. You could easily 'waste' it on a creature with 5 HP left. It's very much a time when "average damage" doesn't work out very well.

Drinking alcohol or smoking weed is not that uncommon with myself while at the table or with other players doing the same. Those things might hyperfocus me on something such as the math or the rules, but for others it might not.

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