Joshua Randall
Skip to the end because the aftermath of RoH, after the Iron Keep assault, is one of my (and my old players') favorite parts. How could this be expanded?
Well, my original premise was to lead into Gardmore Abbey. Otherwise, I hadn't given that much thought. I suppose there may be unfinished business between the Harkenwood elves and Daggerburg goblins. But that may be a completely different adventure path altogether.Skip to the end because the aftermath of RoH, after the Iron Keep assault, is one of my (and my old players') favorite parts. How could this be expanded?
There are a few leads buried within the text of Madness that provide several possible hooks to lead characters who played through Reavers. I cover some of these in this particular post from one of my related threads, RRH1: Expanding the Iron Circle.I've always felt that there is no connection between Reavers and Madness. How did you handled that?
Oh, that! Yeah, I didn't really care for it myself. It felt like an afterthought without much reason or consequence for it. Maybe they were trying to fill in the last page to make the word count? Or more likely, they needed to throw in a Solo monster because the entire adventure seemed to lack any.Sorry - to be more clear - at the end of ROH, the iron circle sends a ‘fixer’ after the PCs.
like all ‘one guy vs. many PCs’ this has serious mechanical problems but it’s still super fun.