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"Revenge, Renewal and the Promise of a New Year" (Boot Hill/D&D)

Silver Moon

Chapter 175, “Indian Country”, Tuesday, January 24th, 1882, 9:30 P.M.

Jake replies, "Get saddled up and ride with us....." Simultaneously they say to each other in a loud voice, "You know I don't want you out here getting shot at!" Chester saddles up and leads his horse to the front of the Lone Star.

He Sees to Nanuet ride up and says with a smile, "Alright, Mr. Ambassador. It's show time."
Nanuet replies, "Good evening Chester. Good Evening Mr. Jake, a fine night for a ride indeed. You have to mention money at a time like this?" Nanuet laughs. "Hope you didn't go through all that trouble just for me." He then notices Ruby, prepared to ride out with the men. "Miss Ruby, you don't need to come. I... I... I know I am wasting my breath though." Nanuet and Chester look like they wish they were someplace else.

Nanuet finally turns to Jake and says "But you are responsible for keeping an eye on her too, I hope you know that." Jake replies, “You are a thousand laughs tonight, Indian."

Jake kicks his horse forward and turns to Chester. "There's two theories to arguing' with a woman."
Chester says, "There are?" Jake replies, "Ya, and neither one works." Then he says over his shoulder. "Don't just sit there fuming at me, come on and keep up. Our Indian guide says I have to keep an eye on you." He pushes his hat back on his head. "The way I figure it, you'll save my ass again and I'll never hear the end of it."

She answers, "You should be so lucky..." Jake smiles broadly to her and says, "I DO have a lucky hat." and touches the brim. Ruby spurs her horse forward and rolls her eyes. "Why do I get the feeling you boys don't think I can handle myself?"

Nanuet spins on his horse and speaks to Ruby. He says, "I know you can handle yourself, I just wanted to give Jake something to do to keep him out of too much trouble." "Now you're asking for a miracle..." Everyone can see that now that things are moving forward Nanuet has relaxed and may even seem eager to take some action towards a resolution to this situation. Ruby says as she rides up next to Nanuet. "So, do you have a plan?"

"A plan? No I don't have a plan really. My goal is to get these two hotheads to talk and resolve what seems to be a simple issue without a war erupting. Hopefully Kate and the others will reach Geronimo first and talk some sense into him, and hopefully Jake here can keep Gamble from flying off the handle. Not sure about anything else."

"That's our plan, huh?" Jake scratches his chin. "You know I like. Elegant in it's simplicity. Nanuet facilitates the meeting, I keep Gamble from flying off the handle, and Ruby saves my ass. Well let's just enjoy the ride then." Jake smiles confidently at his companions "Oh, and don't forget Chester, he's got the eight or nine score troops covered." Chester grins back, "Yeah. No problem."

The soldiers mount up and move out. Chester falls back a bit, putting a short amount of distance between himself and Lieutenant Gamble. Jake and Ruby ride near the front alongside Nanuet and Comstock’s group. Of those six, the retired officers Billy Comstock and Elisha Whittemore are still in civilian attire, but during the short respite in town Mitzer and his three men have now changed into their United States Army uniforms.

The group rides along the south road out of town. Mitzer notices some concern in Nanuet’s facial expressions and asks Gamble where they are going. The Lieutenant replies, “To a defendable location along the outer edge of the mountain range. At night them Injuns can see better than we can, I wouldn’t want to risk riding into an ambush. We’ll set up camp at a place where we can guard against an attack and also keep a close eye on the mountains. If they decide to attack we’ll see them coming. If Geronimo really wants to talk peace they he’ll know where we are and can approach peacefully. Either way, we’ll be in position to ride into the mountains at dawn and deal with them.”

The group eventually branch off from the road and ride towards a large hill approximately a mile-and-a-half southeast of Promise City. The lightly wooded hillside rises up to a primarily flat plateau, 120 by 80 feet in size, and approximately 1,200 feet higher than the ground below it. The hill has fairly steep cliff sides on its north, northeast and eastern sides, at around a seventy-degree angle. From the plateau the cliff side gives an excellent view of the adjacent Chirachua Mountains to the northeast, east and southeast.

The remaining sides of the hills are less steep, the angles of ascent ranging from twenty to fifty degrees. The ogres are ordered to rope off two corrals on a couple of acres of land on the southwest side of the hill, one for horses and another for ogremounts. Along this corral area is a stream flowing westward from the mountains to the east. The land is mostly grass covered, with just enough trees for the soldiers to use to tie off the corral.

The soldiers start to retrieve canvas tents from their saddlebags. The orgres troops are ordered to pair off and pitch tents surrounding the hill, with each tent no more 500 feet and within sight of those to the left and right of it. Each pair of buffalo soldiers is instructed to have one on guard duty while his partner sleeps and to alternate during the night. The human soldiers are all ordered to make their camp on the plateau at the top of hill. Three human buglers are told to stand guard duty on the plateau while the other human troops are ordered to get some rest.

Nanuet is very familiar with this site. This hill with the plateau that the troops are on is the property of Hamilton Fisk. From this hill Nanuet can see the hillside known as Pete’s Ranch some four-tenths of a mile to the west. The land between these two hills is the 200-acre plot that is jointly owned by him, Sonoma and Kate, with the roped off corrals below holding the soldiers’ mounts being the easternmost edge of their property.

Comstock tells Chester, Jake, Nanuet and Ruby “I don’t care for how some of these soldiers are looking at Miss West. You had better camp near us for your own safety.” Chester says, "Thanks, Bill. Sorry, Ruby. I forgot all about that. Oh, Bill? Do you have a tent for Miss West? We hadn't planned on a bivouac. One of us will be able to guard her in camp to avoid any problems." "Sounds like a good idea, thanks" Jake tells him. He whispers to Ruby, "Please stay near me, between the two of us we don't have enough ammo to shoot all these lonely soldiers."
Kate had watched her companions as much as the landscape on the hurried ride to the mountains. It might have been necessary sometime during this night to display her talents, and she wasn't sure how they would feel about it. Her instincts said that Jeff would be okay, startled, but okay. The others were strangers. Well, that was a bridge she would have to burn when she came to it.

She led the three quietly to the place where they had crossed into Apache lands that day with the Cartwrights. "Jeff, make sure you keep your hands away from your weapons. Let's not start off on the wrong foot here. I'm sure we're being watched."

Katherine reached up and pulled the necklace from around her throat. She held it up high, letting it catch the moonlight. "Shouting to them is not my first choice. We don't have much time to wait, but let's see if they come to us before we go barreling in."

A dozen Apache warriors appear up near where the horses had been left. Four check the animals’ saddlebags and weapons, then lead the horses away. The other eight move forward. Four of these Apache are armed with Henry repeating riles. They stop on the hillside some 25 feet way from the quartet near the fire. Kate notices that each of these four is making eye contact with a different member of her party. They are holding but not pointing the rifles.

The other four move closer. One gestures for Kate and her party to lift up their hands. The Indians then move forward and pat down each of the four, apparently looking for concealed weapons. They then move back. A man dressed as a shaman, but not Nanuet's friend Kajika, steps forwards. He tosses powder into the fire, which creates a flash while saying words that Kate recognizes as the translation spell

He then says in words that Kate can understand for her to repeat what she had said earlier. She does so. He says, "You were present here before, these others were not. Who are they? Why do they accompany you? And why is it that Nanuet does not?"

Cornflower tells Kate softly "Your instincts are correct. We have been watched and followed for the last twenty minutes. Their numbers are increasing with each quarter mile that we travel." They soon reach the area where Geronimo had spoken to them before. A large fire is burning although the surrounding curved hillside is currently empty of occupants and nobody is anywhere near the fire. "What should we do?" Jeff asks.

"I'm not certain, but they have allowed us this far. I take it as a good sign." She slid down off the stallion's back and wrapped the reins around an outcropping of rock. "This is the place where Geronimo held council when I was last here. Since that is what we want, this is a good place to be. Let's go down to the fire. Leave your weapons here, they won't do us any good anyway."

The others dismounted and tied their horses. They walked slowly down near where the fire threw flickering patches of orange against the ground. Kate spoke in a normal tone of voice, knowing that this natural amphitheatre would carry it.

"I am Katherine Kale. I bring words from Nanuet, Geronimo's ambassador to the humans. I have made a pledge to assist him in that task and come to you in fulfillment of that promise. I seek council and time is short. Will you speak with me?"

"This is Jeff Mills, he accompanies me because it is not safe for me to ride out alone and he is a trusted friend. This is Cornflower of the Navajo, who comes because she would be known to Kajika, Nanuet's mentor. This man is Jeremiah Peck, husband to Cornflower. He accompanies us because he would not see his wife go into danger alone.

It would have been dangerous to many if Nanuet had come here tonight. As part of his duties he went to a fort of soldiers today to find out why they had broken the agreement by riding onto your lands. The soldiers gather in Promise City now, as I'm sure you know. They will come here to treat with Geronimo soon and Nanuet will be with them. If they had caught him coming to you they would have suspected ambush, so I have come in his stead.

I have more information about the soldiers and their intentions if you wish to hear it." "You should tell our chief," he states. The Indian walks away while the other seven remain. The four who had been with the group's horses soon return as well but stay near the top of the hill.

No more than five minutes pass until a larger group of three-dozen Apache warriors arrives, Geronimo among them. Kate does not see Kajika with this group. They climb down the hillside. Geronimo gestures for most to sit while he and one other warrior approach.

"I remember you," he says to Kate. "Why did our Ambassador send you to me?" "Great Chief," she nodded. She quickly repeated what she had already told the first warrior she'd spoken with, introducing the others and explaining why Nanuet could not come himself.

"It appears that the soldiers believe your people are protecting members of the Cowboy Gang here, and have learned that Knowles stays on your land. They followed members of the gang onto your land, considering the agreement already broken by your people. My understanding is that your people feel the soldiers broke the agreement, and I tend to agree as I don't believe you would be hiding members of the Cowboy Gang here.

The soldiers orders are to reestablish the peace if possible. If not, to move your people to a reservation, and if that cannot be accomplished to fight. Our worry is about the soldier in command. His name is Lieutenant Gamble, and he will follow his orders to the letter. However he is a cruel man who enjoys killing. He will follow his orders, but he will look for any excuse to declare peace impossible.

There is no doubt that your people would defeat his soldiers. But if all out war starts here the government will send soldiers until your people are completely wiped out. If it takes ten soldiers for every Apache, the government will send them. We were only about a half hour ahead of them, they will be here soon."

He replies "They appear to have stopped for the night. They are camped on a hill near your dwarven friend, around five miles from here. From what you have said I do not know if it would even be worth trying to talk with him. I have pledged to Knowles that he may live with us and I will not break my word. If these humans require him I will not wish to compromise, but do not want one man to be the catalyst for giving the humans an excuse to imprison us on a reservation. What do you suggest?"

She replies, "I would attempt negotiation. A violent confrontation is in no ones best interest. I do not want to see the Apache forced out of these mountains. From what I've been told Gamble will obey his orders, and he's been told to broker peace if at all possible. My understanding is that he wouldn't really care that you are elves, he just enjoys the chance to kill. He'd kill me just as quickly if he had an excuse.

It seems to me you just need something more attractive to offer than Knowles. Something they would rather have. The agreement was that the Apache would not allow outlaws to cross their lands if I understand correctly. Is there some way that could be expanded, something more you could offer without letting the soldiers on to your land?" Kate looks over to her companions. "Any thoughts?"

He replies, "I would be willing to keep all humans from my land. We only allowed Knowles and his friends to venture through our land because they offered us much needed food. Game has been scarce in the mountains for the last several months. We now know the reason why, the earth sprits had consumed it so there was none left for my people.

I do not trust this soldier you call Gamble. He was the one who fired upon my braves. Two would have perished if not for Kajika's healing abilities. I should negotiate for my people, but if I were to be killed there is no doubt in my mind what my warriors would do. They would avenge me. How can you guarantee my safety with these soldiers?"

She answers, "My skills are not great. I have some small teaching with magics, but nothing compared to what your own shaman can do. You can best secure your own safety by giving no indications to Gamble of any pending violence. To not allow you to be baited into anger, whatever incitements he may offer. The most important thing is for this conference to end without bloodshed on either side. I said it before, the Apache would win this battle, but more soldiers will come and they will keep coming until the Apache are gone.

I can't think of any way to help other than offering myself as a hostage. Gamble might not care, but he will be surrounded by others who would. I must admit, I'd like to save that option as a last resort. It will be difficult to explain why I was here, and Gamble would know that I am friends with Nanuet."

Kate was quiet for a moment, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, I'm in a bit over my head here, as I'm sure you can see. I will help you in any way I can. Jeff, Cornflower, Mr. Peck, any ideas?" They nod no.

Geronimo says "We can plan after I survey the situation better." The Apache warriors with Kate, Jeff, Jeremiah and Cornflower's horses bring them over. All of their weapons have been removed. Jeff stares and Geronimo who says "They will be returned when you leave the Mountains and not before." He gestures to Kate and says "I know this woman, I do not know the three of you."

The ride to the southwest for the next hour. Kate estimates that around 300 Apache warriors are with them. They stop and dismount in the forest of one of the westernmost mountains. Geronimo gestures for Kate to accompany him. Jeff says "I'm coming too." Geronimo says "No, just the woman." Jeff looks like he is going to protest until Kate signals that she is fine."

The climb up some natural rock formations that is almost stair-like in nature. They move out from the trees onto a rocky outcropping. From there they can both see the next hill a half-mile to the west and around 300 feet lower in elevation. There are no campfires but the moon provides enough light to make out the next hill. The plateau on top is filled with around sixty canvas tents. At the base of the hill they see large numbers of mounts and another ring of tents surrounding the hillside. Kate then recognizes the next hill further west as Pete's Ranch, and realizes that this is Fisk's Hill, at the edge of her ranch, where the soldiers are camped.

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Silver Moon

Chapter 176, “Prelude to a Skirmish”, Tuesday, January 24th, 1882, 11:30 P.M.

Chester comments to Ruby, "Oh, I forgot you'd be the only woman in camp. Soldiers in the field don't get too many women visitors and those who do are, um, professionals. So don't go anywhere alone. I don't think there will be a problem, but it only takes one."

In response to Jake and Chester‘s comments Ruby replies, “Are you worried about me again? That’s very sweet.” She gives Jake a kiss on the cheek. “Sure, I’ll stay near you. It’s not like I planned on going for a hike in the wilderness or anything.” Jake gets the impression that Ruby is not very concerned.

Jake makes small talks with Chester and his army friends and watches for Gamble out of the corner of his eye. When he sees that the inspection of his troops will take Gamble to within earshot of them, Jake waits until he is close enough to overhear and says. "Captain Mitzner, It appears to me that the Lieutenant's men display exemplary discipline. It seemed that way to me in town too. I haven't had too much experience with military life, just watching the troop reviews on outings in Philadelphia with Uncle Blair. I'm sure those weren't battle hardened regulars, those were probably just parade ground trained, not like these men. What is your opinion?"

Mitzer picks up on where Jake is heading and expounds several sentences about how Lieutenant Gamble has done an excellent job of discipline with his men and should be proud of the troops he leads. The lieutenant thanks him and continues onward towards his troops.

Mitzner tells Jake and Chester, "My men can double up, we can give you a pair of two-man tents." He gets Chester two diamond-shaped canvas tents. Ruby says, "I'm sure I'll be just fine, what's everyone worried about?" He tells Chester "Just find a pair of saplings to break off to use as your tent poles." "I can do that!" Ruby starts looking around to see the best direction to find some saplings. Chester says, "Let me go with you. It'll be easier for me to break off enough sticks for the tents."

Nanuet refuses the offer of a tent. He explains that he is used to sleeping outdoors without one and that staying in one is uncomfortable for him. He spends a while looking over the land wondering what if any use he can get out of the fact that they are on the edge of the ranch that he owns with Kate and Sonoma. He scratches his head and remains deep in thought for many moments then returns to helping his companions set up their tents.

Jake watches Ruby and Chet wander off looking for tent poles. He says to Nanuet in a falsetto voice, "It’s not like I planned on going for a hike in the wilderness or anything looking for tent poles.” Jake shakes his head.

Ruby rolls her eyes at Chester. "It would take a lot more than one, believe me. But thanks for the concern. Let's go." Ruby follows Chester around looking for the right kind of branches. Not really knowing what to look for Ruby picks up some twig like branches here and there and Chester just keeps shaking his head and laughing. Finally he gathers enough for all of their tents and they return back to the site. Chester shows Ruby how to put the tents together but hers keeps collapsing, which she blames on the branches.

Jake says to Nanuet, "I think I'll try and visit the good Lieutenant, see if I can learn how to influence him. I know you told me to keep an eye on Ruby, but you'll have to cover for me for a little while." Nanuet says, "Hey, it could have been Sonoma. That girl can keep you on your toes. She would have had the forest cleared and would have food cooked for the whole army by now if she thought that was needed." Nanuet chuckles softly. "I'll keep an eye on the two of them. I think having an 'Injun' nearby is enough to keep the soldiers at bay."

When Ruby is done gathering branches she glances around and sees Nanuet sitting and watching the nearby hills. She wanders over to him. "What happened to Jake anyway? He's been gone a long time and it's getting late, time for bed."

Nanuet tears his eyes from the landscape to look at Ruby. "Jake is away being Jake. He is going to try that silver tongue of his on Gamble. Hope he knows what he's doing. But if I know Jake he could talk his way into and out of anything he gets himself into." She says, "Humm, I hope you're right, about Jake that is. That Gamble has a scary temper."

Nanuet turns his attention back to the landscape and tries to hide a smile. "Don't worry I am sure he will be back soon, I know how much you two value your 'bed time'." Ruby smiles mischievously. "Why Nanuet, are you being fresh?" Ruby cocks her head to one side waiting for the answer. "Being fresh? I am not quite sure I understand what you mean." Nanuet continues to try and fight the growing smile on his face, but he doesn't turn back to face the buxom saloon girl.

She answers, "Oh yes you know just what I mean. You elves enjoy bedtime more than any other race I've ever heard of. I knew this girl, an elf, who told me...well, taught me a few tricks. You have longer lives so you have more time to practice." Ruby giggles. "Oh I guess now is not the time for this discussion. Maybe tomorrow."

For the first time in quite a while, Nanuet’s face turns crimson in reaction to Ruby's remarks. "You generalize too much, I have met many humans whose exploits in the bedroom put my race to shame. But yes, we elves may know a trick or two." Ruby sits next to Nanuet and pulls her legs up to her chest. "I'm not saying you have crazy exploits but let's face it. One-hundred years is a long time to go without that kind of companionship"

It is hard though for humans to understand what it is like when you live for centuries. When we are young we spend that time learning about our surroundings and ourselves. That may include some of the 'exploits' that you speak of. Each of us also takes roles in our tribes though and some roles do not allow for much companionship. Were you trying to make a point?"

"Am I ever trying to make a point?" Ruby smiles at the elf before looking out over the hills to where he is looking. "Nope, no point at all." She puts her head in her lap and just sits with him for a while.

Chester pours himself a drink of water. "Let's hope he has better success than I did. It'll be a slaughter if there's a fight."

Jake reaches the area where the Lieutenant is camped, keeping in clear view and approaching the guards in an unthreatening and obvious way. "Just want to chat with your Lieutenant if he has a few minutes for me."

"Good evening Lieutenant Gamble, Jake Cook. We've met before. I was wondering what you thought of the situation? Being a business owner in town and part owner of a mine out there" Jake points in the direction of Fisk Mountain Mine, "it would cost me a lot of lost revenue if this breaks out into fighting. Believe me, I want to see the Cowboy Gang prevented from using Apache land as much as anybody but open war would be worse." "Don't worry, if fighting breaks out we'll win," Gamble replies. Jake nods and returns to the others.

Less than a mile away Kate is watching the solders’ encampment with Geronimo. Kate keeps her voice low as she speaks. "I know this area, a little at least. Nanuet, Flint and I, along with another, laid claim to the land just there," she said, trying to point out the borders of the land they had purchased. "They trespass on your land then," Geronimo states. He then says, "But this will allow you to now approach them, provided you ride out to then from the direction of your ranch."

She says, "It seems strange to say it to you. I feel as if the government had no right to sell it to us. But I cannot change the past by refusing to buy land. And in that location it had occurred to us that we could easily supply livestock to your people in the mountains. In a few years anyway after the herd is established.

This hill was purchased by Hamilton Fisk." Kate looked down at the encampment. "I knew how many there were, but they seem more camped out thus. I hadn't expected them to set up a camp out here. Perhaps we need a good neutral spot, where each group could clearly see their representatives but only a few would actually attend?"

He states, "I am told that your dwarven friend has a sizeable cave, which should suffice. We need to now deduce a way for you to suggest this meeting to the soldiers without it appearing that you are conspiring with the Apache." "Which I am," Kate said with a sudden smile. "I was seen by many of these soldiers in a saloon tonight, and I am known to be a comrade of Nanuet and Chester. I could easily explain knowing the situation, and offer use of the cave to expedite the soldiers leaving our land."

The Indian Chief looks to the sky and says, "We should wait for a few more hours. I will want Kajika to be present with me. It will take him and the warriors that he leads some more time to reach this location." She replies, "I have met Kajika, he gives wise council. I will gladly wait. It has been a long day, but sleep will have to wait a while longer."

Kajika arrives on site at around 2:00 A.M. with several hundred Apache warriors, most on foot rather than mounted. Geronimo instructs them all to rest and become mentally focused.

At 5:00 AM Geronimo receives a count from his scouts that there appear to be fewer than 200 mounts in the solder’s corrals. He decides to have a force just fewer than 400 mounted braves exit the forest at the base of the mountain. He has them lined up single file in a line stretching for a full half-mile. They are a third of a mile from the hill where the soldiers are situated. Kate is encourage to leave and ride the long way around to her ranch.

Before Kate leaves she asks, "Is there anything you need me to do when I get there? Oh, and the others. Would they come with me now, or leave after the conference. Jeff will be worried if he doesn't see me soon." Geronimo says, "I do not trust the others. They stay here. Bring the dwarf with you to the soldiers, they will not suspect him of working with us. It is your land, you have a right to be on it. Just as this is our land and we have a right to be here."

"So I go out to the soldiers with Flint and suggest the cave as a meeting place. I understand about the others, I hope Jeff does." Kate asked him to point out the long way again, and then for her horse. She led him down the mountainside and then rode toward Flint's cave. After she was out of pistol range of the Apache, she checked to see if her weapons had been returned.

A short while longer the first light of dawn come up from the east. The shadows from the mountain and trees initially shade the long line of Apache but as the sun begins to reach the horizon the half-mile long line of Indians are spotted from the plateau. The buglers all sound for the camp to awaken.

Chester wakes quickly. He reaches for his gunbelt even before he's fully conscious. Shouts of "Apaches" reach his ears. For a moment, the ex-soldier thinks he is back in Nebraska, but then he remembers that this is Arizona. Throwing off the blanket, Chester straps on his belt and crawls outside. He grabs a passing human soldier. "Corporal, what's going on?"

The man says, "The Indians are in a skirmish line down the hill. But they're not moving." The soldier rushes to his post and shoulders his rifle. Chester hustles to the other tent and shakes it. "Ruby. Mr. Cook. The Apaches are here." He turns to Nanuet, "Are you ready? I'll come with you, if you want."

Kate's saddlebags are still without any weapons. She arrives at Pete's Ranch. Flint is up on the top of his hill and waves to her. "Hey, what are all those soldiers doing over there? They woke me up with that trumpet playing of theirs, carries pretty far across the open terrain."

She tells him, "Soldiers went into the Apache's mountains a few days ago, they seem to be gearing up for some kind of confrontation. I think we'd prefer our ranch wasn't overrun by a war. Come on out with me. We can let them use the cave for a conference. I know, it sounds stupid, but I think there isn't much time."

Ruby turns over to Jake while slowly stretching. "You know, we had to get up early yesterday too," she says yawning. She sits up and mechanically puts two braids in her hair. She pokes Jake again then makes sure she is fully dressed before grabbing her guns and exiting the tent. 'What's going on Chester? Do the Apaches want to fight us?" she says sleepily.

"Ouch, stop poking me." Jake rolls over, "Can't that Geronimo attack at a civilized hour?" He sits up and stretches his back. "Next time we have a crisis, couldn't we do it where there is a decent bed to sleep in?" He shakes off the sleep and quickly gets dressed, weapons strapped on and finds his horse.

He says, "Ruby, I need to stay near Gamble and I'll probably need some help. I just wish I knew what I was gonna do.... come on." He leads his horse towards the direction of the Lieutenant’s campsite. Ruby says, You want me to still stay with you? Or you want me to stay with Chester or Nanuet." Ruby hurries after Jake trying to keep up with his measured pace to get his answer.

"With me. Everything depends on us keeping Gamble from starting something," He says back over his shoulder. He stops and let's her catch up. He leans in and whispers, "If you need to do something special, let's put the horses together and you can stand between them. I'm making it up as I go along." He starts moving again, "We'll have to rely on Katherine and Nanuet to keep the other side from hostilities."

"Special?" Ruby replies with a confused look on her face. "Oh special... yeah ok. I'm not sure I have much I can do though." Ruby keeps us with Jake as they near Gambles tent. "You don't really think they'll be fighting do you?" They stop when they get close to Gambles tent and wait to see what he is up to.

Gamble is watching the Indians through a pair of binoculars. "I don't see any with Chief or Shamen markings" he tells his Sergeant. "Lieutenant." Jake says just loud enough to be heard. "Do you mind if we tag along behind you during this? I'm sure my Uncle Blair back in Philadelphia would be pleased to hear from me about you and your men."

Gamble replies, "Tag along? We're not going anywhere at the moment. I picked this hill for a reason, a solid defense. If those Apache start a charge they'll be on the receiving end of a rifle barrage that they'll soon regret." Ruby pipes up, "But I thought we were trying to talk peace with them?"

Gamble answers, "Hard to talk at a third of a mile and it looks like they're here for trouble." "Well, then you have to send someone over, you know, the whole white flag thing..." Ruby gives Jake a confused look. He can almost read her thoughts saying.."I don't think this guy is here to negotiate anything..."

Jake turns his head and winks at Ruby before he looks back at Lieutenant Gamble. "As you said, you have the high ground. I doubt they'd attack. Besides the problem to solve is the Cowboy Gang. To get the Apache to agree to keep them out, which I'll bet they'd do. The hard part if finding someone who could verify that. You know, someone who the Apache would let on their land, and make sure that the Cowboy Gang isn't hiding there."

Jake looks out over the plain where the Apache are located. "I'm looking forward to the day when every one of those Cowboy Gang murderers either has a bullet between the eyes or is swinging from a rope." He turns and looks back at Gamble. "You know they won't accept any Army forces doing that, but you win the negotiation if you pick the folks you know will make sure those Indians are kept honest."

Nanuet has been absent during the early morning commotion. He arrives at the area where Ruby, Jake and Chester are speaking with Gamble. "Lieutenant Gamble, are you ready to start your peace negotiations now? I will ride out with those whom you wish to send so we can get started."

Billy Comstock steps forward and volunteers to ride out with Nanuet, stating "I'm not dressed as a soldier, they'd be less inclined to shoot." Gamble says, "Fine you ride with him, but I want one of my soldiers to go with you. Take Corporal Toby with you, he's my ranking Ogre."

Nanuet says, "Oh Lieutenant, I thought you would be attending the negotiations with us. I guess I understand that if you don't see the chief that you wouldn't go forward yourself. I will discuss with them a neutral site to have the peace talks." Nanuet waits for a reply from Gamble before heading the small party down from the plateau and out towards the Apache braves.

Gamble replies, "I just want to make sure this isn't a trap." Nanuet thinks to himself "Well how is sending a civilian, an Indian scout who is the Apache ambassador and one soldier going to tell you if this is a trap?" as he rides down with the other two towards the Apache braves. He makes sure that he and the others have no weapons in hand and that they ride in the open and slowly.

A half-mile to the west, Kate and Flint get their horses ready to ride. She has to talk him out of bringing along any dynamite. His suggestion of it however reminds her that they'd better move it to somewhere other than the cave prior to the negotiations. They find a safe spot in a smaller cave to hide it.

Kate helped Flint get up onto his horse and the rode over to the encampment. Once they were in sight they slowed a little bit, keeping their hands clearly visible. It would be suspicious for her to ride out and just start making suggestions. Katherine and Flint continue toward the line of soldiers, looking for Chester or Nanuet, who should be near Gamble.

After a few moments Kate saw three figures break away from the group, one of them she can easily recognize as Nanuet. "I hope we're not already too late," she said, nudging the stallion to walk a little faster, still looking for Chester or the others. Nanuet mumbles under his breath "What in Hades are they doing here?" He changes his course as little as possible to possibly intercept Kate and Flint in front of the Apache line. Nanuet also keeps an eye on Apache to see what their reaction is.

Kate tried to position herself and Flint so the meeting with Nanuet looked as if they were just passing one another. "It's alright. Geronimo wants us to suggest Flint's cave as a neutral meeting place. I'm going to suggest that to Gamble as the rancher on whose land his army is camped." Kate and Flint then rode on toward the soldiers. Kate and Flint She rides back towards the hill with the soldiers. Nanuet and his two companions ride forward towards the Apache.

Silver Moon

Chapter 177, “The Treaty”, Wednesday, January 25th, 1882, 6:15 A.M.

Jake and Ruby stay near the Lieutenant. Looking out from the hill towards the Indians the sun makes stark lines on the mountain and long shadows from the sporadic mesquite trees and saguaro cactus. "Ironic." Jake says quietly to Ruby, "All that rain has things greening up and the plants thing spring has come early. Nobody sees the green right now, do they?"

She blinks hard at him a couple of times and starts to say something when she sees him silently mouthing the words 'Ask me about Uncle Blair.’ "Uh, Jake." She starts hesitantly. "I hate to break your reverie." She speaks a little louder. "Who is this Uncle Blair you keep talking about?"

"He's my father’s brother." Jake pauses only a second. "Uncle Blair Cooke works as a staff member and advisor to the right honorable James Donald Cameron, Republican from the great State of Pennsylvania and a senior member of the armed services committee." He takes a moment to let that settle in, as Lieutenant Gamble is clearly listening.

Jake Continues, "He is the head clerk on Cameron's staff for issues on the United States Army. He processes the paperwork for the senator's approvals on military budgets, promotions, transfers, and the like." Jake smiles and nods a bit. "Uncle Blair and I were always close when I was younger, makes me keep in touch. He likes to hear about Army doings for real, he only gets to see the paperwork. Funny that it is so political. No one gets promoted unless they make the top of the piece of paper that Uncle Blair gives to Senator Cameron to sign." Down below, Kate and Flint ride on back toward the soldiers camped out on and around the hill.

Kate reached the soldiers. They do not stop her so she continues to riding boldly up to the encampment with Flint right behind her. A group of solders do stop her as she reaches the top. She exclaims, "I'd like to see the officer in charge, please," she said to the first soldier she came to. "Lieutenant Gamble, I believe." Chester waits in nervous anticipation as the parley group rides forward. He sees Kate and Flint approach. He says to himself, "Ah, they're coming from the ranch. I wonder what they had in mind?"

She is brought to Gamble who had been watching from the plateau. He exclaims, "Woman are you daft? Them Injuns could have kilt you! What do you think you're doing riding out in front of them!"? Flint rides up beside her and says "No problem Colonel, I was protecting her!"

"Thank you for your concern Lieutenant, but as Flint said, I was well protected," Kate said with a straight face. "As I'm sure you know, I am a friend of Nanuet, and he, Flint and I own some of the land you are encamped on. The Apache know that and are respectful of our rights to ride on our own land. My partner and I are concerned about hostilities breaking out on our ranch. I'd like to offer you the use of a cave on our land as a neutral setting to hold a conference with the Apache Chieftain."

He looks hesitant and glances at Jake. Jake catches Gamble's eye scrumptiously and gives him a slight jerk of his head before walking alone towards the back of the little group watching Nanuet. Gamble turns back to Kate. "Let's wait and see what those three find out" he states while pointing to where Nanuet is. She answers, "Of course. I must say, Lieutenant, I admire the steadiness of your men and your own restraint. I'm sure everyone in Promise City will be most grateful once peace is restored without bloodshed. It's been a bit nervous, I'm sure you understand." He thanks her.

Nanuet has slowly continued forward alongside the ogre Sergeant and Comstock. Once Nanuet and his two companions have stopped Kajika walks out to him with Maska at his side. Nanuet smiles slightly when he sees Kajika. "How is she?" Nanuet says, referring to his trustworthy canine companion. "She has done much traveling of late." Kajika replies, "But necessary. She reached me just in time. Geronimo was going to have the warriors surround the hill at its base. With Maska getting your message to me I was able to reach here in time and talk him into this approach instead."

Nanuet turns to Billy Comstock and Corporal Toby to make the introductions. "This is my mentor and Geronimo's shaman, his name is Kajika. Kajika, this is Mr. Comstock and Corporal Toby. We want to discuss a neutral meeting location where Geronimo and Gamble can discuss the reinstatement of the treaty." “Where would you suggest and how many participants for each side?" Kajika asks.

Nanuet thinks hard about this question. The site of Kate and Flint riding out from the ranch enters his mind. "I own part of a ranch nearby, there is a large cave that would work well I think. I am not sure about the number of negotiators from each side. How does four or five sound?"

Kajika says that the negotiators should be unarmed but that they probably should also have an armed guard for each negotiator. The guards could wait outside of the cave during the negotiations. He asks Nanuet to chose a final number, as he knows the size of the cave. He replies, "OK, if I must choose then I choose four and I agree to the armed guards. Are there any other terms we must decide. I am new to procedures of this type."

Kajika replies, "The four will not include you and the ranch owners, they are the hosts and you are the mediator. Make sure that the four chosen to negotiate for the humans have the authority to make the necessary commitments. Geronimo will not have the patience to renegotiate this treaty anytime soon."

Nanuet states, "Kajika, you are once again proving to be wise beyond measure. I will do as you ask. Can we agree upon a meeting time of noon? That will allow me time to return to the soldiers and discuss the plan with them and then I will return to you and guide your party to the cave. "

Kajika replies, "I would suggest sooner, perhaps two hours time. Longer could make both leaders suspect that the other is plotting against them. I also do not want to give Geronimo the time to listen to the counsel of those harboring war over peace." Nanuet states, "I will defer to your wisdom and experience in these matters. Two hours time it is then."

Ten quiet minutes have gone by up on the Plateau. Gamble begins to pace. He then notices Nanuet, Comstock and Toby riding back. He waits anxiously for them to return. Rather than leaving the mounts at the bottom of the hill they ride straight up to the plateau and over to Gamble before dismounting. Chester mutters, "Hmm. That was quick. Hope that's good news." Kate softly replies, "I'm sure it is. Their demeanor hasn't changed any. I'm sure they know as well as we that hostilities do no one any good."

The three ride up the hill to the plateau. Nanuet looks at Kate and then at Gamble. He takes a deep breath and then speaks. "I believe we have a suitable place for the meeting to take place. I own part of a ranch with this young lady" pointing at Kate "and a few others. It is nearby and would make it a neutral sight that is fairly close. They have agreed to four negotiators for each group. The negotiators would be unarmed but each is to be accompanied by an armed escort who would remain outside but near the cave. The meeting can commence in two hours. The hosts and myself as the mediator would also be in attendance. Do we have an accord?"

A few moments later Nanuet arrived and proposed his plan. Kate nodded as he spoke and waited to see what the nervous Gamble would do. Gamble says "That sounds good." He then glances toward Jake to see if he agrees with that decision. Captain Mitzer suggests that he also participate but adds "I will make it clear that you are the ranking officer for this County. But the Apache also travel across the border into New Mexico, so my agreement would also be useful."

Gamble send Corporal Toby to ride back down and prepare the mounts and his four best shooters as guards. He turns towards Jake and says "You should probably come along as well to let your relative know about this treaty." Jake says, "Bold move Lieutenant Gamble. I'd be honored to accompany you. I surely will tell my uncle of your success in negotiating." Jake nods his head several times.

Ruby has been listening silently to this whole exchange and watching Gamble intently. After he names Jake to accompany them, Ruby pulls him aside. She looks up at Jake with the worried look back on her face and says, "Listen, you know this guy is not exactly looking for peace. And I know you don't have much patience when it comes to men like him. I'm going to be sitting here worried about you getting killed by Geronimo but this is much bigger than that. The whole city is at stake. Please promise me you'll be careful?"

"I'll be careful. I'll try not to do anything too stupid." He gives her hand a squeeze. "Besides, I need to make Uncle Blair proud of me." he says with a wink. "Keep an eye on what is going on out here. If these guys get out of hand without their leaders that could be worse." "I will." She stands on her toes, gives him a kiss then hurries off with Kate.

Gamble puts his human Sergeant, George Ball, in charge of the plateau with orders that at the very first sign of betrayal from the Apache to move the mounts up nearer to the plateau and to also pull the ogre troops back. He then says, "If the Indians attack hold the hill until reinforcements can arrive. Have the buffalo soldiers hold the front line, try not to let any of the humans get killed.”

Nanuet says, "Kate and Flint, would you be so kind as to show the Lieutenant the way to the caves? I will do the same for the Apache. We will meet there shortly." Kate says, "Of course, Nanuet. Ruby, Mr. Martin, would you care to accompany us? I may need some help in getting the cave presentable for these gentlemen. Lieutenant, whenever you're ready." Nanuet says, "Sure thing, Katherine. I'm ready to go now. I can get my stuff later." Kate and Flint waited a few minutes as the Lieutenant gathered the men he wanted and then led them across the ranch to the cave where Flint had been living. Ruby and Chester then head over with Kate to the cave.

At the pre-appointed time the two groups gather at Flint's cave. Lieutenant Gamble brought along as his fourth negotiator a human corporal named Patterson who had surveying experience and brought with him maps of the area. Geronomo's negotiating team included himself, Kajika as well as sub-chiefs Naiche and Tazha, who were both sons of Chief Cochise.

Negotiations continue for over an hour. Things appear to be moving along well until Naiche brings up the previous week. He had been in charge of the group that Gamble had clashed with.
Patterson's presence proves to be a gift from the gods, as he uses the map to identify where the incident took place. Gamble had thought they were still in the Dos Cabezas Mountains at the time but had apparently wandered over into the Chirichua Mountains instead, thus both sides had felt that the other violated the treaty.

Gamble actually swallows his pride and apologizes, explaining that the mistake had been the fault of his orge scout who had been unsettled by what they thought was a zombie centaur a few hours prior to that. Jake nods at Gamble when he looks back at him, giving him silent encouragement for his openness.

Nanuet proposes a break for a few moments. He asks if everyone would like to step outside for some fresh air. He comments to his friends, "I think things are going well. There is even a reasonable explanation for that incident from last week. Hopefully we can continue to move forward after the break."

Kate replies, "I'm encouraged. Both sides seem to be listening, which I wasn't sure would happen. Although Jake seems to be having some influence here," she smiled, keeping her voice low. "'What did you tell that man?" Ruby relaxes significantly at the news that things are going well. "Oh you know, Jake is really good at influencing people." She smiles at him and yawns. "Maybe you should get back in there and keep at it."

During the break Nanuet is noticeably nervous. He is sweating heavily and pacing back and forth. He takes a long drink of water and then approaches Jake. "So Mr. Jake, things seem to be going well. Not sure if you have anything to do with Gamble's openness and willingness to negotiate but keep doing whatever you are doing." Nanuet then meets briefly with both sides asking if their is any requests before proceeding.

Jake says quietly "Don't be so friendly with me right now." and winks. then louder, "Well we still need some third party assurances regarding the Cowboy Gang. I'm sure Geronimo is an honorable man, but confidence needs to be built."

Negotiations continue for another hour. They agree that the mountain and rock formation known as Cochise Head will be used as the future boundary of the two mountain ranges. The Army agrees to remain totally out of the Chiricahua Mountain with the exception of being allowed to travel the east road to Galeyville and New Mexico through the mountain pass. The Apache agree to not allow any outlaws to travel through the mountains. Chester whispers to Ruby, "Wow. This is going well. I didn't think Gamble had it in him."

The problem then arises when Gamble names Harvey Knowles and says that applies to him as well. Geronimo is about to respond when Kajika stops him. Chester mutters, "Uh-oh. Who's this Knowles character?" "I'll tell you later," Ruby whispers back. Chester nods in reply. She thinks to herself, “I only hope I don't regret not killing him when I had the chance.”

A long pause follows. Kate watched the three men, Gamble, Geronimo and Kajika carefully. She was hostess here, not a negotiator, and she had no idea how to solve the problem of Knowles. He was essentially already a prisoner on Apache land, but Gamble might not accept that. She prayed that this one sticking point wouldn't derail everything and tried to think of a way to prevent it.
Jake leans into Gamble and whispers. "I have met Knowles. I let him live. Keep that to yourself. He is not a big risk. Just get a commitment that Knowles only leaves the Apache territory if they turn him into you."

Geronimo says, "Knowles is a tracker who helped our people when they were in great need. We owe him a debt and have offered him sanctuary. He is now part of our tribe. He no longer associates with the humans."

Gamble takes Jake's advice and says, "Then you must agree that he will remain with you. He is to have no contact with other humans and if he should seek to leave the mountains he is be turned over to the Army. If we find him outside of the mountains then the treaty is over." Kajika and Geronimo discuss this in the Apache's language. Geronimo says "It is agreed. Knowles will not be able to leave the mountains without our knowledge."

With that the treaty negotiations are concluded. Patterson begins to write up three copies of the documents with Jake's assistance. The eight negotiators all sign the documents. Kajika keeps one, Gamble has Patterson keep one, and the third is given to Jake who is instructed by Gamble "Have one of the lawyers in town review and sign this, then file it with the County Clerk." Jake shakes Gamble's hand firmly. "Yes sir Lieutenant."

Nanuet breaths an audible sigh of relief. "Excellent job men, your honor won the day today. I commend everyone involved." As the men start leaving the cave Ruby runs up to Jake and throws her arms around him. "You did so good! I told you, you are so smart!" She gives him a big kiss then a hug before letting him go.

Then she turns to Nanuet, "And you did a great job too," she says giving him a much smaller kiss. She breaths a sigh of relief. "And I was worried..." she says to herself walking out of the cave. Kate slumped against the back of the cave, exhausted from lack of sleep. The others were on their way out, but she would have to go back to the mountains after they were gone to get Jeff and the others. She pushed herself back up and followed the others.

Nanuet says, "Kate, I can tell you are tired. Head back with the others. I don't need sleep, I can go back to the mountains and get Jeff, Cornflower and Jeremiah. Besides, I should probably spend some time with Kajika." She says, "Thank you, Nanuet. Don't forget Tom's pistol and my Derringer as well. And tell the Chief how pleased I am that it all turned out well."

Chester walks up to Gamble. "Lieutenant, I am surprised. I admit I thought this wasn't going to get done. I was wrong. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm sorry. You've served the country well." Then he salutes the man.

Chester catches up to Nanuet. "Mighty fine job, there, Nanuet. How's it feel?" He replies, "Honestly I am not sure that it has all sunken in yet. I thought I was way over my head here, but with everyone's help we got it done. I guess it feels great! I have gained a lot of knowledge with this experience. Sorry Chet, if you will excuse me, I have to go now, there are some people who need an escort back from the Apache camp."

Ruby announces to no one in particular, "Can we go home now? I'd like to get some rest today, I have a saloon to run after all." Nanuet rides out with the Apache so that he can escort Jeff and the others back to Promise City. He makes sure to retrieve Kate's personal items as well. On the ride he spends as much time with Kajika as possible, discussing the days events.

Both teams of negotiators return to their forces. The Apache ride back into the mountains. The soldier pack up and decide to ride directly back to Tombstone and then Fort Huachuca. Comstock and his group offer to ride back to Promise City with the others, feeling far more comfortable now about riding east back to New Mexico. They say they will leave this day, not wanting to tempt fate. By noon the hill and surrounding land are all totally free of people once again, each group having gone their separate ways.

On the ride back to Promise City after they are clear of the Army soldiers Jake spits from his horse. "If I had to compliment Gamble one more time I was SURE I was going to vomit." He shakes visibly a couple of times. "Gods, I need a drink!" She says, "Oh but you did such a good job, I am really impressed." Ruby looks at Jake with admiration. "Anyway, I'm tired now so let's go get some rest."

Before Jake ends up at the Lone Star he brings the treaty to Mitchel Berg, and explains what has happened. Jake lets Katherine know about the money she has in the National Bank. Jake and Ruby get to the Lone Star and fall right into bed.

Once they get back to Promise City, Kate took the time to take care of the stallion before stumbling up the stairs to her room. She managed to tell Ginnie that she was free to do as she liked today and to get her boots off before she laid down and fell asleep.

Silver Moon

Chapter 178, "Epilogue", Thursday, January 26th until Wednesday, March 8th 1882:

Work continued on the 3rd floor of the Lone Star Dance Hall and Saloon and was eventually completed, making it the tallest building in Promise City. The owners and employees who resided there then moved up to the top floor and converted some of the 2nd floor rooms into private gambling and party rooms. Niles Hoover consolidated his liquor storage into a single 2nd floor room, the one closest to the staircase, having replaced the furniture in that room with custom made shelves to maximize the storage capacity. All except for a flat $ 100 each week per partner of the saloon’s profits were reinvested into the construction efforts.

Ruby continued on her quest to get to know all the patrons, their names, favorite songs and drinks they like. With the duplication of skills among the owners, gamblers, singers, waitresses, cooks, pianists, bartenders and bouncers a schedule was worked out where each employee and owner had either two or three days off during each week, although everybody tended to work on both Friday and Saturday nights. Stanley and Helen Barker continued their Saturday night piano concert/poker game, alternating locations each week between the Lone Star and the Comique.

The feud between the Lone Star and Palace saloons has quieted down, due mostly to Niles Hoover having become a co-owner of the Lone Star but partially due to Jake Cook having joined the Merchant’s Association. Jake mails several letters regarding both personal and business matters. Ruby and Jake continued to gather information on Adair and Baxter. Ruby’s two little boyfriends were also able to find out Adair’s schedule for her. Ruby also had a few chance encounters with one of Adair’s saloon girls. The Promise City Herald has done poorly, now publishing a four-page paper only every week-to-ten days, with the Palace Saloon and Frye’s Harness Shop and Bootmaker as its only remaining advertisers. Typesetter Josiah Young now also works for Duncan Frye.

In mid-February Manuel Gonzales returned from his extended visit to California. He had remained there as a guest of the city’s former Mayor James Toberman, helping out with the philanthropic ventures. He remained until his South American friends arrived to assist with recruiting wood elvan labor to help with the construction. The South Americans had been delayed getting to Los Angeles due to their volunteering to escort a pair of earth spirits to Canada. Both Kate and Ruby resumed their studies with Gonzales, practicing the casting of new spells. Ginnie attempts to invite herself along for these lessons but is overruled by Kate. So Ginnie spends the time of Kate’s lessons checking out Promise City.

Ruby also continued her bardic training with Madge Duprey, who was grateful to Ruby for taking Clarisse Townsend off her hands. The sixteen-year-old girl had lived a very sheltered life and when orphaned the previous year moved out to live with her cousin Julia Barbeau, a singer and dancer at the Gay Lady Variety Hall and Saloon. That saloon’s evening atmosphere was far too rowdy and raunchy for an innocent girl like Clarisse, who possessed a fine singing voice but was an atrocious dancer. So Madge and Julia initially arranged for her to waitress for the Gay Lady’s lunch and dinner crowds and then sent her back to the Promise City Hotel to spend the evenings alone in her room reading. Finding the girl new employment singing at both the Lone Star and Comique was a welcomed change for her.

Pete’s Ranch continued to grow. This was largely due to the Apache showing their gratitude for the owner’s efforts with both the earth sprits and negotiating peace with the army. During this time frame the Apache provided the ranch with fourteen wild mustangs as well as thirty-two rustled cattle that had been abandoned by the Cowboy Gang in Apache territory. Deputy Sheriff Hunter was only able to identify six of these cattle as having Cochice County ranch brands so Pete’s Ranch was allowed to keep the others. Sonoma, Nanuet, Kate and Ginnie continued to work on their 200-acre plot, preparing parts of it for spring planting and building a total of four adobe structures. Sonoma also spends several nights a week working at the Lone Star.

Kate worked out a balance between working the ranch, teaching the girl Ginnie, having her own lessons, and working at the Lone Star. All of the fencing on the ranch was completed. Kate located the horse that Johnny Ringo had described and left it for him in town where it was soon picked up. Jake rode out to visit the ranchers every week, on the way practice horse riding, target shooting and other skills. Ruby joined him for several of these visits. A friendship seemed to be developing between Kate and Conrad Booth, although true to his word to Jake it remained on a purely platonic level.

Kate traveled to Tombstone in early February to put Tom’s marker in place. There was no confrontation with Morgan Earp as he had returned to California. Kate received a letter from Boston indicating that a friend of hers had recently come to join them.

Chester continued to work at Condon’s Bank while spending his Wednesday’s helping Zack Morand and Jake with security arrangements for their mining operations, which included hiring guards for them. He warned Frank Condon about Danby Jones but was assured by the boss that Jones was a trusted employee. He spent many evenings at the Lone Star, working as a combination bouncer/bartender/waiter on the nights that Jeff Mills had off. Ruby kept encouraging Chet to loosen up a bit, saying that she wanted to see him having some fun! He spent much of his time at the Lone Star listening to Clarisse Townsend sing, but hasn’t worked up the nerve yet to ask her out on a date.

The Fisk Mountain Mine operations were still barely getting started, with most of this time spent on developing the mine infrastructure. All of the ore that had been initially blasted down had been hauled to town and smelted, earning Jake a little under $ 2,000 after expenses. Jake had attempted to bring Jeff Mills with him out to the Fisk Mountain Mine but Jeff kept declining, stating that he needed to focus on the 3rd floor construction instead. Once that was done Jeff then threw himself into the project of moving Lacey’s General Store, disassembling the walls and putting the building back up at the store’s new location on South Street where both the Liquor and Grain stores previously stood. Jeff has now started to plan out the expansion of the Lone Star into the vacant lot behind it.

In late January the Circuit Judge in Tombstone declared that there was insufficient evidence to charge Johnny Ringo with the stagecoach robbery. In February evidence surfaced linking suspected cattle rustler Pony Deal to the crime and the Earps sent a posse out to find him, which failed to do so. No other word has surfaced about the Cowboy Gang. In early March, “Deadeye” Douglas was spotted in Cheyenne, Wyoming shortly after a middle-of-the-night bank robbery. He was reported to have been in the company of two human males, three human females and an elvan Indian.

And the halfling reporter Chumbley starts hanging out at the Lone Star, much to the annoyance of the owner Jake Cook.

This concludes
“Revenge, Renewal and the Promise of a New Year”
the 1st module of our western campaign.

The story continues directly into our 2nd Module: "Wizards, Whiskey and Wonderful Things"

Thank you to all of the players for a truly enjoyable game.


Queen of Everything
I just finished rereading this game/ story. Almost 10 years later and it still has all the magic it did back then. I laughed and laughed at ALL the characters antics. We had such an incredible mix of players and a very dedicated GM. We made quite a bunch!

Thank you again Silvermoon, for running such a fantastic game. I know I have said it before but with our 10 year anniversary approaching, I will say it again. This game literally saved my life that first year. So much fun and joy has come from this little game day game you started. I wonder if you ever imagined how far it would go?


Queen of Everything
And of course, the crazy bunch that made this game what it was. SO much thanks to orchid blossom, kafitrar, kriskrafts, and dire wolf. I hope I spelled your user names right because I recall our real names, from our real friendships that came from this. Orchid, especially, has become one of my very best friends.

And finally, to barad, Jake, I don't think I've ever seen a story hour or even a GAME with a better matched pair of characters. It was always fun and exciting getting to play Ruby up against Jake and having him there really helped me develop my character into what she is today. So thanks for all the fun <3

Everyone put in such an enormous amount of time, energy and love into "just a game" to make it become the special thing that it was. It may not be obvious from the outside but anyone who participated knows what an amazing thing this became.

I can not believe it's been almost 10 years. Crazy!
Last edited:

Silver Moon

This is 1st module in the four-module "Wild West" PBP Campaign. Referenced in the current posted chapter of the follow-up "AGELESS" Campaign so bumped for easier finding.

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