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Piratecat's Story Hour

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Nolin's Underwear

And if his undies ARE fireproof, doesn't that imply some --er --um--logistical difficulties when having relations ?


All of Nolin's body hair has similar properties to continual flame. And I quote from the SRD:

"The flame looks like a regular flame, but it creates no heat and doesn’t use oxygen. The flame can be covered and hidden but not smothered or quenched."

ALLriiiiiiight . . .


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"Oooh, Nolin, that was great!"

"I know babe, I know. You're glowing. :)"

"So are you, teehee."

(Sorry, first thing that popped into my head...)


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OK all you perverts, that's enough speculation. Nolin can indeed produce flame (real flame, Cntxt, not Continual Flame) from any part of his anatomy at will. He does not feel the heat of the flame, but he can certainly burn nouns (people, places or things, dontcha know) in the viscinity if he's not careful.

That said, the flames are at Nolin's command. He can quench or ignite them as he pleases. Their default setting is off. While it is theoretically possible for him to have a hunka, hunka actually burning love, I can't think why he'd want to. Third degree burn is not usually considered a turn on. His undies and the rest of his clothes are not fire proofed, although he does have a fire proof pillow. When he first became one with the phoenix, the flames came out only as his hair (on his head. Sheesh, you people), but he couldn't turn it off. Hence the need for the pillow.

The flames are used mostly for effect now. People get really creeped out when your eyebrows burst into flame, or just the tip of one finger. Also, when Nolin casts Fly he grows a pair of firey wings which are pretty cool.

There, are you all happy? Go back to speculating about Pkitty and ColPladoh, willya?


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Mmmm.... fire... i wish i could do flame at will...

Party member: "How are we going to escape the hold of this ship?"

Me: "give me one sec..."

Everyone else: "NOOOOOOO!"


Me: "Oops?"


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mastermind said:
Urgh... that's a very unsatisfying answer.


Sorrry, MM. Nolin gets in quite enough trouble without asbestos undies. I know things are dark where you are, but you really need to get out more often. :)

How were the fireworks this year? We seriously thought about going to your neck of the woods for New Year's. Too lazy though.

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