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Paths of Legend: To Rule in Hell - Rogues Gallery

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Neutral elf fighter 1 / magic-user 1

STR 8 (-1)
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 10 (0)
INT 16* (+2)
WIS 9* (0)
CHA 12 (0)

* I have substracted 2 points of WIS (originally 11) to gain an extra point of INT (originally 15).

For the original rolls, see: https://rolz.org/dr?room=PathsOfLegend

HP (max): 6
HP (current): 6
AC 6 (leather armor + dexterity)
THAC0 19 (melee 20; ranged 18)

Saving throws:
. Death ray/poison: 12
. Magic wands: 13
. Paralysis/turn to stone: 13
. Breath attack: 15
. Rod/staff/spell: 15
Class abilities (fighter):
. Can use all weapons, armor, shields
. Use special abilities of weapons
. 1d8 hit points per level
. Next level: 2000 xp

Class abilities (magic-user):
. Can use daggers, staffs
. Spell casting, 1 spell per day of level 1
. Spell book, containing: Read Magic, Charm Person
. 1d4 hit points per level
. Next level: 2500 xp

Multiclass details:
. Divide xp as desired between classes, then add bonus xp if appropriate
. Use best saving throw/to hit of either class
. Gain half hit points per level of class (rounded up)
. Use all class abilities

Racial abilities:
. Infravision 60’
. Detect secret/hidden doors with 1 or 2 on d6
. Speaks Common, Elven; bonus languages Orc, Hobgoblin
. Maximum fighter level 4, maximum magic-user level 8
(Starting gold: 110 gp)
40 gp Longbow (1d6 damage)
25 gp Arrows x100
10 gp Normal sword (1d8 damage)
20 gp Leather armor (AC7)
5 gp Backpack
5 gp Middle class clothes
1 gp Long cloak
0 gp Spell book
0.5 gp Belt pouch
1 gp Waterskin
2 gp, 5 sp in coins
[sblock=Appearance and personality][sblock]
Like most elves, Baernoth is slender, frail and handsome. Blond hair frames his haughty visage, emphasizing cat-like green eyes. Baernoth dresses modestly apart from his generous ruby cloak and always takes his prized longbow with him. His left arm is covered with a massive tattoo of a curled snake, which the elf usually keeps covered to avoid questions.

To most who meet him, Baernoth is a charming conversationalist, quick-witted and interested. It is, however, his greatest weapon in his everlasting quest for power and dominance; he does not care about others at all. This ruthless ambition drives him to seek out magical power and influential allies; nothing else matters to the pragmatic elf.
Elves are wonderful. They provoke wonder.
Elves are marvellous. They cause marvels.
Elves are fantastic. They create fantasies.
Elves are glamorous. They project glamour.
Elves are enchanting. They weave enchantment.
Elves are terrific. They beget terror.
The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning.
No one ever said elves are nice.
Elves are bad.

- Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies

Baernoth, formerly of clan Lutheirion, was raised in a family of fierce defenders against the forces of madness. Although he himself was too young to remember any of it, he does know of the struggles, deception and outright wars between several clans of his people following madness’ defeat. Growing up in a clan in permanent state of strife, the young Baernoth quickly learned that the only real power was influence over others and the best tool for that was magic.

Whenever he could find a way to miss archery classes, Baernoth studied hard under the tutelage of the clan wizard, eventually learning to cast spells on his own. The power he felt! Suddenly he could magically compel people to follow his suggestions and protect him.

It was not enough for the ambitious elf, however, and when he attempted to steal the wizard’s spell book, Baernoth was put on trial. When his charm spell on a member of the jury was discovered, the inevitable sentence was harsh: Baernoth was stripped of his clan name and exiled from their lands, on pain of death.

Enraged, Baernoth cursed his family and swore he would have his revenge, whatever the cost. He wandered the world for several years before hearing whispers of Azilyk the Serpent, offering power and immortality to those who are not afraid of the darkness. Baernoth knew that if he was to stand a chance, he would have to prove himself to be driven, powerful and experienced in his chosen art of deception and manipulation.

Joining a mercenary company might not be the most glorious work, but it is a source of potential allies, on-the-job training, and possibly finding magical secrets in the former Lands of Madness…

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Moaine The Grim

Moaine The Grim ("MO - AINE" Sounds like "SLOW PLANE")
Male Human Magic-User
Age: 26 Ht: 6'1" Wt: 165 Lbs. Raven Black Hair, Icy Blue Eyes.

[sblock=Moaine Stats / Picture]
Moaine The Grim 1a.jpg

STR 09 (+0)
INT 16 (+2 Bonus; +10% Earned XP.)
WIS 10 (+0)
DEX 11 (+0)
CON 13 (+1Bonus)
CHA 10 (+0)

Hit Points:
Armor Class:
Common, Elf, Orc
Gold: 35

Saving Throws:
Death Ray / Poison:
Magic Wands:
Paralysis / Turn To Stone:
Breath Attack:
Rod / Staff / Spell:

( 5) Clothes, middle-class
( 1) Belt
( 1) Belt Pouch
( 1) Cloak, long
( 1) Worn leather hat
( 5) Wooden staff (Plain) Dam: 1d6
( 5) Backpack
(—) Spell book
(30) Iron Rations (2 weeks)
( 1) Water skin

[sblock=Spells in Spellbook:]
Read Magic

Currently memorized: Sleep x 1


[sblock=Moaine Description and Background]
Moaine is not what he appears to be; at first glance, he appears to be an un-assuming, young Magus, in his mid-late 20's, who is more concerned with appearances and etiquette than with serious magical study. He has a thin, athletic, runner's build, and he is tall, but his lankiness and awkward gait serve to make him mostly non-threatening in appearance. He is prematurely bald, and because he spends so much time indoors, his skin is loose and sallow-looking, although he is not sickly; in fact, he is in decent shape, and even slightly healthier-than-average for an average man of his age. However, behind this seemingly harmless facade, lies a cold, calculating mind, sharp and shrewd, and deeply self-interested. Moaine is in fact more interested in the study of magic and acquisition of power than any of his peers, however, so as to be left to his own devices, he often pretends otherwise, hoping that people will forget about, or at least neglect him. Although he is not of an evil or diabolical bent, he tends to be selfish, and even unintentionally cruel at times, due to his blunt, direct way of speaking. He is very mercenary-like in his dealings, always trying to find the angle that will give him the edge, or at least the greater benefit. Moaine does not seek power in order to rule, and considers those who do to be short-sighted and naive. Moaine is interested in longevity, wealth, and influence, rather than direct power. He'd much rather be the King's adviser, than to wear the crown himself. And he intends to outlive his peers, watching them come and go, like the seasons, while he endures through the ages, like the mountains and the sea. His one weakness is his affection for Carlena, his bodyguard, whom he has recently hired. He is deeply in love with her, and hopes to one day restore her shattered health. On the surface, he pretends to be nothing more than her employer, although he is prone to doing little, unasked-for favors on her behalf, like making her bed for her, or using cantrips to freshen her clothes---they travel and sleep together, although it is on separate bedrolls---and he also has a tendency to over-pay her for tasks, always attributing it to nothing more than "a tip for excellent performance" on her part.

Moaine hides a dark secret; he is plagued by nightmares. Moaine does not yet realize this, but he is the reincarnation of a powerful, evil wizard of the same name.

The former Moaine lived over a two hundred years ago, and was a powerful agent of evil, the servitor of an Arch Lich named Valkore, who was in turn, a thrall of some unknown, demonic master. The original Moaine eventually overthrew his master, and sought to make himself immortal, as his master had done. Moaine did not, however, become a lich; instead, he became a vampire, and he protected himself by storing his life force inside of his staff, which he affectionately called "Rodney." Because his life force was so protected, Moaine could not be turned by Clerics, and was able to walk in the daylight hours, since his life force was safely inside Rodney's black opal headpiece.

Eventually, Moaine was defeated by a Solar named Garlane The Great, who had been a Paladin in his mortal life, before being granted Angel status. Garlane sundered Moaine's staff, and shattered the headpiece. Moaine's life force fled back into his physical body, but to no avail, since the battle took place in broad daylight. Moaine, no longer protected from the sun, evaporated into a pile of dust, utterly destroyed... almost.

A remnant of Moaine's soul still remained in the headpiece. When darkness fell, the soul remnant left the opal fragment, and merged onto the Astral Plane, where it looked for a way to strengthen itself, so as to facilitate its return to a physical existence. Eventually, it gathered the power necessary to force itself upon a living host; the remnant merged back onto the Prime Material plane, and entered the body of Serena Barlingvale, a serving maid who was in the throes of intercourse; the remnant implanted the name of Moaine in her mind, and then caused her to conceive, and entered the newly-formed embryo before another soul had the chance to form. It had succeeded in its mission; it had returned to physical form. Now, it had only to wait, and grow, and thrive.

As it turns out, since the remnant was not a complete soul, it could not force its completely evil nature upon the new form; but it was able to give the new Moaine a thirst for power, and the ambition to achieve it. The nightmares that Moaine suffers are suggestions from the remnant, which is still a part of him. The remnant is now a part of his actual soul, forming, in fact, the core of it, and it is the reason for his better-than-average health, and his superior intelligence. Moaine has many random memories from his old self, which sometimes (DM's discretion) allow him to remember things and/or do things that he had no previous experience with. At this point, the remnant is less concerned about the motives and goals of its host, than it is in simply finding a way to regain the enormous magical powers that it once wielded as an immortal vampire.

[sblock=Carlena Stats / Picture (Henchperson) ]
Carlena Magsbreunner: Female Human Fighter (Henchperson)
Ht: 5'10" Wt: 140 lbs. Eyes: Green Hair: Brunette Age: 33


STR 13 (+1 to hit and damage; +5% earned xp)
INT 12 (+0)
WIS 4 (-2 Save vs. Spells)
DEX 11 (+0)
CON 8 (-1 Hit point per die; Suffers from Tuberculosis. She is a heavy drinker.)
CHA 12 (+0)

Hit Points: 7 (1d8-1) Armor Class: 2 (Plate + Shield)

THAC0: 18

Poison / Death: 12, Magic Wand: 13, TTS / Paralysis: 14, Dragon Breath: 15, Spells/Rod/Staff: 18

Starting Gold: 150 (rolled) + 15 (hiring fee) = 165 gp.

Current Gold: 10 gp.

Plain Clothes (1)
Backpack (5)
Belt, plain (1)
Boots, plain (1)
Iron rations, 2 wks (30)
Water skin (1)
6 Torches (1)
3 Flasks of Oil (1)
Tinder Box (3)
Belt Pouch (1)
Plate Mail Armor (60)
Shield (10)
Normal Sword (10) Dam: 1d8+1
Short Bow (25)
Quiver/20 Arrows (5)


[sblock=Carlena Description and Background]
Carlena is in her mid-thirties, and she has been "weathered" by a hard life; she is an escaped slave, who won her freedom by slitting her master's throat while he slept, and stealing his coin purse. She has been free since the age of 15, and has always had to make her own way in the world, by any means available. She was married for a time to a Mercenary Captain by the name of Belloqiuss The Cruel. When they were first married, "Bell," as Carlena affectionately called him, was rich beyond measure, because of the tremendous success and profitability of his mercenary company, The Wild Lions. Both of them indulged heavily in wine, opium, and various other intoxicants, in a careless fashion that is common to the careless and wealthy. They lived this binge lifestyle for 12 years; However, Bell's gambling soon became a problem, and eventually, he lost all of his wealth, and his mercenary company disbanded. Carlena stayed with him, having little choice now that her health was ruined by excessive indulgence; but Bell fell into a deep depression, and began to have fits of anger, in which he would beat Carlena savagely. Carlena endured it for a time, but eventually, she grew tired of it. One night, Bell came into their tent drunk, with the intention of beating her, just for sport. She used the same dagger that she had used on her slave master to carve Bell's left kidney into mush. As Bell bled out inside the tent, Carlena stepped outside, and lit the whole thing on fire. Since that night, two and a half years ago, she has made her living as a bodyguard, using the skills that had been taught to her by her former husband, in happier times. She has several scars which are the results of abuse by Bell, but only one is visible, a bad burn mark on her neck, that was the result of a white-hot fire poker. She stays drunk most of the time, because it eases the pain of her ruined health, and because it also serves to blot out the memories of the abuse that she suffered at the hands of a man that she once truly loved.

Carlena can tell that Moaine likes her, and she is of half-a-mind to return his affections, but refuses to do so, until he actually admits that he likes her. Up to this point, Moaine has not said one word to her that was not in a professional context, although his little favors are blatantly obvious. However, the little favors are not enough; as long as Moaine continues his pretense, she will remain aloof. And doing so gets harder for her every day, as her affection for him grows.
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!

Once a warrior of renown, hero of the battle of three armies, the middle-aged widow of three was crippled in battle. Treated in an augustinian abbey during her long recovery, she now serves as the company's hard-eyed quartermaster/mundane healer.

[sblock=Narasha right now]She-Wolf of Trandar
Once known as The Shining Gale

Art by Len-Yan
  • Resentful of her injuries
  • Bitter about how she was pushed aside by Trandar leadership after she was injured
  • Angry at those who just want to move on, to forget that the war ever happened
  • Envious of the (undeserved) good health/good luck of others
[sblock=Stats]Level 1 cleric (Acolyte)
XP 0/1500
Alignment: Lawful
Languages: Common, Lawful.

Str 9
Dex 8 -1 Missiles, AC and ini
Con 11
Int 10 Read and write Common
Wis 11
Cha 9 Four retainers at loyalty 7

AC 3 (Plate + shield - 1 Dex)
HP 6
Saving Throws (DR/P 11, Wnd Poly Prl 12, Ston 14, Brth 16, S&S 15)
Turn 2d6 Undead: 2d6 (Sklt 7, Zmb 9, Ghl 11, Wght -, Wrth -)

THAC0 20 (21 missiles)
Move: 30/90 (400cn<x<800cn)

Equipment: 140 gp total, including Page equipment
Plate mail (60) 500cn
Wolf-fur cloak (1, 15cn if packed)
War hammer, Also used as a cane (5) 1d6, 50cn
Bollocks dagger (3) 1d4, 10cn
Red belt-pouch (0.5) 2cn, 50cn capacity
   Sharpening Stone (1) 5cn
[sblock=The Page]Level 1 thief (Acolyte)
XP 0/1200
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Neutral.

Str 10
Dex 12 Young
Con 12 Resilience of youth
Int 11
Wis 12 Observant
Cha 9 Unsure of himself

AC 6 (Leather + shield)
HP 4
Saving Throws (DR/P13 , Wnd Poly Prl 14, Ston 13, Brth 16, S&S 15)
Open lock 15, Find traps 10, Remove traps 10, Climb 87, Silently 20, Hide 10, Pockets 20, Hear 30
Backstabbing (+4 tohit and X2 damage if completeky unoticed)

THAC0 20
Move: 40/120 (<400cn)

Leather armor (20) 200cn
Short cloak (0.5)
Small dagger at waist (3) 1d4, 10cn 
    2 silver 4 coppers
Narasha's Shield (10) 100cn "Shield bearer"
Leather sling (2) 20cn
    30/30 sling stones (1) 1d4, 6cn, 40/80/160
Cloth backpack (5) 20cn, 400cn capacity
   4 days fresh rations
   Bandages, pins and rough alcohol
   Steel Mirror and toiletries (5) 5cn
   Lantern (10) 30cn + 2 Flasks of oil (2) 10cn
   Cast iron pot and rotisserie spit (1) 20cn
   Tinder box (3) 5cn
   Two rolled blankets on top of pack (1) 20cn
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