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GRON VANDAIL[ECL 1] 0/1,000xp
Human [Varisian] Ranger 1
CG Medium Humanoid

Init +1; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3
Languages Common and Goblin.
AC 17, Touch 13, FF 14 (+3 Dex, +3 Armor, +1 Shield).
HP 9
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will -2; Special +1 to Saves vs. Mind Affecting
Spd 30ft
Melee Dagger (+2 atk, 1d4+1 dmg, 19-20/x2 crit) or Longsword (+2 atk, 1d8+1 dmg, 19-20/x2 crit) or War Razor (+2 atk, 1d4+1 dmg, 18-20/x2 crit).
Ranged Longbow (+4 atk, 1d8 dmg, crit 20/x3, RI 80ft) or Thrown Dagger (+4 atk, 1d4+1 dmg, 19-20/x2 crit, 10ft RI).
Space 5ft; Reach 5ft
Base Attack +1; Grapple +2
Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
SQ Favored Enemy – Goblinoid (+2 to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival (for Track), and +2 to damage rolls), Wild Empathy (d20 as Diplomacy against wild animals).
Feats Lone Wolf (50% chance to stabilize), Point Blank Shot, Track, Trophy Hunter - Goblin Heads.
Flaws: Weak Will (-3 to Will Saves; added above).
Traits: Torpid (-2 to Init; +1 to Saves vs Mind Affecting).
Skills Craft (bowyery) (1) +3, Craft (fletching) (1) +3, Hide (4) +7(5), Jump (2) +3(1), Knowledge (local) (1) +1, Knowledge (nature) (2) +2, Listen (2) +3, Move Silently (4) +7(5), Search (2) +2, Speak Language (1), Spot (2) +3, Survival (4) +5. ACP –2 (applied above).

[sblock=Trophy Hunter Feat]
Trophy Hunter [Goblin Heads]: From Dragon 332. By displaying the severed head, you may add your Favored Enemy bonus to any Intimidate checks against that type of creature. For every head after the first, gain a +1 Morale bonus on the Intimidate check (max +4). Without magical preservation, the head loses its usefulness after 7 days. This is a Supernatural, Mind-Affecting Effect.[/sblock]

Combat Equipment: Dagger x2, Klar, Longbow (+20 arrows), Longsword, Quarterstaff, Studded Leather Armor, War Razor.
Gear: Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch x2, Caltrops, Clay Tankard, Flask of Oil x3, Flint/Steel, Harpy Musk x2, 50ft Hemp Rope + Grappling Hook, Hooded Lantern, Iron Pot, Map/Scroll Case x2, Masterwork Bowyery/Fletching Tools, Sack x4, Trail Rations x8, Waterskin, Whetstone.

Wealth: 16gp, 6sp, 6cp

Concept: Kidnapped and tortured by goblins as a boy, Gron Vandail now harbors an unyielding hatred for the little creatures, and wishes not only to keep others from suffering his same fate, but also to destroy goblins wherever he finds them.
Appearance: 5’6”, 145lbs, shaved bald, with a light brown goatee, green eyes, wearing the nomadic clothing typical of a Varisian, bearing proudly a belt of goblin skulls, as well as the scars of his time as a goblin torture victim.

[sblock=Background]Gron Vandail was born the son of a carpenter and part-time lumberjack in the small woodland village of Sutter, located just southeast of the Lurkwood. The Vandail family, along with the other seven families that made up Sutter, depended on logging and hunting for their subsistence.

A fire burned down the Vandail home when Gron was seven years old, and for a time, the family camped in the woods nearby while the Vandails and the rest of the village worked to rebuild the home. It was during this period that goblins began to raid Sutter. It was first a few brief incursions, but the goblins grew more and more bold. One night, the goblins came and kidnapped Gron and two other children of roughly the same age. The goblins took the children into the woods, to a rough encampment. There, the goblins took many liberties with the captive children, including mental and physical torture, ritual scarring, and in the case of two of the children, feasting.

Gron proved just strong enough to escape the goblin camp, and returned to Sutter to tell the tale of his captivity. The men of Sutter drew arms and made an attack on the goblin camp. Gron, seething with hatred for the goblins, secretly tagged along, but did not fight. Gron watched as his father, his older brothers, and other men of Sutter hacked the goblins to pieces, and enjoyed the display.

Even with every last goblin dispatched, however, Gron was not satisfied. When he was old enough, Gron sought the guidance of Prater Non, a skilled woodsman and hunter, who was also a village elder. Non taught the Vandail youth in the ways of archery, stealth, hunting, and bow crafting.

When Gron reached maturity, the presence of other creatures of the Lurkwood, such as ogres and giants, had made logging more and more difficult, and a decision was made to travel south to seek a new place to ply their trades. Gron took the opportunity to leave Sutter and his family, explaining that he wanted to find goblins to slay and somehow sate his blood lust. Though his family did not understand, they wished Gron well, equipped him as best they could for the journey, and sent him on to Riddleport, the nearest city.

In Riddleport, Gron found employment with a merchant named Tosh, who sold weapons and armor, and had an opening for a bowyer. Gron worked there for some time, but was bored with life as a tradesman. Seeking a chance to prove himself, Gron volunteered to help take one of Tosh’s shipments across the Varisian Gulf to Sandpoint. Just before reaching its destination, the ship hit a brutal storm, and dashed upon rocks south of Windsong Abbey. Gron ushered six surviving crewmen to shore, and together they made for Sandpoint.

Upon arriving in Sandpoint, Gron made sure that his fellow travelers were cared for, and then he went about trying to secure passage back to Riddleport. Despite his best effort, Gron has not yet earned enough gold to return to Riddleport, so he continues to seek employment to earn his way back home.[/sblock]
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Here is Penn Bedrangle - Male Halfling Rogue 1

Please bear in mind that he is still a work in progress. I still have to fix the formatting so it reads a lot easier.

Olaf the Stout

[B]Name:[/B] Penn Bedrangle
[B]Class:[/B] [i]Rogue 1[/i]
[B]Race:[/B] Halfling
[B]Size:[/B] Small
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Chaotic Neutral
[B]Deity:[/B] Calistria/Desna

[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0      [B]Char Level:[/B] 1  [B]XP:[/B] 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 18 +4      [B]BAB:[/B] +0        [B]HP:[/B] 7 (6+1) [B]Currently:[/B] 7
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1      [B]Grapple:[/B] -4
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2      [B]Speed:[/B] 20'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] -
[B]Wis:[/B] 8  -1      [B]Init:[/B] +8        [B]Spell Save:[/B] N/A
[B]Cha:[/B] 12 +1      [B]ACP:[/B] 0          [B]Spell Fail:[/B] N/A
[sblock=Ability generation]
28 Point Buy. Starting stats Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 12
Halfling -2 Str, +2 Dex
             [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]       10    +2     +0    +4    +1    +0    +0    17
[B]Touch:[/B] 15    [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 13

             [B]Base   Mod    Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]        +0     +1     +1      2
[B]Ref:[/B]         +2     +4     +1      7
[B]Will:[/B]        +0     -1     +1       0

[B]Weapon                         Attack        Damage       Critical[/B]
Small Rapier              +0      1d4         18-20(x2)
Small Dagger (Melee)        +0      1d3       19-20(x2)
Small Dagger (Thrown)          +5      1d3       19-20(x2)
Small Shortbow                +4       1d4       20(x3)
Small War Razor           +0         1d3          18-20(x2)

Sneak Attack +1d6

Improved Initiative

Skill Points: 40 Max Ranks: 4/2
[B]Skills                        Ranks   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Appraise                        0       +2        0         +2
Balance                    0            +4        0        +4
Bluff                           2        +1        0        +3
Climb                         3         0         +2         +5
Concentration (CC)           0       +1        0        +1
Decipher Script              1          +2       0         +3
Diplomacy                      0        +1       0          +1
Disable Device                 4        +2         0        +6
Disguise                   0            +1          0         +1
Escape Artist                  0          +4       0       +4
Forgery                      0        +2           0       +2
Gather Information           2        +1          0      +3
Heal                            0        -1           0        -1
Hide                            3         +4         +4        +11
Intimidate                    0          +1         0         +1
Jump                            0        +0         +2        +2
Knowledge (Sandpoint)           1          +2        0        +3
Listen                          4            -1        +2        +5
Move Silently              3            +4          +2       +9
Open Lock                   4            +4                  +8
Perform                      0             +1         0       +1
Profession                  0           -1           0       -1
Ride                            0        +4           0       +4
Search                          4        +2         0         +6
Sense Motive                  1        -1         0        +0
Sleight of Hand              1        +4           0        +5
Spot                        4           -1           0        +3
Survival                      0         -1            0         -1
Swim                            0          +0       0          +0
Tumble                       1            +4         0        +5
Use Rope                 0             +4          0         +4
Speak Language (Varisian and Chelaxian)

[B]Equipment:                              Cost       Weight[/B]
Explorer's Outfit
Sack (x2)
Winter Blanket
Belt Pouch (x3)
Pocketed Scarf
Thieve's Tools
Rations (4 Days)
Small Rapier
Small Dagger (x2)
Small Shortbow
40 Arrows
Small War Razor
Leather Armour
[B]Total Weight:[/B]XXlb 

[B]Money:[/B] 1GP 9SP 10CP

              [B]Lgt     Med      Hvy      Lift    Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]  0-25    26-50    51-75   75/150   375

Age: XX
Height: 3'3"
Weight: XXlb
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin: Tanned



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After a pleasant afternoon fishing downstream from the village, a young gnome named Phythas caught the scent of something burning while walking back through the woods towards Whistedown, where he lived. At first, he could not tell where it was coming from because the trees' canopy was too thick, but as he neared the village, he saw the pillar of smoke billowing up from several burning houses on the western edge.
Dropping his fishing rod and the basket of fish he had caught, Phythas ran towards the village. As he neared, he saw that his house had not yet been touched by the flames, but the home of his childhood friend, the human Althric was on fire, and there were dark figures slumped on the ground.
Panic gripped him as he rushed towards the burning house. He saw the still forms of Mojo and Fang, two of the dogs Althric had been raising since before his parents had passed away and left their kennel to him. As Phythas went through the open gate and into the closed yard, he passed the bloodied body of Althric's wife, Jesuna, lying deathly still near the path to the front door of the house.
Running around to the back of the yard, Phythas stopped, heart pounding in his chest, as he spotted the broken form of the old hound. Next to it lay a dead goblin, one of its arms torn off by the dog, though the gnome boy hardly noticed. He kneeled down beside the dog, tear's welling up in his eyes...
" Scruffy... "
After a mere heartbeat, there was a loud crash and the sound of breaking glass as two more of the viscious raiders burst out of the house through one of the windows, torches in hand. They spotted the boy and turned to each other, grinning evilly as they slowly advanced from behind.
Phythas, of course, had overheard all of this. Anger began to well up inside of him and he looked for something, anything that he could use as a weapon. Next to the dead goblin he saw the blade of one of the goblins' weapons, with the handle broken off. But, there were two holes bored into one end of the blade, easily big enough for his fingers.
Grabbing the blade, the rough edges cutting into his hand, Pythas turned on the two goblins. The burning flames consuming the house were reflected is his eyes, filled with hatred. A single tear rolled down his cheeck.
" You sliced my dog; now I'm gonna slice YOU! "
With startling speed he leaped towards the fiendish humanoids, who were much taken aback by the gnomes sudden attack. They had barely begun to raise their own blades as Phythas hacked into the first goblin's neck, nearly severing it. As he pulled out his weapon, the other goblin was afforded a moment to counterattack, and it took advantage of it with a chopping motion, forcing Phythas to turn his back and try to roll a way.
Pain lanced through his body as the goblin's weapon cut into his back, leaving a wound from his right shoulderblade halfway to his waist, but it was shallow. Phythas spun around and managed to block the second blow. Then he attacked.
The goblin, still a little stunned by the sudden turn of events and death of its companion, was forced to go on the defensive as the enraged gnome rained down blow after blow. Just when it looked like the boy was tiring, it stumbled on the body of another dog, Muffin. Seeing his last opening, Phythas brought down his blade with all his strength, cleaving into the goblins thick skull and planting the blade next in between its left eye and nose.
Letting go of his weapon, Phythas sat down on the ground. The terrible pain in his back and hand was beginning to register, and he could feel the intense heat of the flames. He was exhausted, breathing hard and about ready to cry. Then he heard some shouting and the pounding of boots, and a small group of villagers led by his mother and father appeared in the gateway. His father's grim face and the mixed look of horror and relief of his mother were the last thing he saw that night before passing out...

[B]Name:[/B] Phythas
[B]Class:[/B] Ftr 1 		[b]Starting Level[/b]: 1
[B]Race:[/B] Gnome
[B]Region of Origin:[/b] Sanos Forest
[B]Size:[/B] Small
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral Good
[B]Deity:[/B] Erastil, Calistria 

[B]Str:[/B] 12 +1 (06p.)	[B]Level:[/B] 1	[B]XP[/B]: 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 13 +1 (05p.)	[B]BAB:[/B] +1		[B]HP:[/B] 13 (1d10+3)
[B]Con:[/B] 16 +3 (06p.)	[B]Grapple:[/B] -2	
[B]Int:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)	[B]Speed:[/B] 20'	[B]Stat Increases:[/b]
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)	[B]Init:[/B] +1	[B]Spell Save:[/B] N/A
[B]Cha:[/B] 13 +1 (05p.)	[B]ACP:[/B] -3		[B]Spell Fail:[/B] 20%

[B]	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	10	+4	+2	+1	+1	+0	+0	18
[B]Touch:[/B]	12	[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 17

[B]Spell Res:[/B] None
[B]Dmg Red:[/B] None

[B]	Total	Base	Mod	Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]	+5	+2	+3	--
[B]Ref:[/B]	+1	+0	+1	--
[B]Will:[/B]	+2	+0	+0	+2
[B]Notes:[/B] +2 racial save vs. illusions

[B]Weapon			Attack	Damage	Critical	Range[/B]
Gn Hkd Hammer		+4	1d6+1	   20/x3	------
Gn Hkd Hammer		+4	1d4+1	   20/x4	------
Dogslicer		+3	1d4+1	19-20/x2	------
Comp Short Bow		+3	1d4	   20/x3	 70 ft
Unarmed			+3	1d2+1	   20/x2	------

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Gnome, Goblin

[B]Abilities:[/B] Low-Light Vision, Weapon Familiarity, +1 racial bonus to illusion DC, +4 dodge AC vs giants

[B]Feats: [/B] Iron Will, Weapon Focus (Gnome Hooked Hammer)

[B]Spell-Like/Psi-like Abilities:[/B] 1/day - Speak w/Burrowing Mammals, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 12	[B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills		Total	Ranks	Mod 	Misc[/B]
Bluff   	+3	 2	+1	--
K (Local)	+3	 2	+1	--
Survival	+2	 2	+0	--
[B]Notes:[/B] +2 racial bonus to Listen and Craft (Alchemy)

[B]Equipment:		Cost	Weight[/B]
Hide Shirt		90gp	12.5lb
Hvy Wooden Shld		 7gp	 5lb
Gn Hkd Hammer		20gp	 3lb
Dogslicer		 8gp	.5lb
Comp Short Bow		75gp	 1lb
20 Arrows		 1gp	1.5lb
Explr Outfit		--gp	--lb
Backpack		 2gp	.5lb		
Bedroll			 1sp 	1.25lb
Flint + Steel		 1gp	--lb
Belt Pouch		 1gp	.125lb
3 Days Rations		15sp	.75lb
Sack			 1sp	.125lb
Waterskin		 1gp	 1lb
Whetstone		 2cp	 1lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 28.25lb	[B]Money:[/B] 28gp 41sp 18cp

[B]		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	32.25 	64.5	97.5	185	487.5	

[B]Age:[/B] 74
[B]Height:[/B] 3'7"
[B]Weight:[/B] 42 lbs.
[B]Eyes:[/B] Emerald Green
[B]Hair:[/B] Sandy Brown
[B]Skin:[/B] Light Tanned

Appearance: Rather tall for a gnome, Phythas looks like he has seen his fare share of travels. His skin sports a healthy tan from many days spent out in the sun, and his clothes and gear are weathered. Over his torso he wears a thick shirt of hide in the style of the Shoanti barbarians, and he carries an assortment of weapons. However, his sandy hair and brilliant green eyes give him a friendly appearance.

Personality: Phythas tends to be cheerful and well mannered, though sometimes he wears it as a veneer over feelings of anger and resentment. He is good natured and kind hearted, and occassionally this causes him to question exactly how much mercy he should show to his enemies. Also, he can be very mischievious when it strikes his fancy, a trait he shares with the goblins he despises so much.

Background: Born in a one of the hidden villages of the Sanos Forest, Phythas moved to Whistledown with his parents when he was very young, only about five years old, barely more than a toddler in gnomish reckoning. They settled next to a family that raised dogs for a living. A few years went by and Phythas befriended the young son of those neighbours, named Althric. Despite their difference in size, they got along very well, but all too soon Althric grew up while Phythas stayed young, becoming more like an older brother to the young gnome than a best friend.
During this time, Phythas would often help Althric with raising the dogs. In particular, his friend entrusted him with the raising of a newborn puppy, whom the young gnome named Scruffy. Phythas really loved his dog, who became like his new best friend. Althric was glad to have his friend around to help when his parents died, leaving him the family business.
When Phythas was about thirty, Althric married a beautiful young woman by the name of Jesuna. They had planned to start a family together, though this was not to be. In what was to become a defining moment in Phythas' life, goblins attacked Whistledown and killed the couple, as well as several others, setting fire to a number of buildings. Phythas was discovered in the yard of the kennel by his parents and a group of townspeople, having slain two goblins with a broken dogslicer.
After that, Phythas began to train to become a warrior and swore that he would take revenge on all goblins, or at least the mean ones. The town smith made a new handle for the dogslicer he had earned in combat, but his teacher did not think it the most suitable weapon for heavy fighting, and so Phythas was instructed in the multi-purpose weapon, the gnome hooked hammer.
When Phythas came of age and had finished his training, se set out to travel Varisia in his search for more nasty goblins.
He travelled briefly through the lands of the Shoanti barbarians, where he was gifted with his hide shirt, but those hardy people did not need much help in fending off attacks, so he travelled southwards again.
On the plains between Ember Lake and Varisian Bay, Phythas picked up the trail of some goblins, which he followed west for a time. Eventually though he lost the trail, but he decided to continue on towards the coast and Sandpoint anyway, thinking that he would perhaps like to see the ocean and the islands.
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Blind Azathoth

Borrowed Kaodi's stat block, just 'cause I thought it looked the nicest.

Name: Ravi Delling
Class: Cloistered Cleric 1            Starting Level: 1
Race: Human (Chelaxian)
Region of Origin: Sandpoint
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Sarenrae

Str: 10 +0 (02p.)       Level: 1        XP: 0
Dex: 12 +1 (04p.)       BAB: +0         HP: 7 (1d6+1)
Con: 12 +1 (04p.)       Grapple: +0     
Int: 14 +2 (06p.)       Speed: 20'      Stat Increases:
Wis: 16 +3 (10p.)       Init: +1        Spell Save: 13+spell level
Cha: 10 +0 (02p.)       ACP: -2         Spell Fail: N/A

        Base    Armor   Shld    Dex     Size    Nat     Misc    Total
Armor:  10      +4      +0      +1      +0      +0      +0      15
Touch:  11      Flatfooted: 14

        Total   Base    Mod     Misc
Fort:   +3      +2      +1      --
Ref:    +1      +0      +1      --
Will:   +5      +2      +3      --

Weapon                  Attack  Damage  Critical        Range
Light crossbow          +1      1d8     19-20/x2        80 ft
Light mace              +0      1d6     x2              --

Languages: Chelaxian, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Thassilonian, Varisian

Abilities: Spellcasting, Turn Undead 3/day (Greater Turning 1/day), Lore, +1 Caster Level on Healing Spells, Healing Light 1/day

Feats: Augment Healing, Improved Power (Healing)

Skill Points: 36        Max Ranks: 4/2
Skills           Total   Ranks   Mod     Misc
Concentration    +5      4       +1      --
Decipher Script  +6      4       +2      --
Heal             +7      4       +3      --
Kn (Arcana)      +6      4       +2      --
Kn (History)     +6      4       +2      --
Kn (Local)       +4      2       +2      --
Kn (Nob./Royal.) +4      2       +2      --
Kn (Religion)    +6      4       +2      --
Speak Language   --      4       --      --
Spellcraft       +6      4       +2      --

Domains: Healing, Knowledge, Sun
Spells/Day: 0 – 3, 1st – 2+1
Spells Prepared
0: Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic
1st: Endure Elements, Remove Fear, Shield of Faith

Equipment:              Cost    Weight
Chain Shirt             100gp   25 lb
Light Crossbow          35gp    4 lb
Light Mace              5gp     4 lb
Bolts (20)              2gp     2 lb
Backpack                2gp     2 lb
Bedroll                 1sp     5 lb
Flint and Steel         1gp     --
Holy Symbol             1gp     --
Ink, 1 oz Vials (2)     16gp    --
Inkpen                  1sp     --
Parchment Sheets (5)    1gp     --
Scholar's Outfit        --      --
Spell Component Pouch   5gp     2 lb
Sunrods (3)             6gp     3 lb
Trail Rations (3)       1.5gp   3 lb
Waterskin               1gp     4 lb

Total Weight: 54lb      Money: 1 pp, 10 gp, 34 sp

                Lgt     Med     Hvy     Lift    Push
Max Weight:     33      66      100     200     500

Age: 23
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 138 lb.
Eyes: Light blue
Hair: Dark brown
Skin: Very pale

[sblock=Background]Ravi Delling is a native of Sandpoint, born to Dagur, a local stonemason, and his wife Sunna, a schoolteacher from Magnimar who left the city to find a quieter life in Sandpoint. Sunna grew sick not a year after giving birth to Ravi, and after wasting away for several months, died.

Dagur was a hard man, not prone to showing his emotions, but with his wife dead, he grew depressed, angry, and increasingly drunk. He raised Ravi on his own, in the way he had been raised: with threats and bellowing, slaps and the belt. Ravi was not allowed to play with the other local boys; his father put him to work as soon as he was able to carry enough to be of assistance, and Dagur treated Ravi not like his son but like a mere laborer.

Ravi did not grow tough or strong because of this treatment, as his father had--and perhaps as his father intended for Ravi to do. He came to flinch at every word his father spoke, to quake in fear and silence before the man; on the rare occasion when he worked up the nerve to speak, it was with a quavering stutter. He was not as prone to illness as his mother had been--a slight genetic resistance to disease was the nicest thing his father had ever given him--but he was afflicted with debilitating panic attacks and dreadful night terrors.

Ravi's only pleasure as a young child came from books. His mother had quite a collection, on subjects ranging from magic to the languages of a dozen peoples of the world to the more mundane history of the region, and Ravi eagerly devoured them all in the quieter moments at home. He dreamed of someday becoming a wizard, gaining power not from a sword or a bow but from books.

But he was no wizard--he was the uncared for child of a stonemason, treated more like a slave than a son. Ravi grew not just to fear his father, but to hate him, and in moments of greatest anger, he prayed to be free of his father. Shortly after Ravi turned 18, the gods granted him his wish. Dagur Delling was one of Chopper's last victims. Ravi found the body himself.

To help assuage his own guilty feelings, and to seek some form of absolution, Ravi took wholeheartedly to the worship of Sarenrae, the goddess of the sun and healing and the purifying flame. At first, he prayed so fervently because he believed he had sinned; but as time passed, he grew more devoted to Sarenrae simply because he came to believe in what she stood for.

He now serves the goddess not out of guilt but out of a genuine adoration of her, her ideals, and the desire to help others. He has become, in addition to a scholar and a linguist, a healer and an aide to Abstalar Zantus in the new cathedral. His stutter remains, however, and he is still prone to nervousness or shyness around most others, but with Zantus' help, he is improving.[/sblock]

[sblock=Appearance]Ravi is of slightly above average height, but is quite thin and spindly. His skin is extremely pale, the result of his bookish nature, and he has the pale blue eyes and dark brown hair his mother is said to have possessed. As befits a follower of the Dawnflower, Ravi tends to wear loose-fitting robes and cloaks of ivory and amber, respectively. He possesses a chain shirt that once belonged to his father and that now, with a few alterations made, fits Ravi nicely, although he almost never wears it. He also carries with him, in a pack over his shoulders, a variety of items, including some historical and religious tomes and--after an incident in which he was stabbed by a drunkard--a crossbow, for self-defense.[/sblock]

[sblock=Personality]The death of Ravi's father rid him of some of his self-doubt, nervousness, fear, and discomfort around others, but not all of it, by any means. The list of things that makes Ravi uncomfortable is actually quite lengthy, and ranges from speaking in public (an odd thing, for a budding priest) to dogs to most other humanoids. Ravi finds most other males intimidating, with the notable exceptions of the shorter halflings and gnomes, and men of the particularly muscular build his father possessed can worsen Ravi's anxiety quite a bit. Ravi also finds himself very nervous around females of any race, though for rather different reasons.

Ravi is also very much a follower, not a leader; he tends to defer to the decisions of others, and due to his stutter does not speak up very often. He is not antisocial, and he is more than willing to work on his particular problems by associating more with other people, yet he only ever fully relaxes when absorbed in a book, and he carries some with him wherever he goes.[/sblock]

The feats: Augment Healing is from Complete Divine, and gives me +2 HP healed per spell level with healing spells. Improved Power is from an issue of Dragon, #342. You can take the feat and apply it to any one of your domains, giving a special, extra granted power. Healing's is called Healing Light, and allows me to (1/day per cleric level) turn a touch spell of the healing subschool into a close (25 ft + 5ft/2 levels) range spell.
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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Rainier Scarnetti

Rainer Scarnetti is the scion of one of Sandpoint's founding families, and lost his grandfather in the earliest days of the city's founding. Eris Scarnetti was the youngest cousin of Alamon Scarnetti, and idolized him. When the elder Scarnetti announced his intention to raid the local Varisian population and to frame a tribe of goblins for it, Eris was the first to volunteer -- and was the first to fall when the raid went terribly, terribly wrong.

Rainer never knew his grandfather, of course, but was raised with tales of Eris' heroism by his father. His greatest ambition is to prove himself worthy of his grandfather's greatsword, Silvertongue. He is a true believer in the empire, despite what he calls its "unfortunate recent lapses," and thinks that anyone who disagrees is either simply uneducated about the benefits of empire or is simply resentful of the clear favor shown to the empire by the gods. Savages who reject the empire deserve pity and education and, if that fails, must be removed as an obstacle to progress and the greater good. Only the wicked at heart willfully refuse to see the gifts the empire bring and only dangerous madmen reject civilization entirely.

Rainer is a tall man with dark eyes and a black handlebar mustache. His scalp and beard are shaved close, although he has a perpetual shadowy stubble on both. He grew up working in his family timber concerns, and has the hard calloused hands and scars of a man who grew up doing honest work. Only 21, his stern countenance makes him look at least 10 years older, and he carries himself with more dignity and self-importance than is probably merited. His quick and sometimes violent temper is a constant struggle for him, and he attempts to conquer his anger with prayer, with mixed results. He is a good man, but with flaws that threaten to overwhelm him.

The holy symbol of Abadar: Golden key with a cityscape carved into its head, with four runes and a keyhole along the lower edge.

Rainier Scarnetti
Lawful Good Human Paladin of Abadar 1

Strength: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

Hit Points: 12/12
Armor Class: 14

Base Attack Bonus: +1
Greatsword: +3 (2d6+3/19-20)

Saving Throws: Fortitude +4, Reflex +0, Will +2

Feats: Cleave, Power Attack
Skills: Diplomacy 4 (2 + 2), Heal 4 (2 + 2), Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty) 1 (1 + 0), Knowledge (Religion) 1 (1 + 0), Sense Motive 4 (2 + 2)

Languages: Common, Chelaxian

Class abilities: Aura of Good (Ex): The power of a Rainer's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to his paladin level.

Detect Evil (Sp): At will, Rainer can use detect evil, as the spell.

Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, Rainer may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. He adds his Charisma bonus (+2) to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

Equipment: Greatsword, light crossbow, 10 bolts, scale mail, holy symbol (silver), explorer's outfit, healer's kit, backpack, torches (5), flint and steel, signet ring

Money: 6 gold pieces

XP: 0
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