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Need a little help fleshing out a pantheon


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My players will soon enter a new domain known as the Kirian empire. I've been working a bit on the religion of the realm, and have a framework (and domains) for all the gods. Any help with fleshing out individual deities would be much appreciated.

(Yes, I was heavily influenced the by the "Black Company" books for some of the names.)


The Lady's aspects are both male and female, and cover the gamut of life and death. Aspects (and their avatars) have fought amongst themselves in the past - the mortals who may observe are often further confused by the appearance of The Lady's own avatar to settle disputes. In some cases, the avatar of The Lady has been seen to simply absorb the avatars of her lesser aspects, summarily ending the dispute. Members of any religion that does not include The Lady as a supreme god over all are viewed as misguided, though they are generally tolerated or gently pointed toward the temple of the aspect of The Lady that most resembles their own chosen deity.


The Lady (Supreme Goddess)
There are very few worshippers who follow The Lady in her entirety. In her most general avatar, she is considered to have a true neutral alignment. She grants the domains of balance, good, evil, law, chaos, and magic. The symbol of the Lady is a set of scales on a golden background. The Lady's worshippers are the unofficial rulers of Kiria. They act behind the scenes to control the emperor and his family. Those who worship The Lady in her entirety can be of any alignment and walk of life. Like The Lady they worship, they often have hidden facets to their personalities. The Lady follows true neutrality in that she embraces every aspect of good and evil, of law and chaos, and everything in between.

Creana (Greater Goddess)
Creana is the first of the primary aspects of The Lady. She represents the creative force of the gods and that of mortals. She has a neutral good alignment. Her domains are good, strength, and fire. Her symbol is that of a forging hammer over a mountainside shaped like an anvil. She is the aspect most worshipped by the dwarves that call Kiria home.

Pholus (Lesser God)
Pholus is an aspect of Creana. He is god of the sun and the life-giving light. His radiance can be cold and unforgiving as well, however, highlighting old wrongs and bringing truths best forgotten to light. His alignment is lawful good. He grants the domains of law, good, and sun. His symbol is that of the rising sun.

Bedint (Lesser Goddess)
Bedint is an aspect of Creana. She is the aspect who oversees creation, birth, and growth. Because of her intimate relationship with the creative side of life, outsiders often consider her sacred texts and artwork pornographic and those who belong to her priesthood are sometimes confused with others of negotiable affection. Her alignment is neutral good. Her domains are good, protection, and healing. Her symbol is that of a mother cradling a newborn child.

Teela (Lesser Goddess)
An aspect of Creana, Teela is the goddess who oversees travelers, journeys, and wandering. Teela is said to be a great dancer and lover of music, and is often regarded as the god who watches over bards. Too much of a free spirit to sit in one place for long, Teela (and her priests) are almost always starting new ventures to see what amusements the world has to offer. Her alignment is chaotic good. Her domains are chaos, travel, and good. Her symbol is a winding road leading into low hills.

Gaea (Greater Goddess)
Gaea is the second primary aspect of The Lady. She represents the forces of life and growth. She is true neutral, and she and her aspects are most often worshipped by the druids and rangers of the empire. Her domains are earth, air, and healing. Gaea's neutrality is that of balance - any good deed must be balanced by an evil one and any chaotic act must be followed by strict observance of the law.

Lios (Lesser God)
As an aspect of Gaea, Lios is the god of nature, plants, and animals. He maintains the correct order of life in the teeming wild lands of Kiria and particularly despises the undead. His alignment is lawful neutral. His domains are law, plant, and animal. His symbol is a very large paw print that appears to belong to a large hunting cat.

Rutan (Lesser Goddess)
Rutan is an aspect of Gaea. She oversees the balance of the elements, keeping them carefully in check. She is also the destructive force that unleashes the power of nature when necessary. Her alignment is true neutral. Her domains are air, earth, fire, and water. Her symbol is a disc with four quadrants that has blue across from red and brown across from white.

Fionar (Lesser Goddess)
This aspect of Gaea is the one most often revered by rogues, gamblers, and others who rely more on luck than skill. As fickle as uncaring fate, Fionar's attention may be beneficial or perverse and is often rapidly changed. She is also the patron of those who obtain magic without the benefit of training, endearing sorcerers and bards to her services. Her alignment is chaotic neutral. Her domains are chaos, luck, and magic. Her symbol is that of a spinning coin.

Kina (Greater Goddess)
Kina is the destroyer, the final primary aspect of The Lady. She can be the soft and peaceful end of a quiet death in bed or the thundering terror and destruction of the storms that rage across the desert of Karkrafoon. She has a neutral evil alignment. Her domains are fire, death, and evil. Her symbol is that of a twisting and curling flame.

Justina (Lesser Goddess)
An aspect of Kina, Justina is the god of those who live and die by the system. The goddess revered by lawyers, rulers, and wizards, Justina enforces the sanctity of contracts, the right of law, and the arcane laws of magic. Her alignment is lawful evil and she is especially well known for never breaking her word and for being particularly sadistic to those who are oath breakers. Her domains are law, magic, and knowledge. Her symbol is that of an open book.

Kylus (Lesser God)
Another aspect of Kina, Kylus is the god of those who seek power and do not quibble over methods. A master of stealth, treachery, and disguise, Kylus is often revered by assassins. He is also very respected by those who will stoop to dark pacts and necromancy to gain their fell ends. His alignment is neutral evil. His domains are evil, trickery, and death. His symbol is that of a mask skewered through one eye-slit by a dagger.

Khadi (Lesser God)
The final aspect of Kina, Khadi is sometimes regarded as an aspect of The Lady herself. Rumor states that if ever Khadi becomes ascendant among the aspects of The Lady then the world will end. The goddess of death and battle, Khadi is often revered by mercenaries, barbarians, and other warriors. Her alignment is chaotic evil. Her domains are death, destruction, evil, and war. Her symbol is that of a human skull with a single tear of blood escaping the right eyesocket.

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First Post
Wow! Some really great ideas. Permission to steal?;)
I love the symmetry of your pantheon. Most of the ideas that popped into my head could/would be aspects of god/desses already given. However, what about:

1). A deity for time and/or record keeping. Somewhat like the fates and Chronos rolled into one?

2). Patron god/desses for specific races and monsters. Or would those be aspects of the god/desses you have already given?

3). A teacher god/dess or a messenger god/dess. Kind of a go-between and advocate for the life in the Prime Material to the Pantheon.

Anyway, just some ideas off the top of my head while dodging the boss-lady. Great Work!:D



First Post
Cool stuff.

What exactly are you looking for, in terms of fleshing out?
Off the top of my head, here are some first thoughts:

I would like to see another deity (perhaps more than one) for death and/or battles with an alignment other than chaotic evil. Perhaps those deities could actually be "aspects" of Khadi or you could have different branches of the church of Khadi teaching that Khadi was CE/LN/whatever.
Perhaps you could even split up more than one of your aspect-deities in a similar way.

Think about which deity will be allied / hostile to what other deities and what that means for Kiria.

Introduce holidays and holy places. Building on the symmetrical concept, you could dedicate each month to one of the more important deities. If important religious events take place in the same area at about the same time every season / year / leap-year / decade, you could have traditional clashes between churches or branches of a church.


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Re: Help

StalkingBlue said:
What exactly are you looking for, in terms of fleshing out?
Mostly I was looking for deity interactions and any deities that I might have missed.

I would like to see another deity (perhaps more than one) for death and/or battles with an alignment other than chaotic evil. Perhaps those deities could actually be "aspects" of Khadi or you could have different branches of the church of Khadi teaching that Khadi was CE/LN/whatever. Perhaps you could even split up more than one of your aspect-deities in a similar way.

That's a pretty good idea. I don't want to spread around the powerful domains too much, though, and the whole society is pretty pacifistic -- war really is viewed as evil. The rulers (the actual ones, not the priests that really run things) haven't fought a war in decades. The populace is untrained. That's why the PCs are going to enter the country -- to stop a non-human army that would otherwise CRUSH the empire.

Think about which deity will be allied / hostile to what other deities and what that means for Kiria.
That's the other thing I was looking for help with. I'm not sure which deities should hate one another. It's something I'm working on, along with what they've done to one another in the past to engender the hate.

I appreciate the suggestions from both of you. And if you like what I've got so far, feel free to steal it.

By the way, the reason there are no non-human deities in the pantheon is that they were pretty ruthlessly culled from the populace at the beginning of the empire. There are humans, a few remaining half-elves and orcs, and nothing else from the demi-human races. Part of the PCs problem is going to be the rabid xenophobia and racism they face most anywhere they go (two dwarves, one elf, one human in the party).


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Re: Help

RavenSinger said:
1). A deity for time and/or record keeping. Somewhat like the fates and Chronos rolled into one?

I suppose I should specify that better. That area of expertise would fall under Justina, the ruler of law and order.

3). A teacher god/dess or a messenger god/dess. Kind of a go-between and advocate for the life in the Prime Material to the Pantheon.

That would fall under Teela's role as the god of wanderers and the creative arts.

Thanks for the ideas!


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and now for something completly different...

Love the stuff... just the first thought that popped into my head and I don't know if this would be a game hook or the kinda help you are looking for so bear with me.

would it be possible for the gods to choose to meld together w/o the lady's hand in it? I mean for example you have one faction facing off against another (always have fighting factions) could some or all of a faction "merge and form devastator"? Er.. sorry I mean merge into "more" of the lady? What if one of the lesser aspects tires of being Lesser ?

actually now that I think about it some more it seems more hook than help


First Post
Mostly I was looking for deity interactions and any deities that I might have missed.

I think you have a pretty comprehensive list. The only thing that I am missing is how the various races and intelligent monsters (i.e. elves, dwarves, dragons, giants, goblins, etc.) fit in. Or, how do they understand this pantheon? Or are they delt with in your campaign?

One question: who would have charge of undead? Khadi? Would Justina and Kylus also have some sway on undead?

As far as interaction is concerned, I think you have already given a big clue when you gave the alignments. The greater goddesses I would think get along amongst themselves (though sometimes grudgingly) because they understand they all need each other to survive, and are closer to the unity of The Lady.

As far as the lesser god/desses, the alignments should help. I would think that any pair that are one grade apart would have at least some kind of cooperation and understanding. Anything more than that things will get hairy. Certainly you will have conflict between Fionar and Justina, Bedint and Khadi (well, Khadi and just about everybody). But also I'm sure there will be tension on certain subjects between Teela and Pholus. And maybe to make it interesting, have some kind of a secret relationship/agreement between Pholus and Justina--because there must be an order to everything, right? ;)



First Post
Re: Pantheon

RavenSinger said:
I think you have a pretty comprehensive list. The only thing that I am missing is how the various races and intelligent monsters (i.e. elves, dwarves, dragons, giants, goblins, etc.) fit in. Or, how do they understand this pantheon? Or are they delt with in your campaign?
They're dealt with -- in this part of the world -- by their absence. The empire was formed by those who hated and feared anyone that wasn't one of "them". Any non-humans and other monsters were pretty ruthlessly culled from the populace at the beginning of the empire. There are humans, a few remaining half-elves and orcs, and nothing else from the demi-human races. Part of the PCs problem is going to be the rabid xenophobia and racism they face most anywhere they go (two dwarves, one elf, one human in the party).

As to the intelligent monsters -- the dragons, and races of the underdark that weren't easily destroyed in the purge -- I hadn't really considered them yet. I'll have to come up with something if my PCs interact with them.

One question: who would have charge of undead? Khadi? Would Justina and Kylus also have some sway on undead?
The non-living don't die. Therefore Khadi would probably hate them for being outside of her sphere -- the souls never make it to her. The god of necromancy in this pantheon is Kylus. He supports those given to power at any cost -- which includes necromancy.

Certainly you will have conflict between Fionar and Justina, Bedint and Khadi (well, Khadi and just about everybody). But also I'm sure there will be tension on certain subjects between Teela and Pholus. And maybe to make it interesting, have some kind of a secret relationship/agreement between Pholus and Justina--because there must be an order to everything, right? ;)

I love the relationship between Pholus and Justina. I'm going to use that! Bedint and Khadi aren't really at odds -- every new soul on the planet is someone new for Khadi, and most creation requires some destruction (You can't make an omelet...)

As for the alignments, I use those (especially in pantheons) for personality traits more than an overall good vs. evil aspect. Evil is more self-absorbed and less caring than good, while chaos and law explain themselves. The "Good" aspects are just as likely to fight amongst themselves when you think of chaos versus law, or either versus neutrality.


I'd like to thank everyone that lent a hand on this thread -- I think I've got the Kirian Empire nailed down pretty well. This is my first heavily political campaign -- with some combat thrown in --and I wanted to make sure I had it done up right ahead of time. With all the priestly plots to get entangled in, the players are going to HATE this place! :)
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First Post
Well, RavenSinger was too fast for me. Darn having to work late. :)

I imagine it's going to be a real challenge for the PCs to take a fighting role in a pacifist environment - looks like they'll be triggering all of everybody's worst prejudices at once! I find it hard to imagine a single church in this pantheon that would be prepared to help them if they need healing, let alone more existential priestly stuff.

Unless of course there's a hidden, illegal, persecuted, much-slandered sub-sects of heretics worshipping a non-CE aspect of Khadi ... perhaps ... They are almost extinct until those PCs come along to shake the empire to its very foundations ... Or even better, they could be worshipping the CE aspect, now eager to use the PCs' deeds to improve their goddess's standing and their own.

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