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"Here There Be Vampires" A Promise City, Arizona Story Hour

orchid blossom


The evening of the party arrives and Minerva is quite excited. She brushes her hair until it gleams and pins it up with a festive comb before she slides into her red party gown. It is, distinctly Spanish in its design, hugging her long, lean form and flaring out at the hem. "Do I look ready for a fiesta?" she inquires gaily of Nanuet giving him a little performance by snapping open her fan and twirling for his inspection.

"I think I will have to stay extra close to your side this evening my love, lest anyone else get any ideas! I think you look extraordinary. I need to grab one more thing before we head over."

Minerva sees Nanuet searching through his personal belongings. After a few moments he gets a little frantic as he is obviously not finding what he is looking for. He is just about to speak when he snaps his fingers then moves across the room. There he palms something that was apparently hidden and tucks it away into the small pouch he always wears on his hip. He takes a moment to look into the mirror himself, trading in his leather vest and buckskin pants for trousers, a cotton shirt and vest.

"I think we're ready, let’s head over."

Nanuet escorts Minerva to The Lucky Lady. As they climb the steps to the porch he says, "I think they started without us, sounds like they are having fun in there."

As soon as Ruby sees Minerva and Nanuet at the door she rushes over and embraces Minerva. "Happy birthday Minerva! You look just beeeutiful for your party." She ushers them in and immediately places two beverages in front of them. She squeezes up to the bar between Kate and Jake. "You two looked good out there," she says looking back and forth between them. "Course, not as good as I. I mean me. Or something like that." She shrugs her shoulders before stealing Jake's drink and taking a sip.

"Now I want to dance some more and when Minerva and Nanuet have appropriately loosened up we can open presents. Anyone?" She holds out her hand, expecting someone to take her onto the dance floor.

"I think that would be my turn," he says as he yanks her in the direction of the area cleared for dancing.

Ruby gives a squeal as Jake pulls on her, ending at the mostly full dance floor. "Darrrling," she purrs, pushing up against him, "After we dance we should look at the stars. We haven't looked all them sparkling all night!" Ruby places a hand on his shoulder and one gripped tightly on the waist of his pants under his jacket and lets Jake start to spin her around.

"Of course we can, but only for a minute. It would not be right to have all these folks here for us and then run away. We can come back out later tonight when everyone leaves." They dance and when the song ends stroll out the door.

Minerva's eyes sparkle as she takes in the scene. Everyone is laughing and dancing. Nanuet gets her a drink from the bar and she sips it as she enjoys the crowd.

"Presents? Oh, I have a present for Senor Jake but I will need the help of two strong men to carry it over from my home. But first let us dance!" She grabs Nanuet's arm and leads him onto the floor, where they kick up their heels to a lively tune.

Nanuet does his best to keep pace on the dance floor. He seems to be improving each time he dances. He doesn't lack the dexterity, just the experience. One thing that Minerva notices is that Nanuet seems to get uncomfortable each time the word "present" is mentioned.

"Quite the gathering they have put on for you and Jake, guess I should have figured they would know the right way to make a party. Let's get a few more drinks!"

"I would have been just as pleased to celebrate my birthday alone in the grove with you, Mi Amor. But I must agree that they do know how to throw a fiesta!"

"Here for you honey, they are here for you." Ruby takes her chance to enthusiastically make out with the birthday boy out on the porch for a few minutes. Finally she says, "I'll take you up on your offer to stargaze later on baby. Now let’s go inside and open presents." Taking his hand she drags in back in.

"Presents!" she calls out to those gathered.

The members of the Figures family arrive, Dorita, Pedro, Sonoma and......Manuel Gonzales. Ruby hadn't seen Mr. Austin leave, but he must have slipped out rather recently. They also have Estaban Fuente in tow who offers his musical talents for the evening.

Minerva hears Ruby yell presents. "Oh, I have a gift for Jake, well it's really for Jake and Ruby. It is quite bulky though. Do you think that you and Chester could bring it over from the house?" Minerva describes the large, bulky roll and it's location in the spare bedroom.

"Certainly. I'll grab Chester and get that done right now, sounds like Ruby is ready. Here, keep an eye on this till I get back" he says handing her his half empty drink.

While Jake and Ruby danced Kate found a partner in Patrick Seawell. His style was much easier for her to keep up with and they chatted pleasantly until Ruby came back in demanding gifts. She asked Jeff to bring her packages in from the kitchen since they were too large and heavy for her.

While he did that, she went over to the new arrivals from the El Parador and embraced them all around. "I'm especially glad to see you," she said to her teacher.

Nanuet grabs Chester and they briskly head to the house attached to the church, grab the item that Minerva described and carry it back to the saloon.

"Phew, whatever it is it ain't light!" Nanuet says, a light covering of sweat covering his body. "I hope there isn't a body wrapped up in here!"

Ruby also runs over and hugs the Figures family, thanking them for coming three or four times. Then she hugs Manuel, whispering in his ear. "Thank you for coming, teacher. It means a lot to me."

Gonzales replies, "Have you ever known me to miss a party?"

Ruby giggles. "No I guess not. And here I was thinking you came for me." She squeezes him again. "Kate's off duty now. Would anyone like a drink?"

"You're always at all the best parties, Grandpere."

Kate stayed for a few minutes chatting with Sonoma. She saw her far more often now that she'd been spending more time at the ranch, but she still felt like she didn't see her enough. Jeff brought her packages in, and she had them put them with the other gifts and waited for the opening to begin, glad it wasn't her who would be watched for the next hour.

Jake greets them all warmly. "Hola amigo's and amiga's!" He alternately shakes hands and accepts a hug. "Come be welcome and enjoy yourself," he says his eyes catching the eldest of the family. "I am truly pleased you could all join us." He then wanders over to refresh his drink.

"Oh hold on! Hey Jake," she calls out, scanning for him, finding him near the bar, "Where is Minerva's gift? Can you go get it?"

“We do have a gift for the Senorita." Jake walks behind the bar and removes a yard or so long tube of canvas tied with string. Returning, he places it in Minerva's arms. "Excuse the lack of festive packaging."

Minerva instructs Nanuet and Chester to clear the bar and make a spot on it for her package. It is a roll of canvas about 5 1/2 ' long. As she is doing so Jake places the present in her arms.

"Oh, I was not expecting gifts!" She eyes the package for only a second or two and then eagerly tears open the wrapping.

"Oh! Oh! It is beautiful!" she says her eyes growing wide. Inside the wrapping is nestled a model 1873 44-40 caliber Winchester repeating rifle. She gently lifts it out and cradles it in her arms like a baby, hugging it to her bosom.

Examining the stock she sees it is inlaid with tiny green tiles on both sides. The stock is smooth, the multitude of slightly varied green tile pieces are set perfectly flat and polished into the wood, making a mosaic on each side that is similar though not identical. The mosaics each portray an olive branch with six leaves. Across the top of the stock a name is engraved, Minvera Garcia Florincia.

She looks up to Jake and Ruby to express her gratitude. Her eyes shine bright, and she is momentarily speechless at such generosity. "Gracias! Gracias!” she says launching her self at them and embracing them both in a tight hug.

"De nada, Senorita. It was our pleasure. Especially since you blew up your last one," Jake chuckles, "but it was not as nice as this one. We tried to find just the right decoration for the stock, and Ruby finally came up with this idea. The Martinez family does exceptional work, no?"

“They Certainly do! The craftmanship is exceptional indeed!”

Nanuet's hand goes to the small leather pouch on his hip. He opens it and reaches inside, but then closes it again and walks over to Minerva to get a closer look at the weapon. "It is a beauty for sure, that must have cost a fortune! Oh, excuse my manners, this whole idea of gift giving on the day of one's birth anniversary is very new to me. I am afraid I may not have been as generous as you all have been. "

"Don't worry, Nanuet. The most important part of a gift is the thought you put into it. Sometimes the greatest gifts cost nothing at all. I'm sure your gift will be treasured because of the love you give it with."

"Kate is right, it isn't always about the money Nanuet. I am positive your gifts will be welcome." She smiles reassuringly at him. "I have to admit, I feel like it's my birthday, surrounded by all my friends and getting to have suc a good time."

Minerva takes Nanuet's face in her hands. "Mi Amore, there is no one on this earth or in the heavens that can match the gift that you have given me." She stands on her tiptoes and leaning in kisses him tenderly on the lips.

“And now for your gift Senor. I hope that you like it as well. I have been working on it since the Festival of Dyonisis. I actually made it with you and Ruby in mind as I have woven Lucky and Mischief into it as well as some other characters that are not so readily recognizable. I thought that perhaps you would hang it over the bar. If you like it that is. She says her words tumbling out one over the other in her nervousness. Oh I do hope that you both like it!

Senor Chester... Nanuet? Would you be so kind and unroll the canvas, Por Favor?"

As Chet and Nanuet unroll the tapestry Jake examines it. At first he is puzzled and wrinkles his nose. Suddenly he laughs uproariously. "Senorita, that is a most perfect and treasured gift. Yes, perfect for the Lucky Lady saloon. We will be envy of many, who I predict will want one of these in their game room." He looks to her and adds, "We cannot cover the mirror, but will hang it in a place of prominence right on the wall next to the mirror."

Ruby stands on her toes and tries to peeks over Jake's shoulder. "What is it?"

Jake stands aside to let Ruby through, "See, what a sense of humor Minerva has? Dogs playing poker!" Jake passes his hands over it, "Exquisite work she does, with vibrant colors and fine details." He whispers in Ruby's ear when his hand passes over the ace of spades being passed surreptitiously from one dog to another, "Perhaps a little to much a poke in the ribs, huh." Then he laughs some more.

Ruby furrows her brows for a moment. "Is Minerva trying to say you're like a dog?" She cocks her head and looks at it further before laughing.

"How did you think of this Minerva?" And she adds with a giggle, "Hey that's Mischief who is cheating! I knew we had to keep our eye on that dog."

"Si, you will notice that he is passing the Ace to Lucky, his partner in crime,” she chuckles.

I like watching people and it is not unusual for people to be represented as animals. When I come in I watch the poker players like Senor Jake taught me, and it struck how many of them resembled different kinds of dogs. I am sure if you look closely that you can figure out who some of them are. Senor Jake is the collie sitting back pretending that he does not have a care in the world," she laughs.

After unrolling the canvas and watching the reaction of the others Nanuet determines it is his turn to present gifts. This time when he reaches into the pouch on his hip his hand does not come out empty. "I hope you like them Jake, I wasn't sure what you needed."

He hands Jake two items, one is a handmade leather wallet with J.C. stitched on the outside. The other is a necklace decorated with various wooden beads and a symbol hanging from the bottom. "I got some help with the letters, still haven't had a chance to learn mine yet," he says pointing to the wallet. “Oh and that symbol is meant to ward off evil spirits. I tried to make the symbol for "white man" but it didn't work out," he says with a chuckle.

"A bunch of your brethen feel the same way about white man not working out," Jake replies wryly. He accepts the gifts from Nanuet and examines them closely. "Thanks, these are very nice." He shakes his hand and then reconsiders and pulls him in for a hug and a pat on the back. "I do not need anything except your friendship, Indian. Thanks." Jake slaps him on the back again and meets his gaze with a nod.

Nanuet returns the nod with one of his own, accompanied by a smile. "You will always have my friendship, and my respect."

Cole Rixton indicates that he has some presents for the two of them as well. He motions to the door and in walk Grant Keebler and Jose Ramirez carrying a wooden hutch with glass doors. He says, "Priestess, it is for your church, to hold any sacred writings or items for worship services. I couldn't give it to you in time for the church's grand opening as it required a special blessing before it could be brought into the sanctuary. The visiting priest performed that ceremony last week."

Oh, Senor... It is quite lovely! And real glass and such beautiful carving! The gods will surely reward you for such a gift, but if you don't mind, I would like to show you my appreciation now." She hurries forward and hugs the man. "Gracias, Senor Rixton."

The man shows no objection to the embrace and thanks her.

Carlos and Grant go back outside, coming in again carrying a long rectangular table. Cole says, "This is for you Mr. Cook. I noticed you were without one." Jake and the others see that the top is covered with green felt and also has wooden lacquered and painted places for the game of Faro to be played on it. He gestures to Mary and Kevin Kelly across the room and says, "The Kellys helped out with the felting. You'll still need to get a Faro card shooter, but that should help you well along."

"You are all too kind." Jake examines the table running his hand over it. He looks back at Rixton and the Kellys, "Thanks folks, it is really very nice. I am simply amazed you all went to all this trouble for me..." He glances around the whole room. "I really do appreciate it, this is all way more than I deserve."

Ruby's eyes widen. "That is so generous... and beautiful! Mr. Rixton, Jake and I just bought a huge empty house and we have to fill it. I hope you won't mind us stopping by for some of your other wares."

He replies, "Friends are always welcome, especially friends wanting to spend money."

Jose and Grant mingle in with the others. Eduardo Rodriguez arrives next along assisting Stanley Barker with carrying a tray of freshly baked cookies. Stanley says, "Helen and Mitchell wanted to be here as well but somebody had to be on duty tonight."

"I suppose it's my turn," Kate said and pointed out which packages were from her for Jake and Miss Florencia. As they open the papers Kate explained, "I got the chance to shop in Boston; I was lucky these arrived on time."

Inside Miss Florencia's package she finds an entire bolt of fine silk in a deep reddish-orange reminiscent of a sunset, accompanied by 2 yards of Ginnie's best lace in black, and several more she'd bought in Boston. "Since I don't know your measurements or what kind of dress you'd prefer, I arranged with Mary Kelly to make a gown for you with that, I hope the color pleases you."

Inside Jake's package is a new, fancy-worked saddle. Although the patterns are subtle, they are fine and detailed with his initials on each side. There are also two new saddlebags with compartments for easier carrying of weapons. "I thought you needed a better one," she said simply. "I thought maybe I should leave the initials off, but then I realized anyone who's seen that saddle would know it's yours without needing to see your initials."

“Oh, Katherine, It is the same fabric as your gown that I was admiring when I first came to town! It is gorgeous! And the lace is simply exquisite. She made me some doilies when I moved into my new home, also," she says admiring the handiwork. "Ginnie is such a talented girl! I will have visit her tomorrow and give her my thanks. Gracias Katherine,” she says hugging her and kissing her cheek.

"You're welcome," Kate said, accepting the embrace. "I remembered you admiring that fabric, I'm sure the color will flatter you."

"Heh, it seems I am becoming harder to forget or ignore. Thank you Katherine, the initials are a nice touch. You will make a horseman out of me yet." He squeezes through the group and pretends to give her a light kiss on the cheek, and instead switches to give her a firm and warm embrace and a twirl.

Katherine laughed exuberantly. "Well, I was just going to get you some good Bourbon, but a girl shouldn't really give her brothers liquor, should she?"

Nanuet then finds Minerva amongst the crowd of people.

"I know it is late my love, but I do have something for you as well." Nanuet takes out a small packaged, just some objects wrapped in a soft cloth and tied loosely with string. "I made these myself, I hope you like them," he says as he hands the small bundle over to the young priestess.

Inside the small bundle are two delicate hair combs. They are hand carved with delicate tines to hold the hair in place but the beauty lies in the part that would be revealed on the wearers head. Each comb was topped with an exquisitely carved owl, designed to lay flat against the wearers head. The combs are fully detailed with feather patterns and other particulars but the standout feature was the gemstone eyes. Each eye was represented by a yellow gemstone that was cut to reflect the light brilliantly. On the backside of each comb was an inscription lightly carved into the surface, "To my Spainish flower, Nemehotâtse"

Minerva looks into Nanuet's eyes and then back down at the beautiful combs. She runs her fingers over the delicate pattern, and looks back up, her eyes alight with happiness. "Oh they are perfect, just perfect!" she breathes, removing the delicate combs from their wrappings. She throws her arms about his neck and unmindful of the crowd kisses him passionately.

“Oh, I must wear them now. Por Favor, Darling, help me arrange them in my hair." She takes his hand and brings him to the mirror behind the bar so that she can see how they will look. She removes the comb that she is wearing and stands before him so that he can place his gift in her mass of hair.

"I am glad that they please you, I was nervous. Afraid you might not like them." Nanuet obliges Minerva's request and places the delicate combs in her hair.

Laurie Gilson presents Minerva with a present of some fancy perfumed bath salts and bath soaps. She then hands her a book saying, "This is from Judge Lacey. He still refuses to set foot in a Saloon due to that promise he made to his late wife. I believe that her concern was about more him drinking to excess, something he used to do at Saloons, rather than his being physically present inside them but he insists that a promise is a promise."

Minerva opens the book, which is titled, "Three Great Gods." She sees that it is the translation of an ancient Greek text about Demeter, the Goddess of Agriculture, Hephaestus, the inventor and blacksmith of the Gods, and Hestia, Goddess of house and home. She adds, "Judge says that those gods never get enough credit but that we owe more of our everyday lives to them than many of the flashier deities."

Minerva thanks Laurie for the bath salts, which are so rare in this part of the world and expresses her pleasure over Judge Lacy's book. "Si, He is correct. We do owe our lives to these gods who provide for our everyday needs," she chuckles. "Especially in this wild west part of the world that we live in!”

Once Jake let her go Kate wove her way through the crowd where she was caught by Cole Rixton for a dance, followed by Grant Keebler. Afterward she made her way to Estaban and joined him in making music for the others. She was beginning to fret a bit about Conrad not being there yet. If Dorita and Pedro were here surely his game had wrapped by now.

Still, she was determined not to worry needlessly, so smiled at Estaban and concentrated on the music.

All the gift giving merriment had made Ruby thirsty so she stole away to the bar to refresh herself. As she returns to Jake she finds him smiling at Al and Pierre, thanking them graciously for a fine box of cigars he wouldn't ever use himself. After they walk away Ruby wraps an arm around Jake, "You got a lot of sthuff baby."

The party has been going on for a few hours when Conrad Booth arrives at the doorway to the Lucky Lady, carrying two small boxes in his hands.

Kate nodded to Sonoma when she saw Conrad standing in the doorway and slid over to make room for the other woman to take her place at the piano.

"No need to be shy," she teased when she reached the door. "We've... well, I've been waiting for you."

Sanoma picks up a lively tune she scans the room but seems to be in her own world having kept to herself for most of the festivities so far.

Ruby recognizes the festive elvish tune so she heads to the piano and sits next to Sanoma on the bench to sing along.

Conrad tells Kate, "Well I couldn't exactly rush off on a busy night at the Long Branch, Kate Higgins still hasn't forgiven me for that week away." He gives Kate a kiss upon the cheek, holds her hand, and makes his way over to the two guests of honor.

"The question is will she ever forgive me for taking you away? We should have brought her a little gift back."

"Oh, don't worry yourself, Kate Higgins will be fine. All we have to do is make sure that when Mr. Pickering and his students arrive they spend a night at the Long Branch, she'll forgive my side trip to Boston if it brings in new paying customers."

"I'm sure they'll all be anxious to see if the stories about life in the west are true, and I don't see why the Long Branch can't be one of the places they find out."

He hands a package to Minerva. She unwraps it to find a pair of silver earrings each with a depiction of the Goddess Minerva on them. "Just a little something I picked up during my trip to Boston," he states.

Jake unwraps his gift finding it to be nothing elaborate, just a new deck of playing cards. Conrad says to him, "You already seemed to have everything else you would ever need in life, and I figure a gambler can never have enough cards."

Kate stayed as Conrad gave his gifts to the guests of honor, seeing the silver earrings and the deck of cards. While the others talked the cast her eye around the room, watching all the people enjoying themselves, dancing, talking, and drinking. Her toe was tapping to the music Sonoma and Estaban were making. Her eye lingered on Sonoma for a moment, a bit surprised she had attended, or at least stayed.

But she didn't want to dwell on unpleasant thoughts, so she was just grateful there was someone else there to play so she could dance.

After singing some tunes Ruby decides she wants to dance some more. Jake was still opening gifts and it looked like Nanuet and Minerva were doing the same.

Ruby bounces over to Kate. "Will you dance with me Katherine?" she laughs, holding out her hand.

Kate squeezed Conrad's hand since he was still talking with Jake and Miss Florencia, then grinned at Ruby and went off with her. "So are you happy with your party, Ruby?"

Ruby put a hand on Kate's shoulder and one on her tiny waist. "Yes, I am very pleased. Jake and Minerva deserve it. Actually, we all deserve a fun time after all we've been though."

"I've been having a good time since we got back from Boston. I didn't realize how many friends we had here until they were all in the same room together. It's nice to see."

Ruby begins effortlessly spinning Kate around on the dance floor. "It is very nice to see. A lot of times it seems we are overwhelmed by enemies in this town. Let's hope we are done dealing with that for now, shall we?"

Ruby laughs as she spins them faster. "Your gift for Jake was very thoughtful. I know he loves it."

"I hope so. I really didn't know what to get; I thought I'd end up just buying a good bottle of bourbon in Boston. But the saddle will last longer than the bottle of bourbon would," she laughed. "You've seemed much happier since we got back."

"You're right about the bourbon," Ruby returns the laugh. She guides the two of them though a small group of people, still spinning and gliding around the floor. "I am happier Kate." She gives a sort-of shrug. "Jake and I decided we would always be together. And with our new house and the new addition on the Lucky Lady, things are looking very good. I am very happy. I love him. And I love you and all our other friends. I guess you could say I spent my whole life waiting for these moments and now they are here."

"Not only did you decide you would be together, Ruby, you believe it. That makes all the difference. You have an advantage over most people. You've known what dark times feel like, so you can appreciate these good ones. A lot of people never know what they have."

Ruby smiles softly, and even though they still dance she searches for Jake. Finding him in the crowd her smile grows. "I believe it and I know it. I guess I'm lucky like that." She looks back to Kate. "I lost it for a little bit there, but I never will again."

"And how about you, you and Conrad seem... happier since you returned from Boston."

"Well," Kate said with a little blush, "there's a clearer understanding between us now. We spent a lot of time together in Boston and in New York, and I realized it didn't matter how much guilt I might have felt, or how much I hadn't said, we were together. Once I was honest with him about that....

And beside all that it was a good trip for Conrad too. He got to see his father again, and although he didn't confirm anything, Edwin Booth didn't shut the door on him either."

"Well, that is good then, right? Happiness all around!" Ruby laughs. "I wish I had a drink to toast with. I think my birthday will be more low key than this."

Ruby raises an eyebrow, "I just realized I don't know...When is your birthday Kate?"

"Even you can only have so many parties. Beside, I imagine a quiet night with Jake is all you might want. Your definition of quiet, anyway," Kate laughed.

"I was twenty-five on February 2nd. You can understand I wasn't much in the mood for celebrating. A quiet day alone was all I wanted, and it's what I had."

"I like parties. I've never had a real birthday party. Definitely not like this. My parents used to have parties so they could schmooze and show off, it was never about me." Ruby shrugs again and smiles, "Oh well."

"As for you, you should have told us anyway, about your birthday that is," Ruby pauses, "At least you got what you wanted." Ruby spins and giggles while she dips Kate. "I would imagine a big party like this wouldn't be for you."

"You might be the only person in Arizona who knows when my birthday is. It just hadn't occurred to me to tell anyone. I've had plenty of big parties, my birthdays, my debut, my wedding. Not parties like this..." she laughed.

"You're right, I'd rather have a nice dinner with all of you over at the El Parador with some dancing afterward. Or maybe gathered in my house with the Figueres and Mr. Gonzales and all of you. We'd be crowded though.

You should have whatever kind of party you want. Here, you can be assured we'll be there to celebrate you"

"Your debut," Ruby repeats, but with an edge of snootiness in her voice. She rolls her eyes, "Thank the gods I left before I had to go though that." She gets a dreamy look in her eye for a moment. "But a wedding would be fun I bet. Here anyway, not there."

"I've been too busy to even think about a party. I'd been so worried about you know who and all that, I kinda fell apart. And then I was concentrating on Jake's birthday and his presents and this party and the house..." Ruby's smile widens even more, "I really hadn't thought much on it."

"It sounds to me like you already got everything you want," Kate smiled. "It's a true sign of love when you forget all about yourself in making your lover happy. You haven't told me which day exactly is your birthday, dear. I have to think up yet another present?" she finished, teasing.

"I like to think of it as I've gotten everything I didn't even know I wanted." Ruby twirls Kate one more time then leads her to the side of the dance floor. "My birthday is June 2nd, only a couple of weeks. But you really don't have to get me anything. I'm not expecting anything at all. Jake says he is going to get me something but we have to go to Tucson for it. I hope we get to go, I'd like to see Jane."

"That's right, she went off to Tucson, didn't she? Maybe I'll give you just a little something, even if it's just my undivided attention for a day." Impulsively, Kate kissed her friend on the cheek. "It's good to see you so happy, Ruby. I should go back to Conrad and see if I can drag him onto the dance floor, and maybe get him to sing for you."

"And I should get back to Jake. You know he misses me soooo greatly when I'm not next to him." She giggles. "Thanks for the dance Kate. It was really fun."

She gives her a quick hug then heads back to Jake. She slides next to him again, wrapping her arms around him. "This is soooo fun. I wish we could do it every night! Did you miss me?"

"I miss you every moment you are out of my sight," he says and then gives her a one armed embrace, careful not to spill his bourbon.

Kate walked over to where Conrad was talking with Dorita and Pedro. "Would you dance with me?" she asked, holding out her hand.

Conrad takes to the dance floor with Kate. She takes a long look into his eyes and realizes without him having to say it that as far as he is concerned they are now the only two people in the room.

In that circle of privacy Kate stepped a little closer than was quite proper for their dance. Or dances, as, just like at the festival they seemed to become insensible of when one dance ended and the next began. "It's not quite fair to everyone else that we should have our own party in the midst of theirs," she smiled. "Perhaps we should play and sing for them in a little while."

Ruby kisses Jake then squeezes her way through their friends and into the kitchen.

A few minutes later Ruby comes out holding an elaborate chocolate cake, lit brightly by candles, followed by Maria with a similar cake but vanilla. Ruby begins walking carefully towards Jake, people beginning to quiet as she walks past with the confection. The dance floor begins to clear and bodies gather around the two birthday guests of honor.

She stops in front of Jake while Maria finds Minerva, conveniently standing near Jake.

Ruby's sweet voice cuts through the crowd with the first line....

Happy Birthday to you... and the rest of the group joins in a boisterous singing of Happy Birthday. As Ruby sings she looks deep into Jake eyes and sings with all her heart and all the best wishes she has for him for a life of love and happiness.

Ruby stands with the lit cake in front of Jake. "Make your wish baby," she smiles and holds the cake towards him while Maria does the same for Minerva.

Minerva closes her eyes and blows out the candles, but instead of making a wish she says a prayer of thanks to the gods leading her to Promise City where she has found such an abundance of love and happiness.

This officially ends the "Here There Be Vampires" module. Things pick up right where we left off in "Ballots and Bullets," so if you want to keep up with Promise City, head on over.

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Silver Moon

Thank you so much for doing an excellent job of transcribing the module. When "Here There Be Vampires" was run I needed a break from the campaign and took the module off. It was much more fun reading the tale in Story Hour form than if I had tried to follow the Play-by-Post game. You did a wonderful job too with the interludes.

Silver Moon

Piratecat said:
I'm a little unclear why Sunday morning doesn't involve any dynamite... but I'm enjoying this tremendously nonetheless! It's especially apropos, as we just watched The Magnificent Seven and I'm reminded all over again how much I love westerns.
You'll be happy to know that tonight's game involved a whole lot of dynamite! And it took place on a Sunday morning too! Five buildings on the northeastern side of town are no more. It'll be a while until I get up to that point in the story hour, but you'll like it when you read it.

And I watched "The Magnificent Seven" last night! What a film (and yes, I've also seen the classic Japanese film that it was a remake of). Amazing how young Robert Vaughn is in that film, I've been getting used to seeing him lately in the AMC/BBC show "Hustle".

Silver Moon

This is the 3rd module in the four-module "Wild West" PBP Campaign. Referenced in the current posted chapter of the follow-up "AGELESS" Campaign so bumped for easier finding.

Voidrunner's Codex

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