Complete Mecha Factory - CO-4E (Core) Mecha Entertainment Capital of the Galaxy, where leagues of mecha combat teams compete among various factions to become the undisputed champions of this popular interstellar sport. Gladiatorial combat between criminals, between mega-corps at arenas across the planet and to some of the moons and planet across the solar system.
This is a complete guide for designing custom Mecha builds from tiny to large (starship) scale, as well as complete rules for custom power armor, though as designed you need to choose one or the other, as the rules are less compatible for those wanting both elements in their game.
Additional you will find new starship bay options, new armor, personal equipment, weapons, vehciles and starships to supplant your Mecha combats… enjoy!
Includes 5 each, 72 x 72 inch mecha combat zone maps for the Desert Zone, Forest Zone, Junkyard Zone, Terraformer Platform Zone, and the 2-part Starship Zone. Comes as 72 x 72 inch, 70 dpi Roll20 ready full maps, also comes as 72 x 72, sliced into 24 x 24 inch, 100 dpi other virtual tabletop ready, and each map sliced into 80 letter size slices for home printing of each map.
This is a complete guide for designing custom Mecha builds from tiny to large (starship) scale, as well as complete rules for custom power armor, though as designed you need to choose one or the other, as the rules are less compatible for those wanting both elements in their game.
Additional you will find new starship bay options, new armor, personal equipment, weapons, vehciles and starships to supplant your Mecha combats… enjoy!
Includes 5 each, 72 x 72 inch mecha combat zone maps for the Desert Zone, Forest Zone, Junkyard Zone, Terraformer Platform Zone, and the 2-part Starship Zone. Comes as 72 x 72 inch, 70 dpi Roll20 ready full maps, also comes as 72 x 72, sliced into 24 x 24 inch, 100 dpi other virtual tabletop ready, and each map sliced into 80 letter size slices for home printing of each map.