They are ONLY available to characters from that (a) originate from that region AND (b) choose a character class (and divine patron, if cleric) apropriate to that region.
That said, they are not Bonus feats, but feats that are available to the character, to choose from, as well as all those feats from the PHB. So if you want "Luck of Heroes" you spend one of your standard feat slots to pick it up, if you meet the requirements.
HOWEVER, it is possible for other characters, not meeting the character class / starting region requirements to learn these feats as well, provided they do the Knowledge (Local) 2 ranks in the appropriate Local region.
ALSO note that if you do not choose a race/class/region combination that grants access to the feats, you do not get the bonus equipment either! So there is a very strong reason for players to choose a valid combination.