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Dungeon Crawl Classics - Vornheim


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Session 7 Epilogue

The next day, Valya goes to the Red Mansion, the headquarters of the Vornheim militia. He finds Rulius in his dingy little office.

- "No offense, Master Rulius, but I thought that considering your important role, you would be better accommodated."
- "That would require for the so-called thinking heads up above to realize the importance of what I am trying to do."
- "Which is what exactly?"
- "Elucidate crime rather than simply find someone to take the fall. Anticipate threats to the security of Vornheim. And generally take a modern and scientific approach to dealing with criminals."
- "Well, that's very convenient, because I think you and I could help each other on one of these missions you listed."
- "And why should I trust you, pray tell? You are friends with the Wizardess Sabrina, who is increasingly high on my list of people with suspicious activities, you were friends with two criminals who have been executed for destroying Sir Rallentando's circus, and I strongly suspect you to have been part of that endeavour, though you have not been caught."
- "You don't have to trust me, just to listen to me. Have you heard of the Undertaker's Ball that took place last night?"

A flash of surprise briefly flickers on Valya's face who then remembers thinking that the man disguised as a theater devil looked familiar.

- "Of course you do," Valya says. "You were there, disguised as a devil."
- "You were there as well?"
- "I was the theatrical wizard with a pointy starred hat. We spoke."
- "So we did... Did you find out more about the meetings in the salon? And why did they call you Whitefish?"
- "I think the time has come for both of us to be as open books to each other..."

Valya then tells Rulius nearly everything about the situation. He only dissembles on the reasons for them being in the Whitefish mausoleum in the first place and glosses over a few illegal things they might have done over the course of their adventures. Most importantly, he asks Rulius for confirmation of the legend of the Dead Carnifex. Rulius confirms that he has heard the legend but has no idea if any of it is true. "Stranger things have happened in Vornheim..."

Rulius asks Valya if he and his companions would be willing to clean up the infected mausoleums. Valya hesitates, pointing out that while he is keen to protect the city, others are less attached to it.

- "It's a risky job. It would be easier to convince them if monies were guaranteed to come their way."
- "I understand. However, I do not have personal or professional access to sufficient funds to motivate adventurers such as yourselves. Try to convince your friends to at least scout the places, and I will try on my side to convince people higher up the hierarchy that it is worth funding you. Also, keep me informed."

Satisfied that the path ahead is at least a little clearer, but also worried about the looming dangers, Valya decides that evening to undertake the ritual to bond with the magical Patron he has found out about in the ophidian papers of Edgar Brittleshins. By the end of the night, Valya is recognised as a valuable aid to Vendel Re'Yune, the rebel yet immortal sorcerer whose spite for the Gods earned him a life of eternal pain blocked in a slab of rock on an elemental demi-plane. Re'Yune teaches Valya a secret formula that will allow him to wither his own arm in exchange for dreadful powers...

In our next installment, some of the following questions may be answered:

  • What are the Committee's goals, who are they exactly and how can they be countered?
  • What is the link between the granary cats and the Committee?
  • Will our heroes find the Dead Carnifex, assuming the legend is real?
  • What mysterious activities is the Taxidermists' Guild a cover for, and will they accept their defeat?
  • Are the Versheim catacombs worth exploring and why is the Count paying so little to get it done?
  • How will Wistul get rid of his brown scars before they turn him into an undead? And what will happen to Jack's infected corpse after his death?
  • Will Dwimberg consider Sabrina's debt repaid despite her failure to procure the bracelet?
  • Will Signor Rallentando leave the city and dissappear or will he stay to enact revenge and/or acquire the second bracelet from Dwimberg?
  • What are these damn bracelets?

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First Post
Great write ups! Interesting to see bits and pieces of both DCC and Vornheim peaking through the narrative. Not sure how far you've gone with the Granary Cats but it's making me think of Jim Butcher's cats in The Aeronaut's Windlass and how they help protect the city and how to work something like that into PC interaction (confuse them with cat logic and social customs while they bargain for help).

Looking forward to more as this is giving me ideas of how to implement Vornheim into the upcoming Lankhmar (I'm sure there will be amazing stuff there but I love the lists and concepts in Zak S's Vornheim and think it will help give Lankhmar enough gonzo spirit to make it fit with a typical DCC campaign rather than the literary style campaign).


First Post
Great write ups! Interesting to see bits and pieces of both DCC and Vornheim peaking through the narrative. Not sure how far you've gone with the Granary Cats but it's making me think of Jim Butcher's cats in The Aeronaut's Windlass and how they help protect the city and how to work something like that into PC interaction (confuse them with cat logic and social customs while they bargain for help).

I wasn't aware of that reference. So far I have some clear idea of what the cat's involvement is, but interaction with the players which could have happened at the last session didn't because the player who speaks cat wasn't present.

Looking forward to more as this is giving me ideas of how to implement Vornheim into the upcoming Lankhmar (I'm sure there will be amazing stuff there but I love the lists and concepts in Zak S's Vornheim and think it will help give Lankhmar enough gonzo spirit to make it fit with a typical DCC campaign rather than the literary style campaign).

Thanks for your comments. I used to love Lankmahr but since the DCC campaign will be winding down (temporarily, while we play something else) I decided not to get it for the time being. I think Vornheim has a fair bit of Lankmahr in it though, and its fair share of gonzo anyway, so great fit I suspect.

Oh, and next game tonight. This one will be very dungeon-y for a change.

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