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The drakainai are a powerful group of unusual dragons or dragon-like beings, so ancient and primal in form and nature that they fall outside the normal dragon classifications. They are chthonic beings, strongly associated with elemental earth in its most primal forms; it is believed that they are related to the primordials of earth. Many consider them to have been made by those beings, but their distant origins are so obscure that they may in fact be cousins rather than creations of the primordials. Most of the drakainai were slain or imprisoned in the Dawn War, but some of the numerous lesser ones escaped imprisonment, and the bonds of the most powerful may be weakening...

Drakainai are greatly variable in size and shape: almost the only constant is a generally serpentine form. Most have some human features, or can take on a form with human or semihuman aspect; some may possess wings, fins, poisoned stingers, multiple snake heads, clawed limbs, or all of the above. The most potent may have ever-shifting hybrid forms which can induce madness in viewers.

The greatest of the currently alive or active Drakaina is probably Ceto, an immensely potent being which is worshipped as a goddess on several mortal worlds. One of the most primordial-like of the Drakaina, Ceto nevertheless stood aloof from the war, and thus escaped death or imprisonment (aided by the fact that she would be a nearly insurmountable foe for anything but a pantheon head or an alliance of powerful martial gods). Kampe is also of nigh-immeasurable power, but her true self was bound at the end of the Dawn War, leaving only lesser reflections of her being to watch over certain prisons of fallen primordials and the greatest abominations.

Drakaina Adept

A drakaina adept is a comparatively small and humanoid drakaina, merely 15 to 20 feet long; it resembles a humanoid female above the waist (though with scaled talons for hands, large fangs in the mouth, and obvious serpent eyes) and a huge python below. Drakaina adepts are generally adorned with the accoutrements of sorcery, for all wield powerful magic of the earth - blasting telluric currents and lethal venom.

While potent and rare by mortal standards, these are nonetheless the least of the breed and the most likely to have escaped divine imprisonment. The mortal world may contain perhaps a half-dozen drakaina adepts at most, though more likely dwell in the Elemental Chaos. In the mortal world, drakaina adepts - isolated from others of their kind due to their rarity - tend to become rulers of reptilian races, or perhaps of savage or evil tribes of humanoids. In the Elemental Chaos, drakaina adepts may be rulers of small elemental kingdoms or advisors or servitors to greater planar lords.

Drakaina Adept
Level 21 Elite Artillery

Large elemental magical beast (dragon, earth) XP: 6400
HP: 306; Bloodied: 153 Initiative: +18
AC: 35; Fortitude: 32; Reflex: 37; Will: 36 Senses Perception +19, darkvision
Immune poison Resist cold 10, necrotic 10
Saving Throws +2
Speed 8, swim 8

Telluric Ray (Standard; at-will; basic attack) * lightning
Range 25; +28 vs. AC; 3d6+8 lightning damage, and target's lightning resist, if any, is reduced by 5 (save ends).

Poison Bolt (Standard; at-will) * poison
Range 25; +26 vs. Fortitude; 3d6+8 poison damage and 10 ongoing poison damage (save ends).

Telluric Fury (Standard; recharge 6) * lightning
Blast 10; +26 vs. Reflex; 4d12+7 lightning damage and target's lightning resist, if any, is reduced by 10 (save ends)

Poison Storm (Standard; encounter) * poison
Range 30, burst 5; +26 vs. Fortitude; 4d10+7 poison damage and 15 ongoing poison damage (save ends)

Chthonic Revival (Automatic reaction; when first bloodied)
The drakaina adept regains 60 hit points; its telluric fury and poison storm powers recharge.

Current Rider (Move; recharge 4 5 6) * teleport
The drakaina adept shifts 12 spaces and gains lightning resist 20 until its next turn.

Venom Shield (Automatic reaction; when the drakaina adept takes 50 or more damage from a single attack)
Close Burst 5; +26 vs. Fortitude; 2d6+7 poison damage

Action Points 1

Str 15 (+12) Dex 27 (+18) Wis 19 (+14)
Con 21 (+15) Int 26 (+18) Cha 25 (+17)

Skills Arcana +23
Alignment Chaotic evil
Languages Deep Speech, Draconic, Primordial


OK, so an 'ordinary' or weak drakaina is Elite Level 21. I figure that they, being generally singular and powerful, are all either Elite or Solo (or super-solo, I guess).

I figure that the more powerful Drakainai should go well up into the divine statuses. Ceto and Kampe might be on the Sidereal borderline... it's tempting to make them Entities - though I'm not sure what that concept would translate to in 4e terms... I'm tempted to suggest that Kampe's Avatar should be about Tiamat's equal (Level 35 Solo, right?) so her Aspects can still be Epic Tier Solos, Abomination-level and thus suited to guard Abomination prisons.

Ophion, a sort of alternate-to-Uranus pre-Kronos ruling primordial deity is probably the primordial 'template' of all the Greek-myth Dragons and serpents. He'd be distinctly Sidereal ... First One probably .... possibly an alternate version of Thought or Time - the latter if we tie him in with Phanes* (who seems to have serpent associations too, though things get philosophical/mystical pretty fast in all these alternate Greek cosmogonies). Alternately he could be an Old One 'subordinate' to one of these, probably Time.

*The Greek primordial deity Phanes, not the 'phane' Abominations in the 3e ELH and the 4e MM.
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Howdy Khisanth mate! :)

Very cool stuff.

I really like the Drakainai monster. Wish I could have found the details I had for creating them in 3E. They were easily the best monster mechanics I created for 3E. :(

I think they work well as an epic extension of Dragonspawn. A sort of what happens when Primordials and Dragons have offspring. Or possibly a type of demon along the Asuras line along with Nagas and Rakshasas.

As regards Phanes, I was actually thinking his profile pretty much suits Tharizdun.

Howdy Khisanth mate! :)

Very cool stuff.


I think they work well as an epic extension of Dragonspawn. A sort of what happens when Primordials and Dragons have offspring.

That would make sense.... and it could allow for the most powerful (Ceto, Kampe) to be Entities, children of Sidereal-level primordials...


The drakaina war-brute is far less humanoid than many of its kin, rather a monstrous serpent with clawed limbs. It is over 40 feet long and four to five feet thick, weighing tons. A drakaina war-brute is an expression of unrestrained earth power, its very presence causing earthquakes, its breath a lethal venom.

Most of these awful creatures are imprisoned; likely no more than one or two linger in the mortal world, though several remain free in the Elemental Chaos, and some of the greatest demon lords of the Abyss may retain such a being as a weapon of terror.

Drakaina War-Brute
Level 23 Solo Brute

Huge elemental magical beast (dragon, earth) XP: 25500
HP: 1110; Bloodied: 555 Initiative: +17

Earthquake Aura Aura 30; aura is difficult terrain to all opponents

AC: 37; Fortitude: 40; Reflex: 37; Will: 35 Senses Perception +21, darkvision
Resist poison 20, thunder 20, cold 10
Saving Throws +5
Speed 12, swim 8

Poison Claw (Standard; at-will; basic attack) * poison
Reach 3; +26 vs. AC; 3d6+8 poison damage and 15 ongoing poison damage (save ends).

Double-Claw (Standard; at-will) * poison
The drakaina war-brute makes two basic attacks.

Poison Breath (Standard; recharge 6) * poison
Close blast 10; +24 vs. Fortitude; 4d12+8 poison damage and 15 ongoing poison damage (save ends) and target's poison resist, if any, is reduced by 10 (save ends).

Grinding Earthquake (Standard; recharge 6)
Close burst 5; +24 vs. Reflex; 5d10+8 damage and 15 ongoing damage (save ends).

Chthonic Revival (Automatic reaction; when first bloodied)
The drakaina war-brute regains 220 hit points; its grinding earthquake and poison breath powers recharge.

Venom Shield (Automatic reaction; when the drakaina war brute takes 50 or more damage from a single attack)
Close Burst 10; +24 vs. Fortitude; 3d6+8 poison damage

Action Points 2

Str 31 (+21) Dex 23 (+17) Wis 20 (+16)
Con 30 (+21) Int 13 (+12) Cha 24 (+18)

Alignment Chaotic evil
Languages Draconic, Primordial
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Nearing or even rivaling the power of the gods themselves is the terrifying drakaina chaosbringer, most terrible of the breeds. A drakaina chaosbringer is born from the coupling of the greatest of primordials and the most ancient and potent dragons or drakainai, and thus, none have been born since the Dawn War. All that ever became known to the gods and their servitors have been slain or, more often, bound in some dimensional prison or another... but the Elemental Chaos is vast beyond all imagining, and even the gods know not what lurks in its farthest reaches; and perhaps such mighty beings cannot forever be bound?

A drakaina chaosbringer's head - a horrid melding of human and serpent - rises from a storm of elemental madness on a snake-neck at least 100 feet long, equipped with four vaguely humanlike yet scaly arms. The chaotic storm that constitutes its body, a chunk of the Elemental Chaos in miniature, maintains a vaguely wormlike shape as it moves, producing scaly tentacles, clawed limbs, and serpent-heads as the creature needs them. More terribly, it can release blasts of unparalleled elemental fury, and its very presence brings destruction - the ground quakes, the winds rise, and water and fire break through the earth to consume all in their path.

Drakaina Chaosbringer
Level 31 Solo Brute

Gargantuan elemental magical beast (dragon) XP: 115000
HP: 1470; Bloodied: 735 Initiative: +23

Elemental Aura Aura 40; aura is difficult terrain to all opponents; any opponent who begins its turn in the aura takes 3d10+13 damage

AC: 45 Fortitude: 50 Reflex: 43 Will: 46 Senses Perception +27, darkvision
Immune fire; Resist thunder 20, cold 20, acid 20
Saving Throws +5
Speed 14, swim 10

Acidic Bite (Standard; at-will; basic attack) * acid
Reach 4; +34 vs. AC; 3d10+12 acid damage.

Fang Storm (Standard; at-will) * acid
The drakaina chaosbringer makes three basic attacks.

Death-Venom Bite (Standard; encounter) * poison
Reach 4; +32 vs. Fortitude; the target takes poison damage equal to its bloodied value.

World-Cracking Thunderclap (Standard; encounter) * thunder
Close burst 25; +32 vs. Fortitude; 7d10+30 thunder damage and target is stunned and deafened (save ends)

Fire Breath (Standard; recharge 6) * fire
Close blast 20; +32 vs. Reflex; 6d10+26 fire damage and 20 ongoing fire damage (save ends)

Frost Storm (Standard; recharge 5 6) * cold
Close burst 15; +32 vs. Reflex; 5d10+22 cold damage and target is slowed (save ends)

Storm Form (Move; recharge 4 5 6) * teleport
The drakaina chaosbringer shifts up to 10 spaces; until its next turn, it gains immunity to thunder and cold and resist 20 to all damage.

Telluric Teleport (Minor; recharge 4 5 6) * teleport
The drakaina chaosbringer teleports up to 15 spaces and may immediately make a basic attack.

Chthonic Revival (Automatic reaction; when first bloodied)
The drakaina chaosbringer regains 500 hit points; its frost storm and fire breath powers recharge; it may teleport up to 40 squares.

Earthquake Shield (Automatic reaction; when the drakaina chaosbringer takes 50 or more damage from a single attack)
Close burst 20; +34 vs. AC; 3d10+13 damage

Action Points 2

Str 37 (+28) Dex 27 (+23) Wis 24 (+22)
Con 38 (+29) Int 18 (+19) Cha 31 (+25)

Skills Arcana +24, Intimidation +30
Alignment Chaotic evil
Languages Draconic, Primordial
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Hello again Khisanth mate! :)

Just for comparisons sake here is how I currently see the level breakdowns by divinity.

Quasi-deity = Level 21-25 Elite
Demi-deity = Level 26-30 Elite

Lesser Deity = Level 31-35 Elite
Greater Deity = Level 36-40 Elite

Elder Deity = Level 41-45 Elite
Over-deity = Level 46-50 Elite

Home plane advantage = +5 Level increase (or recalibrate the rank, Elite to Solo for instance).

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