Dusty Dragon
I remember seeing them when I was a teenager. I already had read the books. My impression was "so this module has to go this way, so that it fits with the books story? Screw that noise!" I also realized that this explained the weird gaps in the book, and I felt "why wasn't this just part of the novel?!?" Teenage me was not impressed, at all.
Of course, I was young and inexperienced back then. But now, with 30 years of gaming below my belt, I can confidently say that my impression was correct.
I think you can tell a story through D&D @Snarf Zagyg , but not a pre-determined one. At least not well.
Of course, I was young and inexperienced back then. But now, with 30 years of gaming below my belt, I can confidently say that my impression was correct.
I think you can tell a story through D&D @Snarf Zagyg , but not a pre-determined one. At least not well.