Let's dig out the old Complete Bard's Handbook and see what the Blades had:
Specialty: Assassin/Spy/Weapon Master
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonuses: Reading/Writing (native tongue), Local History, Blind-fighting, Juggling. Suggested: Blacksmithing, Bowyer/Fletcher, Disguise, Poetry, Weaponsmithing.
Special Benefits: Weapons Display (morale bonus to allies), Handle Weapon (use two weapons), Trick Throw (bonus to called shots), Defensive/Offensive Spin
The ranger seems like a good place to start. Blades were more flashy than skilled, and rangers are potent but not the killing machines that fighters and barbarians are. Rangers are also lightly armored, like the Blade. Monte's ranger or the urban ranger (from Masters of the Wild) might also work well.
Duelist is not a bad suggestion. There's the same emphasis on style, although your duelist would be a little darker in outlook than the typical swashbuckling duelist. Other PrCs to consider are Assassin, Weapon Master, and Tempest.
You should take the Blind-Fighting feat. Expertise is a good simulation of the Defensive Spin (you're using your weapon defensively for an AC bonus). You want as many ranks in Intimidate as you can get, to simulate the Weapons Display. Local history is now Knowledge: Local, and Juggling is under Perform; these are bard skills (rogues also get Perform).