City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn X

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After a brief flash of concentration, Ironwolf follows Tenebrynn out of the inn. The Monemvasian Knights seem to be interesting fellows, and he wants to see what the fuss is all about.


Michael raises an eyebrow, shrugs, and returns to his letter.
Suddenly red-gold hair flickers at the corner of his vision and he seems to hear a flute from outside.

Michael closes his writing-case with a snap and flings it into his sack.
He moves out the door surprisingly quickly for a man in a breastplate.
Behind him, an inkbottle and pen lay forgotten.


Rae ArdGaoth said:
Turning to Joe, he says, "Joe, I hear you sometimes keep things for adventurers, is that right? My friends Tor and Babette Delacroix had some things to attend to, so can you perhaps give these to them when they come by?" He counts out two piles of coin, each 52 crowns and 5 shields, and gives the to Joe. Joe nods, pulls out two small bags, fills them each, and puts the bags in a safe behind the counter.

Tor eventually finds his way back to the Red Dragon Inn. He looks like he's been travelling hard for at least the last several days, and when he arrives he says hello to Joe and asks if Gideon's been about. Joe passes him a stack of coins, and the copper skinned Barbarian blinks in surprise, not having expected the coins to have been left with the bartender. He pockets them and turns to the room.

"Hello, everyone. I see a number of familiar faces, but for those who don't know me, my name is Tor."

Those who do know the big man may notice that he looks different than he did in the past. Could his skin be transforming into reptilian scales?


First Post
Rinya walks over to her travelling companion. "Richard, my boredom is getting the better of me. I'm going to go see what all this fuss is about." She'll then follow the party out the door.


The man with the probe
Juliana sees little to keep here here.

'Perhaps Rowan's at that party. You should check it out,' Alessa's voice chimes in her mind.

'Will you stop bringing him up? He's a man just like the rest of them. Possibly worse.'

'You can't fool me. I know you real well.'

'Are you sure you aren't the playful one?'

'Calling me names only strengthens what I know. Just go woman.'

Juliana stands up and walks out of the tavern.


First Post
Rae ArdGaoth said:
Turning to Joe, he says, "Joe, I hear you sometimes keep things for adventurers, is that right? My friends Tor and Babette Delacroix had some things to attend to, so can you perhaps give these to them when they come by?" He counts out two piles of coin, each 52 crowns and 5 shields, and gives the to Joe. Joe nods, pulls out two small bags, fills them each, and puts the bags in a safe behind the counter.
A young, pretty woman in a simple dress enters. "Hi! I'm Babette!," she shouts over the hubbub of people coming and going. Joe motions her over to the bar where, after a brief conversation, he hands her a small bag.

"Thanks, Joe. Say, could I get a Couatl Fizz?"

"Coming right up," Joe replies, mixing her a colourful, bubbling drink.

"Mmmmm, fruity..."


First Post
Smiles to Richard as he takes the half empty bag of gold back."Thank you good sir. Wow now that is a sword you can write home about!" he exclaims as Richard shows off his new sword.

"Well I should be off all. Nice meeting you." he yells over the loud din, as he follows the party.


LEW Judge
Nurlan turns as his old friend Tenebrynn shows up. "Tenebrynn! It's been a while. I guess this means you've done quite well for yourself. You must tell me all about it! Of course, I never turn down a good party, especially when given by one with impeccable tastes." Turning to his new companions, he remarks "The first time I met that elf was in this very tavern. He recommended the wine that day -- Vingarius, if you have a chance to try it -- and I have been fond of his company ever since."

He is just about to follow the librarian-wizard out the door when he sees another familiar face come in. "Well, by Grendath's beard, we were just talking about you, my good friend Tor! It seems you have many friends from different exploits gathering here. Quite the reunion we're having -- Tenebrynn is giving a big party. Let us join him."


Jace stands, leaving his pack, but carrying his staff. "Well, I guess I'll go see what's going on." Jace follows the illusory crowd.

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