Astraloths - The many faces of tentacled horror


Astraloth, Spawn of the Ebon
Large Outsider [Evil, Extraplanar, Incorperal, Yugoloth]
Hit points: 20d8 + 200 (290 hp)
Initiative: +11 (+7 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: Fly 60' (perfect)
AC 31 (+7 Dex, +10 Deflection, +5 Profane, -1 Size), Flat AC 24, Touch 31
BAB: +20; Grap: +34
Attack: Tail +26 (1d10+9)
Full Attack: Tail +26 (1d10+9), Bite +26 (1d8+9), 2 Claws +26 (1d8+6), 4 Tentacles +26 incorporeal touch (1d4+Energy Drain)
Space/Reach 10'/10'; tentacles 20', tail 25'
Special Attacks: Energy Drain, Devour Essence
Special Qualities: Aura of Despair, Blindsight 100', DR 15/Silver and Good, Immunity to Poison, Cold, Acid, Elec/Sonic Resistance 20, Incorporeal traits, Inscrutable Mind, Scent, Spawn of the Ebon, Spell Eater, Spell-Like abilities, SR30, Telepathy 600', Thoughtouch
Saves: Fort +22, Reflex +19, Will +14
Abilities: Str 22 Dex 25 Con 30 Int 15 Wis 18 Cha 15
Skills: Bluff +25, Concentration +29, Hide +32, Intimidate +27 (+31 vs medium-sized creatures), Knowledge (The Planes) +25, Listen +27, Search +25, Spot +25, Sense Motive +27, Survival +27 (+29 when tracking on the Planes)
Feats: Improved Initiative, Track, Power Attack, Stand Still [XPH], Combat Reflexes, Multiattack, Improved Multiattack, Improved Grapple
Environment: The Grey Waste
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-7)
CR: 19
Alignment: Always Neutral Evil
Advancement: 21-31 (Large); 32-45 (Huge)

Astraloths understand Yugoloth, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, and Planar Common

Aura of Despair (Su)
Everyone in a 60' radius of an Astraloth must make a Will DC 25 save or take a -3 morale penalty to all rolls. The save DC is Con based.

Devour Soul (Su)
If a creature is grappled an Astraloth's and dies while still grappled, the Spawn of the Ebon extracts and consumes the victim's soul in a manner similar to a Bharagest. True Ressurection, Wish, or Miracle are required to return the victim to life, and even then it only has a 50% of success.

Energy Drain (Su)
An Astraloth attempts to suck out the very soulstuff of creatures with every brush of a tentacle; each time a creature is hit by a tentacle, it must make a Fort DC 22 save or suffer a negative level. On a critical, it inflicts 2 negative levels. The DC for removing this negative level is the same as for resisting it. The save DC is Charisma based.

Inscrutable Mind (Ex)
Due to their construct natures and bizarre construction, Astraloths are immune to mind affecting spells, and anyone who foolishly attempts mental contact with one must make a Will DC 22 save or take 2d4 points of ability damage to all mental ability scores for touching pure evil and peering into the machinations of the Ebon; even on a successful save, the victim suffers 1d4 damage to all their mental ability scores. The save DC is Charisma based.

Spawn of the Ebon (Ex)
Although living, Astraloths are more sentient, living constructs rather than true living beings. Thus, they possess many of the standard immunities granted to Constructs, although they are as true outsiders in every other sense. Astraloths possess immunity to Poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects. They are not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, or energy drain. It is not at risk of death from massive damage. Holy or Blessed weapons ignore all these traits and immunities. Astraloths have a bizarre use of negative energy imbued into their structures, which renders them vulnerable to damage from positive energy a 1/2 the rate normal for undead and other negatively powered beings. Astraloths seems to be incorporeal regardless of the plane they happen to be in, even on the Ethereal, and only hints at the insane and bizarre methodology behind their creation. Their tail, bite, and claw attacks, despite being incorporeal, resolve normally as if the Astraloth were not incorporeal.

Spell Eater (Su)
Spells and spell effects that fail to overcome an Astraloth's spell resistance can be absorbed fully on the Astraloth's next turn as a free action, recovering 1d4 per spell level, or alternatively redirected at a legal target within range at the original spellcaster's caster level and any original alterations to it at the time of casting, such as metamagic or Wild Surges.

Spell-Like Abilities (CL20, DC 12 + Spell Level)
at will/ - Detect Thoughts, Locate Object, Locate Creature, Teleport Without Error, Planar Transition [for a 2ED planar cosmology; replace with Plane Shift 3/day for 3.5 cosmology]
3/day - Hold Monster, Interplanar Sending (100 word limit, works across planes)

Thoughtouch (Su)
An Astraloth can vaguely detect locations of intelligent creatures within range of it's telepathy, which consists mostly of direction and little else. Nondetection and equivalent protection from divination or mind-affecting spells cannot be detected by Thoughtouch.

*Astraloths receive a +6 racial bonus to Hide, due to it's translucent nature blending into the surroundings

Design Note: Astraloths were originally made to have anywhere from 4 tentacle attacks to 20. They could only bring so many to bear, like Chaos Beasts, but each had a varying number of those attacks. Increasing the number of tentacles as you advance is recommended, or simply to make it more lethal without making it any harder to kill.

These creatures were originally created as servitor creatures, and as a whimsical attempt to explore the uses of the breeding pools and infernal engines constructed beneath the Wasting Tower of Khin-Oin, largely abandoned for any uses beyond the prosaic since the days of the original Baernaloth hegemony across the Waste (during the ancient days of the experiments by Armala the Reprobate, the fracture of the House of Shartalan, and the ideological wars prior to the exile of Apomps the Triple Aspected).

Initially the first five Astraloths were gifted to the Yugoloth Lord Shylara (the Manged) Akt'Atarm explicitly for patrol and security surrounding the Citadel of Shattered Faith within the massive Astral Storm fixed upon the godisle of Aoskar. The Astraloths themselves appear as ghostly, translucent, faintly phosphorescent rail thin humanoids with exaggeratedly long limbs and a seemingly random number of long, similarly translucent tentacles trailing from their backs, shoulders and upper arms that wave and weave through the air almost like the sensory organs of a deep sea creature. They have skeletal, elongated, vaguely reptilian or canine heads, wearing a perpetually hungry, ricktus grin. Their hands and feet are wickedly clawed, and a single long tail that weaves along with the tentacles, but typically hangs below the form of the critter, longer than its body by almost double its length.

They have no visible eyes, and what might have been eye sockets are covered over by translucent hide, somewhat similar to a Canoloth in that they are intentionally blind from their 'birth'. Likewise, they have large nostrils, and they sniff constantly when they sense something. Beyond the mundane senses, the creatures have some bizarre form of psionic abilities, similar to those possessed by phrenic creations of the Illithids, or those of Cerebreliths.

Designed for use on the transitive planes, the creatures are constantly out of phase with normal reality, either existing partially on some freakish sublayer of the Astral, Ethereal, Shadow, or something else entirely (since they seem to be incorporeal regardless of what plane they are on) despite having what would appear to be a solid, non gaseous form. Some sages have seen a link in their capacity here to something similar, a 'yugoloth ghost' created by the Baernaloth, Daru Ib Shamiq, as a servitor guarding a portal in the gatetown of Torch.

As incredibly alien life forms, more sentient, living constructs that true living beings, they have a number of standard immunities normally reserved for constructs, though in every other way they are true outsiders, crafted from the spiritual matter of the Gray Waste (and potentially Carceri, within the Reflective Chasm of the Tower of Incarnate Pain). Also, some bizarre use of negative energy is seemingly incorporated into the Astraloths' construction, leaving them susceptible to damage by positive energy at 1/2 the rate normally done to undead and other negative energy powered beings.

Originally created by Shemeska, the King of Crosstrade! With many suggestions from Dialexis. They did all the work, I just pieced it together from their scattered notes.

Comments appreciated! Help in appraising the CR welcome. Anything to make them nastier is asked to share your deviousness. :]
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Inventor of Super-Toast
The DCs for the inscrutable mind and the energy drain are off by one. Assuming that they're Cha based, they should be DC 22 (10 + 1/2 of 20 HD + 2 for a Cha of 15).

Demiurge out.


First Post
It also needs a maneuverability rating for its fly speed.

And running through a spell-checker :)



I don't know what the original bar for DCs are, since they were made before 3.5 and on an 'eyeballed and seems right' criteria. I'm also somewhat afraid to attach them concretely to a ability score or HD because if I advance them (and I will), they're going to start sucking the souls of anything without Death Ward without a fight. And they're already tough enough with +5 energy draining incorporeal touches. A modest boost to Cha and HD can easily boost that save to something along the lines of 27 or so, especially including a Ability Focus (Energy Drain) feat, to say nothing of an Epic Ability Focus (Energy Drain) feat.

On the other hand, I have no problems attaching Inscrutable Mind to Cha.

Perfect manuverability added. Other tweaks have been pinched in. Anything else? ;)



The Astraloth has been updated. Also, for your TPK enjoyment....

Thoughtslayer - Astraloth Mindspy5
Large Outsider [Evil, Extraplanar, Incorperal, Yugoloth]
Hit points: 20d8 + 5d8 + 200 (313 hp)
Initiative: +11 (+7 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: Fly 60' (perfect)
AC 31 (+7 Dex, +10 Deflection, +5 Profane, -1 size), Flat AC 24, Touch 31
BAB: +23; Grap: +37
Attack: Tail +29 (1d10+9)
Full Attack: Tail +28 (1d10+9), Bite +28 (1d8+9), 2 Claws +28 (1d8+6), 8 Tentacles +28 incorporeal touch (1d4+Energy Drain)
Space/Reach 10'/10'; tentacles 20', tail 25'
Special Attacks: Energy Drain, Devour Essence
Special Qualities: Aura of Despair, Blindsight 100', DR 15/Silver and Good, Immunity to Poison, Cold, Acid, Elec/Sonic Resistance 20, Incorporeal traits, Inscrutable Mind, Scent, Spawn of the Ebon, Spell Eater, Spell-Like abilities, SR30, Telepathy 600', Thoughtouch
Saves: Fort +24, Reflex +21, Will +16
Abilities: Str 22 Dex 25 Con 30 Int 15 Wis 18 Cha 16
Skills: Bluff +31, Concentration +34 Hide +32, Intimidate +33 (+37 vs medium-sized creatures), Knowledge (The Planes) +25, Listen +27, Search +25, Spot +25, Sense Motive +32, Survival +27 (+29 when tracking on the Planes)
Feats: Improved Initiative, Track, Power Attack, Stand Still [XPH], Combat Reflexes, Multiattack, Improved Multiattack, Improved Grapple, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Detect Thoughts), Improved Aura of Despair
Environment: The Grey Waste
Organization: Solitary, Hunting Party (Thoughtslayer and 2-3 Astraloths)
CR: 21
Alignment: Always Neutral Evil
Advancement: 21-31 (Large); 32-45 (Huge)

Thoughtslayers understands Yugoloth, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, and Planar Common

Aura of Despair (Su)
Everyone in a 60' radius of a Thoughtslayer must make a Will DC 27 save or take a -6 morale penalty to all rolls. The save DC is Con based.

Devour Soul (Su)
If a creature is grappled by a Thoughtslayer and dies while still grappled, the Spawn of the Ebon extracts and consumes the victim's soul in a manner similar to a Bharagest. True Ressurection, Wish, or Miracle are required to return the victim to life, and even then it only has a 50% of success.

Energy Drain (Su)
Thoughtslayers attempts to suck out the very soulstuff of creatures with every brush of a tentacle; each time a creature is hit by a tentacle, it must make a Fort DC 25 save or suffer a negative level. On a critical, it inflicts 2 negative levels. The DC for removing this negative level is the same as for resisting it. The save DC is Charisma based.

Inscrutable Mind (Ex)
Due to their construct natures and bizarre construction, Astraloths are immune to mind affecting spells, and anyone who foolishly attempts mental contact with one must make a Will DC 25 save or take 2d4 points of ability damage to all mental ability scores for touching pure evil and peering into the machinations of the Ebon; even on a successful save, the victim suffers 1d4 damage to all their mental ability scores. The save DC is Charisma based.

Spawn of the Ebon (Ex)
Although living, Astraloths are more sentient, living constructs rather than true living beings. Thus, they possess many of the standard immunities granted to Constructs, although they are as true outsiders in every other sense. Astraloths possess immunity to Poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects. They are not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, or energy drain. It is not at risk of death from massive damage. Holy or Blessed weapons ignore all these traits and immunities. Astraloths have a bizarre use of negative energy imbued into their structures, which renders them vulnerable to damage from positive energy a 1/2 the rate normal for undead and other negatively powered beings. Astraloths seems to be incorporeal regardless of the plane they happen to be in, even on the Ethereal, and only hints at the insane and bizarre methodology behind their creation. Their tail, bite, and claw attacks, despite being incorporeal, resolve normally as if the Astraloth were not incorporeal.

Spell Eater (Su)
Spells and spell effects that fail to overcome a Thoughtslayer's spell resistance can be absorbed fully on the Astraloth's next turn as a free action, recovering 1d4 per spell level, or alternatively redirected at a legal target within range at the original spellcaster's caster level and any original alterations to it at the time of casting, such as metamagic or Wild Surges.

Spell-Like Abilities (CL20, DC 13 + Spell Level, DC23 vs. Detect Thoughts)
at will/ - Detect Thoughts, Locate Object, Locate Creature, Teleport Without Error, Planar Transition [for a 2ED planar cosmology; replace with Plane Shift 3/day for 3.5 cosmology]
3/day - Hold Monster, Interplanar Sending (100 word limit, works across planes), Quickened Detect Thoughts

Thoughtouch (Su)
An Astraloth can vaguely detect locations of intelligent creatures within range of it's telepathy, which consists mostly of direction and little else. Nondetection and equivalent protection from divination or mind-affecting spells prevents detection by Thoughtouch.

Mindscan (Su): A Thoughtslayer can instantly detect the thoughts of up to four creatures, gaining all information in the 1st round (surface thoughts, Int scores, presence or absence of minds). It detects in a 60’ radius centered on her. Targets get a Will save DC 23.

Combat Telepathy (Su): Thoughtslayers can anticipate it's foe’s every move. With a successful Concentration check (DC 10 + the damage taken in the previous round) Thoughtslayers can maintain concentration on detect thoughts as a free action.

Anticipate (Su): Thoughtslayers gain a +5 insight bonus to AC and attacks vs. foes it is detecting thoughts on.

Against Mindscanned opponents:
AC 36 (+7 Dex, +10 Deflection, +5 Profane, +5 Insight, -1 Size), Flat 24, Touch 36
Full Attack: Tail +33 (1d10+9), Bite +33 (1d8+9), 2 Claws +33 (1d8+6), 8 Tentacles +33 incorporeal touch (1d4+Energy Drain)

*Astraloths recieve a +6 racial bonus to Hide, due to it's translucent nature blending into the surroundings. A Thoughtslayer recieves a +8 profane bonus to it's Detect Thoughts DC.

Design Note: Astraloths were originally made to have anywhere from 4 tentacle attacks to 20. They could only bring so many to bear, like Chaos Beasts, but each had a varying number of those attacks. Increasing the number of tentacles as you advance is recommended, or simply to make it more lethal without making it any harder to kill.
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Dialexis, Fist Among Astraloths

After long imprisonment within Shemmy's Planescape Rogue's Gallery, now called Plots and Places, I unveil...

Dialexis, First Among Astraloths (Fully Advanced Paragon Astraloth)
Huge Outsider [Evil, Extraplanar, Incorporeal, Yugoloth]
Hit Points: 45d8 + 855 + 540 (1755 hp)
Initiative: +23 (+15 Dex, +8 Superior Initiative)
Speed: Fly 180' (perfect)
AC 70 (+15 Dex, +18 Deflection, +5 Profane, +12 Insight, +12 Luck, -2 Size), Flat 42, Touch 57
BAB: +45; Grap: +92
Attack: Tail +82 (2d8+41)
Full Attack: Tail +82 (2d8+41), Bite +82 (2d6+41), 2 Claws +82 (2d6+34), 20 Tentacles +82 incorporeal touch (1d6+20+Energy Drain)
Space/Reach 15'/15'; tentacles 25', tail 30'
Special Attacks: Energy Drain, Devour Essence, Spell Drinker
Special Qualities: Aura of Despair, Blindsight 100', DR 15/Silver and Good or DR 10/Epic, Fast Healing 20, Immunity to Poison, Cold, Acid, Fire/Elec/Sonic Resistance 20, Incorporeal traits, Inscrutable Mind, Scent, Spawn of the Ebon, Spell Drinker, Spell Eater, Spell-Like abilities, SR72, Telepathy 600', Thoughtouch
Saves: Fort +53, Ref +49, Will +44
Abilities: Str 38 (14) Dex 40 (15) Con 48 (19) Int 30 (10) Wis 33 (11) Cha 30 (10)
Skills: +68 Bluff, +77 Concentration, +71 Hide, +74 Intimidate (+80 vs medium-sized creatures), +68 Knowledge (Arcana), +68 Knowledge (Dungeoneering), +68 Knowledge (Geography), +68 Knowledge (History), +74 Knowledge (Nature), +68 Knowledge (Religion), +68 Knowledge (The Planes), +69 Listen, +68 Search, Spellcraft, +69 Spot, +69 Sense Motive, +75 Survival (+81 when tracking on the planes, and in any environment above ground or below ground), +73 Tumble
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Track, Power Attack, Stand Still [XPH], Combat Reflexes, Multiattack, Improved Multiattack, Improved Critical (Tentacles), Weapon Focus (Tentacles)
Epic Feats: Improved Aura of Despair, Widened Aura of Despair, Legendary Tracker, Improved Combat Reflexes, Superior Initiative, Penetrate Damage Reduction (Silver, Cold Iron), Overwhelming Critical (Tentacles), Devastating Critical (Tentacles) [DC 44]
Environment: Unknown
Organization: Solitary
CR: 47
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Advancement: End of the line, pal. Time to eat your soul.

Dialexis understands Yugoloth, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Planar Common, as well as six other languages determined by the DM

Aura of Despair (Su)
Everyone in a 600' radius of an Astraloth must make a Will DC 64 save or take a -6 morale penalty to all rolls. The save DC is Constitution based.

Devour Soul (Su)
If a creature is grappled by Dialexis and dies while still grappled, the First Among Astraloths extracts and consumes the victim's soul in a manner similar to a Bharagest. True Resurrection, Wish, or Miracle are required to return the victim to life, and even then it only has a 50% of success.

Energy Drain (Su)
Dialexis attempts to suck out the very soulstuff of creatures with every brush of a tentacle; each time a creature is hit by a tentacle, it must make a Fort DC 55 save or suffer a negative level. On a critical, it inflicts 2 negative levels. If a spell or effect protects the creature against negative energy, Dialexis makes a level check with a +13 insight bonus against that effect's caster level: on a success, Dialexis ignores that effect, and does not require another check to bypass it for 24 hours. These negative levels are difficult to remove, and require a level check against Dialexis each time an effect attempts to remove them. The DC for removing this negative level is the same as for resisting it. The save DC is Charisma based.

Inscrutable Mind (Ex)
Due to their construct natures and bizarre construction, Astraloths are immune to mind affecting spells, and anyone who foolishly attempts mental contact with one must make a Will DC 55 save or take 3d4 points of ability damage to all mental ability scores for touching pure evil and peering into the machinations of the Ebon; even on a successful save, the victim suffers 1d4 damage to all their mental ability scores. The save DC is Charisma based.

Spawn of the Ebon (Ex)
Although living, Dialexis is more a sentient, living construct rather than a true living being. Thus, they possess many of the standard immunities granted to Constructs, although they are as true outsiders in every other sense. Astraloths possess immunity to Poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects. They are not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, or energy drain. It is not at risk of death from massive damage. Only Epic Holy or Epic Blessed weapons ignore all these traits and immunities. Astraloths have a bizarre use of negative energy imbued into their structures, which renders them vulnerable to damage from positive energy a 1/2 the rate normal for undead and other negatively powered beings. Astraloths seems to be incorporeal regardless of the plane they happen to be in, even on the Ethereal, and only hints at the insane and bizarre methodology behind their creation. Their tail, bite, and claw attacks, despite being incorporeal, resolve normally as if the Astraloth were not incorporeal.

Spell Drinker (Su)
Whenever Dialexis hits with a tentacle attack, make a level check with a +13 insight bonus against the spell with the highest caster level on that creature. If Dialexis overcomes the caster level, then Dialexis consumes that spell, taking the spell for itself, and can either consume it to heal 1d4 points per caster level, or instead steal the effects for itself, continuing as if cast upon Dialexis by the original caster with no interruption or extension of the spell. Dialexis automatically knows what the spell's exact capabilities are before it makes this choice, as well as the remaining duration upon the spell and all other relevant details. The caster of the spell thereafter becomes familiar to Dialexis for all purposes, and can be detected by Dialexis' Locate Creature spell regardless of distance, location, or the fact the target is on another plane. Similarly, Dialexis may use Locate Object to locate any magic items created by the caster, regardless of location, distance, or the fact the target is on another plane. Both Locate Creature and Locate Object now pinpoint the caster or magic items created by the caster as though Dialexis were using Discern Location instead. Nonepic spells that foil divinations no longer protect against Dialexis' Locate Creature or Locate Object spells, and cannot be fooled by nonepic illusions or nonepic transmutations. The same applies for Dialexis' Thoughtouch ability.

Spell Eater (Su)
Spells and spell effects that fail to overcome Dialexis' spell resistance can be absorbed fully by Dialexis immediately as a free action, recovering 1d4 per caster level, or alternatively redirected at a legal target within range at the original spellcaster's caster level and any original alterations to it at the time of casting, such as metamagic or Wild Surges on Dialexis' next turn as a free action. The caster of the spell thereafter becomes familiar to Dialexis for all purposes, and can be detected by Dialexis' Locate Creature spell regardless of distance, location, or the fact the target is on another plane. Similarly, Dialexis may use Locate Object to locate any magic items created by the caster, regardless of location, distance, or the fact the target is on another plane. Both Locate Creature and Locate Object now pinpoint the caster or magic items created by the caster as though Dialexis were using Discern Location instead. Nonepic spells that foil divinations no longer protect against Dialexis' Locate Creature or Locate Object spells, and cannot be fooled by nonepic illusions or nonepic transmutations. The same applies for Dialexis' Thoughtouch ability.

Spell-Like Abilities (CL35, DC 20 + Spell Level)
at will/ - Detect Thoughts, Locate Object, Locate Creature, Teleport Without Error, Planar Transition [for a 2ED planar cosmology; replace with Plane Shift for 3.5 cosmology]
3/day - Greater Dispel Magic, Haste, Hold Monster, Interplanar Sending (100 word limit, works across planes), See Invisibility

Thoughtouch (Su)
An Astraloth can vaguely detect locations of intelligent creatures within range of it's telepathy, which consists mostly of direction and little else. Nondetection and equivalent protection from divination or mind-affecting spells protects against detection by Thoughtouch.

*Astraloths recieve a +6 racial bonus to Hide, due to it's translucent nature blending into the surroundings
Will one day be edited to include BoVD feats.... maybe.

Suggestions, correction, and worship :)p) are all welcome.
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After long imprisonment within Shemmy's Planescape Rogue's Gallery, now called Plots and Places,

Yeah, both of my Rogue's Galleries are pretty much buried at this point. I'm so freakingtastically busy right now I can't even estimate when I'd be able to revisit them. However once my current freelance projects are finished, SH1 needs some attention before the Dustmen try to cart it off to the Mortuary...


Heh. Sometimes, it amuses me that your SH1 Rogue's Gallery is more of a discussion between myself and Dialexis on Astraloth development rather than a peek into the monsters you regularly send against the wrecking crew.

Nice to know you're still around, watching my work, and I'll just keep on churning out the monster variant Astraloths with which to eat souls with. I look forward to seeing both Storyhours progress.

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