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  1. K

    D&D (2024) D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024)

    Do you remember the 2e henchmen rules? Because I do. There were no rules. It was a page of "at some point, a hireling will probably become a buddy. How? You figure it out. When? When somebody feels ready. Just make sure they are a few levels behind. Make 2 character sheets for them, give...
  2. K

    D&D (2024) D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024)

    Hirelings are in the PHB, Equipment chapter, Services heading, same as in 2014.
  3. K

    D&D General Stuff 5E Did Right

    I suspect the magical spy potion brewery and the teleporter will be dropped. It will be the libraries, gardeners, zoos and whatnot that can periodically produce minor consumable items, provide a mechanism for acquiring magic items, or act as a way for GMs to drop hints about plots.
  4. K

    D&D General Stuff 5E Did Right

    If you took 3e Leadership at 6th level then yeah, you only got a few followers unless you were a bard or sorcerer with high charisma. You get to 2e's 9th level, have at least a house, a bit of reputation and some charisma and you should have 2 dozen followers (the charismatic types will have 3...
  5. K

    D&D General Stuff 5E Did Right

    It was a mix of opt in and controlled by the DM. Most of the rules were in the DMG, and probably for good reason. it's not something all players or DMs want to deal with. Over 15 years of 1e and 2e gaming, I had never been in a game with strongholds or followers. Well, that might be a fib. I...
  6. K

    D&D General Stuff 5E Did Right

    3e had followers via the Leadership feat, which was influenced by having a stronghold. I had at least 2 players take Leadership, so there were dozens and dozens of followers aside from the hirelings and farmers that came to their now-secured territory. Oh, and two cohorts.
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    D&D General Stuff 5E Did Right

    I actually like 5e at tier 4 play. You kids have no idea how good you have it. We had to play up hill, both ways, in the snow and we liked it because we didn't know any better. I ran ad&d 2e up to 20ish (class-specific xp charts, yay) and 3e up to 23rd. 2e was a slog imo, with casters...
  8. K

    Players Don't Care About Your Setting

    I did that and it can work. My 3e campaign was based on all the things in the Dragon Lance Adventures book that didn't make sense and writing a backstory with "unseen" actions that tied it all together with the presumption some form of the Chaos War had happened so there was minimal magic. At...
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    D&D General Stuff 5E Did Right

    I like the granularity of 3e and was utterly cold to the 4e framework. 5e was a far more acceptable simplification that felt more like d&d than 4e did.
  10. K

    D&D (2024) How many combats do you have on average adventuring day.

    Players get to decide if they are going to take part in most of the fights, most of the time. When and where the party manages to rest is a combination of their desire to rest and the consequences of how they chose to execute the preceeding fights. I tried to plan out encounters/day and create...
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    D&D (2024) How many combats do you have on average adventuring day.

    I am the compulsive note taker for all campaigns, dm or player. I love DDBs history feature to remind myself which spells were cast and who got a crit when. I make a note of the overall state of the party, when we took short/long rests, anyone suffering a condition and any buffs that were...
  12. K

    D&D (2024) How many combats do you have on average adventuring day.

    You: vehicles that don't win on the race track aren't worth driving. Me: this is a bulldozer. We're going to Banish the race track. If it's Legendary Resistances are too high, we'll throw a yellow flag with Spirit Guardians and slow the whole track.
  13. K

    D&D (2024) How many combats do you have on average adventuring day.

    I have never, in any edition or system, linked sessions and "full recovery" together. Generally it was limited to "adventure over, take downtime." Heck, in 1e it was anathema, as full recovery could take multiple days of game time for casters. And other game systems make healing much slower...
  14. K

    D&D (2024) How many combats do you have on average adventuring day.

    I don't know about "dominating" but clerics are often the ones who drastically change a battle. Timely dispel magics Control Water turns a difficult aquatic encounter in a bay into a much easier flight in mud with suffocating foes Divine intervention to neutralize a magic item that blinded the...
  15. K

    D&D (2024) How many combats do you have on average adventuring day.

    I averaged the days we have combat to around 7. Factoring in months of downtime would trend to zero. There are days we have one or two fights (which is not the norm) and days where we use all the resources and maybe a couple short rests to boot, without a lot in between. I admit I came in late...
  16. K

    Avoiding Tremorsense?

    I think Stealth can work vs tremorsense, but you have to have something you can hide in. Which for something that perceives via vibrations means allies, enemies, other creatures or moving things. A creature with tremorsense would need to roll perception to distinguish a halfling from a horse...
  17. K

    Players Don't Care About Your Setting

    That's kind of my point. Having a place where game-related conversation can happen does a lot. It's a bit of interaction out of the game. Odds are two people will make 90% of posts (the gm and the most prolific player) but the others will chip in from time to time. And if it includes the...
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    Players Don't Care About Your Setting

    You don't have a game site? I started with a yahoo group back in the 90s. Now I use a Google site. Even a ddb thread or two does a lot.
  19. K

    D&D (2024) The Magic Market and Spell Scrolls

    One thing 3e did right was have a system for determining what PC- & NPC-class people are likely in any community. "high magic" and "low magic" settings weren't unbounded terms, it was relative to the RAW. This established a baseline for the availability mechanics. A village with 30 people...
  20. K

    How Dragonbane Pointed out the Clashing Desires of My Gaming Group

    Have you considered pretending to play Warhammer 40k but actually running Space Hulk? You and the one RP guy can discuss the will of the Emperor before pulling the handle on the drop ship that slams the PCs into a mass of tyranids. If they don't all want to be marines, make them part of some...