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  1. H

    D&D 5E Avoiding the 15m workday.

    So the biggest point's I am gathering from here and other forums, is that low level 5e is really not that heroic of play. you need to be sneaky bastards or avoid fighting as much as possible.
  2. H

    D&D 5E Avoiding the 15m workday.

    Well here is how it went down. we were 2nd level. We took the secret entrance, the Nothic pried our minds and attacked, taking my fighter down to 6 hp with a dual claw attack. A bunch of misses later, Im down to 3hp, the wizard is down to 6hp and the rogue is untouched. We found the jail and...
  3. H

    D&D 5E Avoiding the 15m workday.

    Well we are not seal team 6, we are just running the pregens.
  4. H

    D&D 5E Avoiding the 15m workday.

    Maybe some spoilers for the Lost mine of pharnderlin, I'll try to keep it a low as possible but you were warned. So I am a player in one of my friend's 5e game (really the first time i've been one in well over two years), and I am trying to understand the "old school" vibe. We are going...
  5. H

    Thoughts on countdowns

    Here are the numbers for all rates: Slow Countdown (6) 1 dice averaged 6.0024 rounds over 10000 runs. The shortest set of rounds was: 1 and the most rounds was: 54 The median value of rounds are: 10 and the Mode was: { Rounds = 2, Freq = 1401 } Medium Countdown (5-6) 1 dice averaged 2.9887...
  6. H

    Thoughts on countdowns

    I was actually wondering the math of this as well and I made a simple program in C#. source can be found here. https://gist.github.com/herrozerro/6ee4f71f437cf201f86c It should be noted that the Mode could vary wildly, I have had the mode of one die be 1 or as high as 8 in my tests. Here are...
  7. H

    Savage Worlds: Casters Rule, Martials Drool?

    Innerdude got it right. Arcane Backgrounds in Savage worlds are just edges, getting one is an edge, gaining powers are edges, gaining more power points is an edge. So a magic user in savage worlds is spending the same game currency (Edges) to do what he can do. Basicaly in D&D terms, all...
  8. H

    Has anyone used and kind of VCS for their campaigns or campaign development?

    I have been recently exposed to github and while I have used some VCS for work, I find the concept interesting. I currently use googledrive/dropbox for almost all of my gaming needs from storage to development in the case of google docs. I have also used in the past Various wiki's including...
  9. H

    Your first tabletop character.

    My first PC was Malon Aetherwind, an elf playing in my friend Brian's game. She was a bit of a Rapunzel living with her father sequestered away from the world. After running away she was captured by slavers and started her adventuring days. The game didn't last long, about 8 or so sessions...
  10. H

    Laptops at the table..and recent research showing how bad it is in education..does it carry over to gaming?

    I just had to echo this. Smoke breaks, or even bathroom breaks have been more disruptive than technology at my games!
  11. H

    RPG Patents?

    Another concern is if the patent gets passed, it could potentially be a gold mine if he gets bought out or sells it to a bigger company.
  12. H

    RPG Patents?

    it appears that they have cleaned up their facebook page (read deleted all the bad press).
  13. H

    RPG Patents?

    So I just found this thread on reddit and thought it was interesting: http://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/28dvw1/rpg_patents/ Apparently a game company is trying to patent the process of converting characters from one genre to another. I wonder what this means for savage worlds or other...
  14. H

    So You're Just Not "Feeling It" for 5e - What ARE you excited about?

    Do you want to run it or play it? Cause I'm in!
  15. H

    So You're Just Not "Feeling It" for 5e - What ARE you excited about?

    A number of things actually. With it's less reliant on numbers, in D&D in general unless you have a a generalist stat array, you are pretty much locked into certain classes. In savage worlds in addition to being classless, it's wild die and exploding dice make it more viable to attempt...
  16. H

    So You're Just Not "Feeling It" for 5e - What ARE you excited about?

    Around 2009 I had an experiance with savage worlds that almost turned me off the system for good. Later in 2010 I picked up the PDF of the deluxe rules and my gaming has forever been changed. While I still am open to D&D, I have fully embraced savage worlds as my goto game for good. What I'm...
  17. H

    Laptops at the table..and recent research showing how bad it is in education..does it carry over to gaming?

    Conversely if your game is 5 people hanging out using technology and still having fun, there is nothing weird about that.
  18. H

    Laptops at the table..and recent research showing how bad it is in education..does it carry over to gaming?

    As someone already pointed out this article really has no bearing on gaming. Unless your games are a one sided lecture.
  19. H

    D&D 5E What does this photo say to you? [Project: Morningstar)

    Reading through this thread part of me wonders "Good god! do these people play with adults?" Seriously? My group is half remote, we play with roll20 and that means that half my players have their full computers to deal with and it seems like those are the players who are paying the most...
  20. H

    Naming a bad guy help

    Lord Darkbad is a favorite name of mine.