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  1. Camelot

    My Solution to the 15-Minute Workday: The Hero Score

    Let me put it this way. It's like watching a movie, and the protagonists enter a cave and are attacked by minions of the antagonist. They win and are debating amongst themselves whether they should enter the cave to confront whatever the antagonist has in store for them, or leave to better...
  2. Camelot

    My Solution to the 15-Minute Workday: The Hero Score

    Then you're right, I did misread your post. However, at that point, I would cease to call them milestones and just keep track of encounters. If you're calling them milestones because you also give out action points after every encounter, then that's where I would have to disagree. Action...
  3. Camelot

    My Solution to the 15-Minute Workday: The Hero Score

    That's a nice way to do it, and very simple. 7 milestones seems like a bit much though. An average level by the core rules has between 8 and 10 encounters, which is 4 or 5 milestones. In practice, it seems to take even fewer encounters than that. But I guess it depends how quickly you want...
  4. Camelot

    My Solution to the 15-Minute Workday: The Hero Score

    What constitutes as "extra work" for me is something that I have to do over and over, basically adding a new layer of adventure preparation to the game. For example, taking Pemerton's example that I've quoted below, I'd have to prepare an interesting skill challenge for every dangerous location...
  5. Camelot

    My Solution to the 15-Minute Workday: The Hero Score

    Existing Solutions that I Don't Like When trying to do research to find out how other DMs solve the problem of the 15-minute workday in 4th edition, I found two main categories: 1. The DM has to build the adventure to prevent taking extended rests until a certain point in the adventure is...
  6. Camelot

    [Points of Light Clone] Tweaking the Races

    I was referencing how they appear in 4th edition, from the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide. Personally, I prefer them flavored simply as humans whose bloodline has been infused generations ago with elemental energy.
  7. Camelot

    [Points of Light Clone] Tweaking the Races

    I love the genasi, but I wish there was a more setting un-specific name for them. I don't want to call them elementals, cause those are something entirely different! The githzerai have always seemed to me like they don't fit. They're just monk people without anything really distinctive that...
  8. Camelot

    Hybrids and Armor

    Just a question that I can't find a ruling on: I want to make a hybrid Cleric/Ranger who uses melee weapons. The hybrid Cleric gets the full Healer's Lore feature, so can I trade that out for Battle Cleric's Lore (Dragon Magazine 400)? Normally, such a character would only have proficiency in...
  9. Camelot

    Roleplaying Encouragement

    Thanks for all the advice! I looked through those systems (or reviews of them) that I could find, took what I liked, and this is what I came up with: Each character starts with three Stories. The player chooses the first two (one Solo Story and one Group Story), and the third is created by...
  10. Camelot

    Roleplaying Encouragement

    I'm looking for a system to add onto my games that will encourage my players to roleplay a bit more. When I say roleplay, I don't just mean say some colorful things about they way they smash the kobold's head in, but actually play a consistent character and form interesting connections with the...
  11. Camelot

    [Recruiting] Dragon Age RPG

    If we can get one more person interested, then we can get the game started. Technically, HolyMan, I don't think there is an alienage near Ostagar; I'm pretty sure the only one in Ferelden is in Denerim, but I think your character can still work if you came from there.
  12. Camelot

    5E: D&D Next- Caves of Chaos [RECRUITING]

    Cool! I've only recently gotten into Pathfinder, and I haven't actually played it for real (only over Skype with one other person), but playing will help me learn.
  13. Camelot

    5E: D&D Next- Caves of Chaos [RECRUITING]

    That really stinks. I still want to play something PBP, though. I've got a Dragon Age game that I want to run, and I'd be willing to play 4e, PF, or SWSE if anyone's starting up a game.
  14. Camelot

    [Recruiting] Dragon Age RPG

    Walking Dad: Yep, that works! Voda Vosa: Decide on a background and a name and you'll be good to go. I'm really glad there's some interest in this! I've been wanting to play this game for a while, but my real life group won't try it.
  15. Camelot

    EN World New GMs, players, read the first post in this thread! (updated 5/21)

    Dragon Age RPG Dragon Age: Bleeding Recruitment Thread Recruitment ends when 4-6 players have been recruited. See thread for more details.
  16. Camelot

    [Recruiting] Dragon Age RPG

    Dragon Age: Bleeding The little town of Lothering in South Ferelden has recently been the source of both heroes and heretics. Before being overrun by the Fifth Blight, the Grey Warden now known as the Hero of Ferelden began a long and arduous journey; Hawke, the Champion of Kirkwall, fled the...
  17. Camelot

    5E: D&D Next- Caves of Chaos [RECRUITING]

    Adding my interest! I'll play any character but I'd prefer to be a cleric (I'll see which one when on Thursday).
  18. Camelot

    Wizard Wands

    Wizard Wands is now playable! I have made the rules for all the cards, here, at Fantasmic Games. Unfortunately, I don't have the skills of someone like weem , so if you'd like to play you'll have to jot them down on index cards. Once I get going a bit more, I'd like to start making actual...
  19. Camelot

    Wizard Wands

    I am making a game! The first of many, hopefully. I have the rules all written up, and now I have to get to work on the cards. I hope you enjoy! Overview You and your friends are wizard’s apprentices, who normally must study for years under a wizard master in order to gain the slightest...
  20. Camelot

    RPG Map Images Resource?

    Thanks everyone! I've started to find what I need. The Dundjinni forums are definitely very helpful.