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  1. J

    Pen Sketching! My Favorite!

    Thank you, very much! Sometimes though, the detail is a killer, but I do it naturally. . . so its somewhat of a love hate relationship with the art, lol
  2. J

    Pen Sketching! My Favorite!

    I have no idea what she is actually, lol. . . I just started sketching with my good ole. . . cheap ball point pen and walla. . . Heh
  3. J

    Pen Sketching! My Favorite!

    Thought I'd share some! I love to doodle :D
  4. banner1.jpg


  5. J

    Full Color | Sketch Character Portraits

    Lookit the beautiful place I found! *bounces up and down* My art studio online! Fantasy Artwork :D http://www.josiebean.net/dreeam_artworks/ I do full color and/or pen sketches of characters (Human, anthro, mystical, or animal) Unfortunately, I dont have the time to sit and scan them in for...