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  1. T

    New Hobby Releases In Stores & PDF Spotlight: 7th May 2018

    What an incredible effort on your part for these spotlights. Kudos and thanks!
  2. T

    RPG Crowdfunding News 094: Black Void, Shattered Tower, An Atlas of the Horizons, Wingless, Dangerou

    “Shattered Tower works on the peculiar D6System we created.” ROTFL! What marketing prowess! Next!
  3. T

    News Digest: BattleTech Lawsuit Dismissed, Gygax Estate Licenses Unpublished Games, Deadpool RPG Cov

    I owned all of the Castle Zagyg stuff at one time. I was dubious then as to how much of the material was “original”, and how much Gygax (and others, perhaps?) added from scratch in the 2000s. Not being a huge TSR historian, I never was captivated by the mystique surrounding Castle Greyahwk...
  4. T

    Worlds of Design: Making Fixes For Spelljammer

    Thanks so much for this! I hope to see more! Your concern about Spelljammers being able to dominate a world are exactly like mine. I love your solution. I also love the visual of magic carpets being used as skiffs!
  5. T

    The Goblin - Pathfinder 2's Newest Ancestry!

    “Likableness”. I like it: a simple, one word description that makes my mind apply it to all sorts of PC, NPC, literary, and real-world folks for a test fit. You’ve given me something to think about! Good show!
  6. T

    RPG Evolution: Do We Still Need "Race" in D&D?

    It is a stacked discussion, to be sure. I honestly thought that, for example, “SJW”was an actual term used by social activists and not a pejorative. To throw out biased “articles” like these, and then control the responses of those opposed isn’t “fair”, and it is disingenuous if one is opening...
  7. T

    RPG Evolution: Do We Still Need "Race" in D&D?

    Tempest, meet teapot. Again, I’d have no real problems with these “posts” if they weren’t cloaked as articles. All of these - especially by this freelancer - have a definitive position. They should be marked as editorials if they are to be placed in the News section.
  8. T

    Worlds of Design: How Would You Design For Spelljammer?

    Just want to thank everyone for making this a great thread. Each post has some great insight, ideas, and opinions. I’m definitely bookmarking, and probably printing it out for future idea mining!
  9. T

    Worlds of Design: How Would You Design For Spelljammer?

    XXVc is totally, freaking awesome. I’ve even got a Yahoo! Group devoted to it. The TSR comic modules give the best example of tone, in my opinion. I’d say they are as essential as the RPG material. The setting isn’t without some unresolved problems, but I love it. The AD&D 2.5 lite rules...
  10. T

    Pathfinder 2's Critical Hits & Failures! Plus Save-or-Suck and Damage On A Miss!

    It’s like trying to distill Shakespeare into a math formula. Most - if not all of this - should be handled narratively. Good grief.
  11. T

    Worlds of Design: How Would You Design For Spelljammer?

    I agree. I never liked the idea that when an adventurer on Oerth looked up at the night sky, he was really seeing gems set into a crystal sphere instead of actual other stars - or whatever that particular crystal sphere had instead of stars (e.g. elementals, etc.). The phlogiston could still...
  12. T

    The Journey To...North America, Part Two

    Yet another tidbit that makes me think we are all being played to an extent by the selection of some the articles highlighted here over the last several months or more. Throw red meat out, and watch the comment section explode.
  13. T

    Pathfinder 2E Fighter Class Preview

    Preach on!! Less "ruled" options, and more imagination, please.
  14. T

    Pathfinder 2E Fighter Class Preview For Pathfinder 2nd Edition!

    Preach on!! Less "ruled" options, and more imagination, please.
  15. T

    Do We Still Need "Oriental Adventures"?

    You’re in good company.
  16. T

    Do We Still Need "Oriental Adventures"?

    Personally I’d like to thank the authors of Oriental Adventures. Before I got that book as a teen, I didn’t particularly know a thing about Asian culture other than the “ninja/martial arts craze” in the US in the 1980s. Eventually, I took the history of China and history of the Far East...
  17. T

    New Hobby Releases In Stores & PDF Spotlight: 12th March 2018

    I have Ascendancy, but have never played. Are three starbases per faction enough? Would one need multiple packs?
  18. T

    The Difficulties Of Running Low Magic Campaigns

    Bingo. It’s not hard to understand players pining for that next level or two, then the next, and the next, so they can unlock feat trees, class abilities, etc. It feeds into my nascent theory that 3e + games with their myriad character options actually are more restrictive. Example: Twenty...
  19. T

    The Difficulties Of Running Low Magic Campaigns

    Low magic AND low levels both combine to make my favorite combination. A natural “governor”, though, is low level. A level cap of 6 (like in the old d20 E6 game variant) or 10 will naturally curtail some of the magic shenanigans. I like the resource management aspects, hirelings... and the...