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  1. S

    At My Most Burned-Out in 35 Years

    Sorry to hear that. No particular advice: I enjoy your contributions to the forum.
  2. S

    This is Free Trader Beowulf: A System History of Traveller - This Friday!

    @Mongoose_Matt The current pdf version appears unfinished. There is no cover and some internal illustrations are missing. I believe Jenell [sic] Jaquays is a misspelling.
  3. S

    Who are the really interesting modern TTRPG designers?

    How so? I thought it was still in playtest.
  4. S

    Who are the really interesting modern TTRPG designers?

    Trophy Gold, a new way of running dungeons (essentially the murder hobos are on a downward spiral and need more and more gold); offers an interesting method for reframing classics. The Dee Sanction, fantastic Elizabethan setting, once more the investigators need to work hard not to get...
  5. S

    Who are the really interesting modern TTRPG designers?

    Jesse Ross, Trophy Gold Paul Baldowski, The Dee Sanction Scott Malthouse, Perilous Land (although the non-commercial version was better) Tom McGrenery, Revolution Comes to the Kingdom Paul Elliott, Zenobia (perhaps not young, but certainly not corporate)
  6. S

    I need a good non-D&D fantasy campaign

    The Road to Monsterberg campaign in three volumes. It’s set on 15th century earth but with low magic, so I supect that it would drop into a late medieval kitchen sink world relatively easily. The characters are trying to go home from a war but get enmeshed in the politics and feuds of the land...
  7. S

    Why DON'T you want to GM?

    Player here. My game group has two excellent regular DMs who mix things up between long running campaigns and trying new systems and genres. We develop and test our own systems. Our games club also has plenty of other DMs who do everything from straight D&D 5e to anime story games. All this...
  8. S

    Pitch me the current RuneQuest

    I believe many of the places were named for Greg Stafford’s players in the 1970s: Stafford was born in 1948, so your dating is spot on.
  9. S

    Pitch me the current RuneQuest

    Runequest 6/Mythras was built around a pseudo-Bronze Age setting called Meeros. The rules are free as Mythras Imperative. The Meeros supplements are very cheap (or free). Unless one specifically wants Glorantha I’d say they are a much better bet than RQ:G. However, if the latter is the choice...
  10. S

    Symbaroum setting

    The British game designer Paul Baldowski provides a good analysis of Symbaroum based on his long-running campaign. http://www.theironpact.com/
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    Make It Yourself

    In my experience trialling homebrew rules (whether as the designer or a player) is a great deal of fun. Most people understand that not everything will come off. Equally some elements that work well for the group are plainly not of a type that would serve for a wider population. The obvious...
  12. S

    How do I know if I'm reading a good/up to date history book?

    It’s worth checking what the major university presses have published on the subject in the past decade. Good history presses include Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press and Yale University Press. These books will have been properly peer reviewed and use academic apparatus...
  13. S

    Musing on Conan themes in RPGs

    Hadrathus wielded the Heart of Ahriman, which Conan had recovered from Stygia. He clearly had the knowledge and skill to manipulate the artefact, and he does claim to be working magic. The Kothian sorcerer Conan encountered in “The Scarlet Citadel” was Pelias.
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    Musing on Conan themes in RPGs

    Great thread! Zelata the witch/druid type was a REH creation from Hour of the Dragon. Conan’s other magic-wielding ally in the story was Hadrathus, high priest of Asura. I’ve pulled out the key quotations for anyone who wants to design a Howardian magic system...
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    Reviews that didn't age well.

    Barry Norman? Barry White would have been fine with dancers.
  16. S

    The Final Open RPG Creator (ORC) License Is Here!

    Mythras Classic Fantasy Imperative has just been released under ORC. The Design Mechanism provide a Word document in addition to the pdf so one can hack it to one’s heart’s delight.
  17. S

    D&D 4E Ben Riggs' "What the Heck Happened with 4th Edition?" seminar at Gen Con 2023

    In most cases, if one wants to make a full-time career as an historian a post-graduate degree is a necessary qualification. It was not always thus and there are many examples of successful historians without such qualifications but as the American Historical Association comments: “Although some...
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    D&D 4E Ben Riggs' "What the Heck Happened with 4th Edition?" seminar at Gen Con 2023

    Indeed, anyone can call themselves an historian: it’s not a guild and there are no enforcers. Riggs it seems to me does a good job in the hobbyist space. I believe that he has a history degree from Boston University.
  19. S

    D&D 4E Ben Riggs' "What the Heck Happened with 4th Edition?" seminar at Gen Con 2023

    Riggs does not claim to be a trained historian. His MA was in education and he works as a schoolteacher. He writes popular hobbyist books - rather amusingly in my view.
  20. S

    Capturing the "feel" of Tolkien.

    It sounds like LoTR is the only IP for which Modiphius’ 2d20 might be an appropriate system. I can’t believe I just wrote that.