• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Xaielao

    Level Up (A5E) Polygon names Dungeon Delvers Guide among 10 best RPG Books of 2023

    Spotted this article this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see some of my favorite TTRPGs mentioned. PF2 Player Core, The One Ring (though I haven't played the 5e conversion), and to my surprise and delight Level Up - Dungeon Delver's Guide! Honestly happy to see Level Up get some...
  2. Xaielao

    Level Up (A5E) What would you include on a player cheat sheet?

    Only thing I can think of besides your pretty comprehensive list is Journey Activities. And when you're done, do share. :)
  3. Xaielao

    Level Up (A5E) Level Up offer launches at the Bundle of Holding

    Own all of it (but the GM screen), but posting on some RPG discords & passing the link to some folks in my TTRPG community. Spread the love I say!
  4. Xaielao

    Level Up (A5E) Announced reprints of Core Books mean we'll get an Errata?

    I noticed in the Dungeon Delver's Guide kickstarter (insta-backed!) that the core books are getting a second printing. Typically second printings include Errata for not only typo's and clarifications, but potential changes to the rules, bringing some lacking features up to par, and bringing...
  5. Xaielao

    Blog (A5E) Here’s the Table of Contents from the Dungeon Delver’s Guide!

    You know what, your right. I didn't put two and two together on that one.
  6. Xaielao

    Blog (A5E) Here’s the Table of Contents from the Dungeon Delver’s Guide!

    Am I missing something or aren't there any new regions or exploration challenges? As a GM that's half of what I was hoping to see out of this book... though the other half still looks awesome.
  7. Xaielao

    3PP Release 3PP: Stranger Sights, on Kickstarter now!

    Wow so glad I didn't miss this, insta-backed. I adore a5e's exploration system, so more of that + new monsters = everything I want as a GM. :)
  8. Xaielao

    Homebrew Level Up Roll20 Character Sheet is live!

    Gavthedm, that's on the to-do list (check back a page or 2 to see it)
  9. Xaielao

    Blog (A5E) Dungeon Delver’s Guide: Welcome to Underland

    Oh... glowing aboleth cities beneath the sea that ships use the navigate. That's such a sick idea. Can't wait for this book. :D
  10. Xaielao

    Gate Pass Gazette Gate Pass Gazette #5 Is Here!

    Writer probably thought Incredibly Hulking was a bit too much on the nose. ;)
  11. Xaielao

    Gate Pass Gazette Gate Pass Gazette #5 Is Here!

    Well done as usual folks, love this stuff. Really happy to see Martial get it's first synergy feat chain, and a cool one at that. Giving a linked ally exertion or spell slots by expanding your own is an awesome idea. One of my favorite classes in A5E and it's been needing some new content...
  12. Xaielao

    Level Up (A5E) A5E.tools updates

    Thus the (reasonably) lol because yea, I realize it wouldn't be 'hard', just very time consuming.
  13. Xaielao

    Level Up (A5E) A5E.tools updates

    Morrus, if I might offer a (reasonably) simple suggestion: Include book & page numbers for each entry. Sometimes I want to have the book (or PDF) open when I'm looking stuff up just so I can read other stuff on that page, or compare it to my notes. I do this most often when I'm working on prep...
  14. Xaielao

    Blog (A5E) Level Up’s Archlich: The Mouthless One

    You know I kinda miss having 10th level spells from the old days of D&D. It represented the epitome of spellcasting power and included all the most powerful, world shaping spells. I was happy to see Pathfinder 2e keep that going. 5e, and thus Level Up, rather melded the world altering...
  15. Xaielao

    Blog (A5E) Level Up’s Archlich: The Mouthless One

    This new archlich puts 5e's new Vecna to absolute shame. Not that the Vecna stat block isn't cool, cause it is. But having run a 10-20 campaign myself recently with 5e, I know that a party of 4 well build level 20 PCs would take that character out in 2 rounds.. easily if the GM rolled poorly on...
  16. Xaielao

    Level Up (A5E) Gate Pass Gazette Issue 4 is now available to subscribers!

    They're on DriveThruRPG, Dave, for $10 an issue. I'm not sure when they are put up for sale there, I'd imagine a week or two after release. You get them first from being a Patron, but if you're budget is tight, buying them piecemeal is totally an option.
  17. Xaielao

    Level Up (A5E) Running A5E rules and mechanics in a O5E game

    As a GM, I get where your coming from OP. As a player, why would you 'not' want to run the new classes. There's so much more there to make playing fun lol.
  18. Xaielao

    Level Up (A5E) How did we end up with 11 combat traditions?

    Geez, you guys have the gears in my brain box just a grinding with these ideas. There's so much potential expandability to this system!
  19. Xaielao

    Level Up (A5E) A Scheme for Planar Resistances

    Interestingly perhaps, I use numerical based resistances/weaknesses, like 3.5e's DR/SR or more closely PF2e's resistanc/weakness system. As an example, a simple skeleton guard (equivalent of a CR 1/4 skeleton in A5e) has resistance to slashing 5, piercing 5. Meaning it takes 5 less damage from...