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  1. Lycurgon

    D&D General What Should Today's Archetypes Be

    There is so much influence of D&D within the fantasy genre that it is impossible to separate out what would exist if D&D had never existed, short of visiting a parallel universe. But looking at modern popular fantasy media and concepts that aren't obviouy heavily influenced by D&D, here are my...
  2. Lycurgon

    Would you play a TTRPG that used Meters instead of Feet?

    I know it is about 1.6 which is the maths I do when I convert the amounts. I just don't intuitively know what they mean without converting. But using 'a bit more than 1.5' is much easier so I will do that from now on, I can do that without much thought. Thanks for that, I am happy with a good...
  3. Lycurgon

    Would you play a TTRPG that used Meters instead of Feet?

    I am from outside of US. I was born in New Zealand during the process of changing from metric to Imperial, so grew up with metric but a lot of use of imperial especially for people's height. I also grew up playing D&D so had continual exposure to Imperial from that. So I have a good...
  4. Lycurgon

    D&D (2024) Warlock spell poll.

    Yeah, even with the current version, dealing 1d6 extra damage 4x a turn is rarely worth your Concentration.
  5. Lycurgon

    D&D (2024) Warlock spell poll.

    D) None of the above. Full caster makes they are a lot like wizards and would need to lose class abilities, probably Invocations, to be balanced. It also makes them less different, less interesting, they become like a wizard varient rather than a unique class and play experience they currently...
  6. Lycurgon

    D&D (2024) 5e vs Oe Cleric...

    I played in a play test game where 4 players were all playing Clerics from 1 level to 3rd level. We found that the channel divinity attack was very powerful at these levels. The Holy Orders were good but getting them at 2nd level was bad for those wanting to take the warrior option and get...
  7. Lycurgon

    D&D (2024) Am I crazy, or did they just turn Stealth into full Ninja mode?

    "The enemy finds you" is the key here. It doesn't specify that a search action is required. If you walk in front of someone it is reasonable that they automatically find you since there is nothing stopping them seeing you. Thus ending the condition.
  8. Lycurgon

    D&D (2024) New One D&D Playtest Shows Us The New Druid & Paladin

    I think my feedback will be "Thanks for saving me money. I won't want to buy any of the new books. I'll just take the handful of good ideas to use with my existing books and ignore the rest garbage in the new edition. More money to put towards 3PP." Every time a new UA comes out I like a...
  9. Lycurgon

    D&D General What do you do (as GM) if a PC dies in the middle of a session

    As a player I want time to think and consider a new character and what I want to play. So I would opt to either leave early or sit out and watch the rest of the session. While I always have lots of character concepts that I want to play and can quickly make a character once I have decided what...
  10. Lycurgon

    D&D 5E Should D&D be easier to learn? If so, how would you do it?

    I think that rather than simplify the choices and rules for noobs, keep the rules the same and provide good noob guides/starter kits. If you simplify stuff then experienced players will not want to use it. Sure, experienced groups can just skip the intro levels but I don't think that helps the...
  11. Lycurgon

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Internet problems f'ed it up. 😕
  12. Lycurgon

    D&D 5E Reacting to Movement

    After you have been hit with an OA, which happens before you have moved a square/5', you can choose to stop. If you stop you do not take the damage. You have to try to leave your square but after the OA, the situation has changed and you can change your mind based on the new situation. This...
  13. Lycurgon

    D&D 5E 5E Survivor: Species (formerly, "Races"): Lightfoot Halfling Wins!

    Aarakocra 10 Aasimar 7 Autognome 11 Bugbear 10 Changeling 10 Dhampir 10 Dragonborn 7 Dragonborn, Draconblood 10 Dragonborn, Ravenite 10 Dragonborn, Chromatic 14 Dragonborn, Gem 13 Dragonborn, Metallic 10 Dwarf, Duergar 10 Dwarf, Hill 13 Dwarf, Mark of Warding 11 Dwarf, Mountain 13 Elf, Astral 10...
  14. Lycurgon

    WotC Hasbro Bets Big on D&D

    It sounds like there is a lot of good and possibly, potentially some bad with what they are saying. There is nothing wrong with Hasbro trying to monetize D&D to a greater extent, that is what companies are usually about. More computer games? Cool! I may not play them all but good to have...
  15. Lycurgon

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Lost all memories... Who'm I?
  16. Lycurgon

    D&D (2024) 48 Subclasses: 4 per Class

    That is not even vaguely the same thing. Asking if you can play a subclass and the DM saying yes is very different from trying to use the old subclasses with the new cleric class. Trying to integrate cleric subclass from a previous book into the new Cleric class would take work. The first...
  17. Lycurgon

    D&D (2024) What new jargon do you want to replace "Race"?

    My preferred terms are Ancestry and Heritage. Both have been used by 3rd parties already and I am happy with either. But WotC are already using Ancestry as referring to the specific type of ancestor you are descended from within your species. All of the new species in the latest playtest have...
  18. Lycurgon

    D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part XV: The FINAL ROUND)

    Yeah, it was the fact that there is a lot of support for the subclass but it is still going down despite so many upvotes that caused me to give up on trying to save a sinking ship.
  19. Lycurgon

    D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part XV: The FINAL ROUND)

    Barbarian: Path of the Totem Warrior 49 Bard: College of Lore 46 Cleric: Tempest Domain 26 Druid: Circle of the Shepherd 31 Fighter: Battle Master 45 Monk: Way of the Kensei 40 Paladin: Oath of the Ancients 49 +1=50 Sorcerer: Divine Soul 14 Ranger: Gloom Stalker 48 Rogue: Thief 49 Warlock: Pact...
  20. Lycurgon

    D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part XV: The FINAL ROUND)

    Barbarian: Path of the Totem Warrior 48 +1=49 Not my favourite Barbarian but they are powerful, I do like them and I like playing Barbs. Bard: College of Lore 48 Cleric: Tempest Domain 32 Druid: Circle of the Shepherd 36 Fighter: Battle Master 48 Monk: Way of the Kensei 41 Paladin: Oath of the...