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Search results

  1. DeviousQuail

    Spoilers The Marvels (Spoilers)

    Just saw this. Pardon the stream of consciousness. Should you see it in theaters? I think so. The movie was fun. It had a silliness to it that would feel at home in a GotG movie. Unlike GotG 3, The Marvels doesn't have the same heart to balance that silliness. That's to be expected. This isn't...
  2. DeviousQuail

    TTRPGs with simultaneous instead of turn-based combat

    When it comes to ttrpgs I've only ever played games where combat is turn-based. I understand why that's the case. It seems much easier than the alternative. But are there ttrpgs that have attempted simultaneous combat? I'd also appreciate any games that don't have combat, but the main "action"...