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  1. W

    Choose Your Own Adventure Block

    Hey, guys! I created two polls on the Wizards forums to discuss formatting for monster stat blocks. The first deals with the creature blocks found in the Monster Manuals and the second with the "adventure blocks" for creatures found in published adventures. I'd love your input on these issues.
  2. W

    Monster Design in D&D Next

    I don't know that's true. The hook horror isn't given skills, but that's because the hook horror's only cognizable skill is climbing, and it was given a climb speed to reflect that. That simply wasn't a focus of this article.
  3. W

    What Makes a Good DM?

    Well, it's too late now. I can't go back and edit the poll. Too many people have already answered. I'll go fire my crack team of professional pollsters* for missing something a few people thought was really important. Congrats. You got me. *I don't have a crack team of professional...
  4. W

    What Makes a Good DM?

    With regard ot listening, I had considered adding "Therapist" to the list of occupations. In the end, I think they are subsumed into all the service occupations, including field marshal, judge, puzzle master, and writer.
  5. W

    What Makes a Good DM?

    To me, pacing would be a part of writing, if it's story pacing, and field marshal, if it's combat pacing, and puzzle master, it it's pacing in other types of encounters.
  6. W

    What Makes a Good DM?

    I've created a new poll over on the official website forums asking people to opine as to what minimum levels of competency a DM needs to possess in seven discrete areas in order to be considered a "good DM". Much like my previous poll on player skills (now closed), while I'm happy to have a...
  7. W

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    I was offering three options. Crossbow wizards only; cantrip wizards banned from table Cantrip and crossbow wizards sitting at table together Cantrip wizards only; crossbow wizards banned from table. The group still decides which of these three options to take. It baffles me that there are...
  8. W

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    I understand that some people don't like crossbow wizards. I understand that some people don't like cantrip-attack wizards. I don't understand people who can't abide a game who has crossbow wizards or cantrip-attack wizards as an option in the game. (Alternately, I don't understand why people...
  9. W

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    One of the options I offered was that it was in the game as an option that your table could reject! Go back and read the post. :rant:
  10. W

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    That's sad. I mean to not want to play in a game that had it as an option that you didn't even have to use.
  11. W

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    What do you mean "is right out"? You mean you wouldn't play the game that has 3 as an option? You mean you wouldn't play in a game in which the DM allowed such an option? Or you mean that's just not an option you would ever choose?
  12. W

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    I don't believe anybody said "needs". It's not in Mearls' L&L article. (That's what makes it a "strawman" by the way.) You've invented a position for people and then you criticize this imagined position. I don't see how someone can apologize for something they don't think was insulting...
  13. W

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    No, you were insulting because of what you wrote. My three categories are a separate point. Which words were unclear? Here (I bolded the relevant points for emphasis): You felt that somebody (presumably DFCON1, whom you quoted), was saying that at-will spells is really all that wizards need to...
  14. W

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    Actually, it sounds more like 3e zero-level magics, but to be performed at will. 3e had zero-level spells like acid splash and ray of frost that did minor damage (1d3) slightly less than a crossbow (1d8). (Even Gygax' original cantrip article and a cantrip called "exterminate" which was ideal...
  15. W

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    All characters -- including the fighter and cleric -- have the ability to string a line to hoist a dangling rope bridge over a chasm. That doesn't exonerate a game from giving a class something class-appropriate to do.
  16. W

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    Why is that a terrible name? It's been used in D&D since March 1982 to denote minor arcane magical effects and it actually means a magical trick.
  17. W

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    Whoa, whoa, whoa! Just because people want to be able to cast a spell instead of using a crossbow or darts does not mean they are implying anything about other things a mage should do. What you just wrote is not only a straw man, but an insult to the people with whom you are having a...
  18. W

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    A couple comments Noncasters using scrolls I think it's unfair to make any conclusions about this from the article since the discussion of scrolls was a small part of a larger discussion about how scrolls would not constitute extra spell slots. There may be rules for a noncaster being able to...
  19. W

    Prose, Terminology, Fluff, & Presentation: Spreadsheets or Haiku?

    I thought I was pretty clear in my post that the prosaic and one-line write-ups would be together. More importantly, the one-line write-ups would also be available for any electronic creature builder, so that they could easily be incorporated into stat blocks of NPC spellcasters.
  20. W

    Prose, Terminology, Fluff, & Presentation: Spreadsheets or Haiku?

    I think mechanical complexity and technical presentation are inter-related. The more complexity you have, the more prose you need to offer to explain these complexities. (Prose that was often lacking even in the prosaic editions.) By the way, I'm not eschewing prose. I've said repeatedly...