• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. B

    Adopt Your Secret Identity With Pathfinder's ULTIMATE INTRIGUE

    The "saturation point" is subjective. Personally, I think that ship sailed a while ago.
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    D&D General Strahd Castle Ravenloft in 3d glory!

    Wow! Hats off to you, sir!
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    All Change At WotC: New President Arrives From Microsoft As Greg Leeds Resigns

    Exactly. It almost can't help but be an improvement.
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    All Change At WotC: New President Arrives From Microsoft As Greg Leeds Resigns

    Please, PLEASE, PLEASE let this lead to WotC offering digital books of the current edition! :D
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    Horror & Intrigue: PATHFINDER Releases Of 2016

    Macs are the work of the devil. Just sayin'.
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    Artist Wayne England RIP

    :-( RIP
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    Adventurers League Adventures Now Available To All

    Nice. Personally, I think this is a good move. I don't care about the cost of $2 or $3, I'm just glad these can be run in private, etc. That's two good calls in a row, WotC...
  8. B

    The Day Has Come! It's An OGL! And A Store To Buy & Sell D&D 5E Products!

    Lies. Everyone knows Nigerian banks exist solely to distribute lost lottery winnings.
  9. B

    The Day Has Come! It's An OGL! And A Store To Buy & Sell D&D 5E Products!

    *hopes PDFs of the 5E core books are in the offing* Come on, WotC! I've got a few hundred dollars burning a hole in my pocket... :P
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    The Day Has Come! It's An OGL! And A Store To Buy & Sell D&D 5E Products!

    Personally, 5E won't be viable for me until I can get the complete rules in a stand-alone digital format -- I'm done being at the mercy of books going out of print -- but this is a step in the right direction, and I applaud it as such.
  11. B

    A Life Jacket For PATHFINDER ONLINE?

    Let. It. Die. Anyone with any knowledge of software development or video games knew this was doomed from the start (and many said as much). At least Lisa had the good sense to create a separate legal entity rather than hang this albatross around Paizo's neck.
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    WotC's Chris Perkins Talks About... Everything! Upcoming Storylines, Products, Staffing, Other World

    Yes, how dare you express your opinion when it isn't to DEFCON 1's liking. You should be flogged. :hmm:
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    D&D Does Digital Part III: PDFs

    Withholding PDFs out of fear of piracy is misguided. It is empirically true that piracy continues unabated. Meanwhile, people who would have gladly paid for PDFs -- but aren't willing to pirate them -- are driven off. If I were a large share-holder I'd be hunting management scalps. As it...
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    Hot Games Post-Gen Con

    This really seems like par for the course to me; AGE is the new hotness. Not to say it is/isn't good, just that it's the "it" game. I recall when Dungeon World was on everyone's (virtual) lips. Take, for example, this comment. ;-)
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    Mike Mearls on stuff... (Tome Show interview from GenCon)

    The Pathfinder Core Rulebook is a disaster that is very often discussed, even right on Paizo.com. Just because you aren't listening doesn't mean it isn't happening.
  16. B

    Congratulations to the 2015 ENnies Award Winners!

    Lots of well-deserved accolades for 5th Edition. However, I'm not clear how a game that sports books that LITERALLY HAVE NO COVERS won for "Best Production Values." :P
  17. B

    D&D 5E so... any word on PDFs yet?

    It doesn't hold up to any serious scrutiny. To be completely honest, the counter argument seems to boil down to "surely corporate middle managers know best." But I have now expended all the effort I'm willing to on this topic...any more and it just gets frustrating. I'll check back again in...
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    D&D 5E so... any word on PDFs yet?

    Agreed. And yet now even HBO has reversed course...
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    D&D 5E so... any word on PDFs yet?

    I would pay full price for 5E pdfs. ...or at least I would have, had they been released in a timely fashion.
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    D&D 5E so... any word on PDFs yet?

    The word seems to be what it has been since the beginning: "Go f__k yourself." :-S