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  1. jayaint

    You wake up with no memory, now what?

    Let's assume the sorcerer queen had been using this island for her purposes for a long enough period of time and perhaps there had been some sort of interference by a rival on one of her teleports... causing her to be sent to the island herself. The grunts on the island don't know any better, I...
  2. jayaint

    Go Play (Secret Gamer Code Shhhhhh)

    Naysayers unite! Maybe you should (not) get together and (not) create an anti-logo, that will (not)identify you as hating other gamers and the games they play... that way you can (not) band together and (not) unify your voice and (not) let it be known how much you stand up for your game and your...
  3. jayaint

    Motivational posters for gaming

    No snakes in mind when I made that one... and yes, basically just an unattended wizard's staff. I was re-reading the Dragonlance (seasons: autumn, winter, etc) trilogy and I found myself very nervous whenever Raist wasn't explicitly clutching that staff.
  4. jayaint

    Motivational posters for gaming

    Here are a couple more... (Love this thread.)
  5. motivatorB.jpg


  6. motivatorI.jpg


  7. motivatorW.jpg


  8. jayaint

    Character Concepts

    A rogue/beguiler type with some sort of karmic kleptomania (where he replaced everything he stole with some other random item he had swiped before, hopefully with the DM running the inventory page of my character sheet), and short term memory loss, so that I would have to roll some sort of %...
  9. jayaint

    what would you be in the dungeons and Dragons world?

    Great Thread. STR 9 (I just don't work out.) DEX 12 (I can juggle and do card tricks, but I also trip over my own two feet sometimes.) CON 11 (Endurance, with the occaisonal strep throat.) INT 17 (I'm not invited to play Trivial Pursuit with my circle of friends, anymore. *pout*) WIS 15...
  10. jayaint

    sneak attack

    Oh yeah... two base classes side by side would save a level. Would the Scout's "sneak-attack-ish" class ability count, as well? I think I am going to submit this to the DM: Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover [General] (not available as a fighter option feat) Prereq: 1st level only, no STR bonus...
  11. jayaint

    sneak attack

    Man.... I'm transparent. LOL Working on a whisper gnome Beguiler... and *not* trying to go "killer gnome", just like the concept and think it will be a fun class to play. However, I would like to get into Arcane Trickster (prereq: 2d6 of sneak attack, however... full casting progression, plus...
  12. jayaint

    sneak attack

    Is there an already established feat that would allow a non-rogue to gain sneak attack? I am doubting that there is just because that is the rogue's *thing*, but I figured I'd ask. (Technically that should be posted in DnD rules... however, based on the assumptiopn of a negative answer, and my...
  13. jayaint

    Mo, Columbia, DnD 3.5 game seeking DM

    Group of 2E gamers and myself (a 3E and 3.5 player) looking for a DM for a FR, Eberron, Greyahwk, etc campaign. We are a very creative bunch, and have some great character ideas that are just looking for a home. Thanks in advance.
  14. jayaint

    A Brief Complaint About "Helpful" Responses

    I would like to throw my two cents in this discussion as well. *plink* *rattle rattle* *roll roll* *settle* I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY with this thread. I am the only member of my group that comes here regularly (with only one other member who has an active account). Anytime I have an idea that...
  15. jayaint

    Odd character idea... tips to make it work

    Thanks for the input, folks. Basically, to address the main concerns that you both seem to be tracking on... This "possible" character idea would be one for me, and I don't want it to be game breaking, I would rather it was a kind of hindrance. I don't want the group or the character hitting...
  16. jayaint

    Odd character idea... tips to make it work

    For all the EN'ners who've seen the David Fincher movie "Fight Club" I was wondering how one could go about translating the Tyler Durden/Narrator characters into a single PC for a DnD game. Some Ideas my gaming group and I have had: -Flaw: Multiple Personalities: Character is unaware of the...
  17. jayaint

    A simple, brilliant fix for the Monk

    I asked this at the end of a dying thread awhile back, and figured I might shoot it out here, since we are talking monk-flavor. Is there any mechanic that is not so unwieldy, that would grant a monk a +1 BAB with unarmed weapons at 1st level. I mean, if that's their schtick, then why aren't...
  18. jayaint


    So... according to the "letter of the written law" A 1st level human fighter could take two flaws (Shaky, and Unreactive, lets say) and have 5 feats to build with.... wow. Sounds like fun to me. :)
  19. jayaint

    What would a monk have to give up?

    Yes and no. Yes, for sure in terms of simple game mechanics, and this post is actually a result of a crumpled up piece of paper working on that exact idea. No, because I do LIKE the monk class, i have just always thought that with everything else the monks give up, especially at low levels, it...
  20. jayaint

    What would a monk have to give up?

    "...Only at first character level." ??? That way if it was gonna be a dip, it would have to start there.