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  1. K

    Assassins: Is Neutral okay?

    The entry requirements for the PrC is to kill someone for no other reason than to qualify for the prestige class. I've always looked at this similar to MK-Ultra or "super soldier/spy" training stuff. You are led to a room with a person tied to a chair, a bag over their head, and no identifying...
  2. K

    How do you deal with Hardness 20? (Spoilers for The Infernal Syndrome)

    Okay, so was this the real reason for the post? Considering how generic the first question was, but then your response to answers being regarding a specific situation, it feels a little like you are aiming to soapbox, rather than seek any real help. If that's not the case, and your post was...
  3. K

    How do you deal with Hardness 20? (Spoilers for The Infernal Syndrome)

    Well, at 52 hitpoints it's going down in a couple rounds, at best (vs avg damage 45+ attacks). Shield Other + Freedom of Movement from a cleric (to prevent grab/constrict and help counter damage), Enlarge Person to boost damage and level the reach playing field and Protection from Energy from...
  4. K

    How do you deal with Hardness 20? (Spoilers for The Infernal Syndrome)

    Well, you only said "hardness 20" before, so you are going to get a bunch of generic answers. What printed material is this? Is the encounter meant to be a Kobayashi Maru test (you are intended to fail)? What's it's listed CR? CR 11 (epic for APL 8) would have defensive stats of 145hp, good...
  5. K

    How do you deal with Hardness 20? (Spoilers for The Infernal Syndrome)

    As Bill Cavalier would put it: "PUNCH YOUR DM IN THE FACE!" ;) "Limited to the Core rulebook" is upsetting, considering some of the nice combos you could throw at this that would promote teamwork (Butterfly's Sting, for one). But even in core there's high strength, two-handed weapons, power...
  6. K

    Are feats selections too limited?

    While his article was mostly about not helping the player learn the game ("mastering" the game was promoted), I can't help but read the following without thinking the way I did: Article Specific game choices being made deliberately better than others is exactly what I was talking about, and...
  7. K

    What's your multiverse like?

    The cosmology for any homebrew campaign setting I would run things in is a mix of 3.5e Manual of the Planes and the Golarion setting. Basically all the different planes can be drawn along two axes: positve to negative energy, and sentience to instinct. Along one line, you have Positive Energy...
  8. K

    Are feats selections too limited?

    Regarding looking at adding more feats for characters... The game had the general rule of adding an extra feat every 2nd level, giving 10 feats over 20 levels. This was in an environment where you had ~176 feats to choose from. With just adding the APG, UM and UC, we are looking at an extra...
  9. K

    Are feats selections too limited?

    I agree. I really disliked the design decision of making the game purposefully imbalanced to promote system mastery as a game factor. This was a decision made back with the design of 3.0e, when WotC took over. I'm guessing, but I'm pretty sure, that the decision was pushed hard by WotC people...
  10. K

    A Xenomorph for your toughts

    Heh, I saw Akata, I thought Akata, I repeated Akata in my head... and my fingers still typed Azata. I had intended to write more thoughts on the subject and comment on the work so far, but ran out of time and didn't proofread my post. .. Anyways.. Thoughts on the creature itself. The...
  11. K

    A Xenomorph for your toughts

    I think the paizo staff added a "xenomorph"-ish creature to the Bestiary 2. While it doesn't match exactly (likely IP reasons), it does have some features that you might want to consider adding, such as the hibernation feature. Here's the PRD entry for them, the Azata.
  12. K

    Kingmaker: Your City and Kingdom

    Throughout the campaign, if someone we were fighting looked like they were going to escape our wrath, we.. uh.. kind of took on a bit of a juvenile attitude. We sort of vandalized their stuff, damaging things they might care for to get them to either come back after us in anger, or to at least...
  13. K

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder: Item Creation and Wealth

    It isn't restricted to casters in Pathfinder. See the Master Craftsman feat in the core rules.
  14. K

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder: Item Creation and Wealth

    I think the whole thing is strange from a different perspective. In a very short amount of time, PCs are sky rocketed into an economic level that is beyond anything normal. Going by Kingmaker standards, high end magic items are the equivalent of buying and selling small nations. The problem is...
  15. K

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder: Item Creation and Wealth

    XP costs were removed because of the XP table for leveling in Pathfinder. There's plenty of other justifications. Here's some developer comments on a good thread about the subject (link): Sean K Reynolds: "The wizard who takes a day off to make a big scroll ends up LESS experienced with magic...
  16. K

    Kingmaker max ending level

    If you are starting your PrC as early as you can (usually 6th or so), then you should be able to expect having the final end cap abilities of the class by the end game. There's a big caveat though. If your character build really doesn't kick in until 10th+ level, then you'll end up playing...
  17. K

    Kingmaker Funny

    It only gives a discount on making a very specific building. They might not have even wanted to build there, or want to build a castle so early into the kingdom building process either. However, it will be a moment where the players will pull a forehead slap. I mean, the DM can't really go and...
  18. K

    Kingmaker: Your City and Kingdom

    The party should be getting a stipend from Brevoy to found your kingdom there. By rights, and by charter, this land is yours. I'd try diplomatically to annex the place, and kick them out by force if they were decidedly hostile. However, to be frank, it sounds like the DM is playing the...
  19. K

    Kingmaker: Your City and Kingdom

    We've nearly finished the entire AP (only have the final adventure left), but I'll try and limit my responses to the first kingdom building adventure to prevent too many spoilers. A bit of background on my character (who became leader) and the group. It helps give some context for our...
  20. K

    Escape from the hungry Troll - A small chase scene

    The way he had it set up there, I assumed he was using the Chases rules found in the Game Mastery Guide. You can catch them on paizo's PRD site, here.