• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Cyan Wisp

    Favorite AD&D and/or B/X Module Covers

    I love this module. It was bought for me as a birthday present by my big sister when I was about 11. Trouble was, I only knew about the Basic and Expert set. It mentioned things like "AD&D", "cleric/assassins", "ghasts", "half-orcs" and other arcane references that sent my little head spinning...
  2. Slavepits.png


  3. Cyan Wisp

    D&D 5E What is up with the popularity of watching other D&D groups play the game?

    I have tried watching D&D streams in the past - while doing dishes or cooking or similar. Something I don't have to concentrate much on that plays in the background. I found watching D&D a bit tiresome, unfortunately, and Critical Role was, surprisingly, even more of a drag than watching the...
  4. Cyan Wisp

    Satanic Panic of the late 80's

    It's still around, and still fueled by ignorance. My wife is Christian and urged me not to mention my association with the game around her churchie friends because they just wouldn't understand. Despite many of those friends being avid Dominion players. I did "come out" eventually to them... at...
  5. Cyan Wisp

    D&D 5E Role-playing effects from different types of Mushrooms

    I would very much like to meet your druid! Connectivi-Tea - everything that happens to the imbiber seems connected in an extra-dimensional way. Nothing is a coincidence, nothing should be ignored. It all means something to their life in some way, like lessons from the universe. Faerie Tea -...
  6. Cyan Wisp

    [Creative Exercise] Worlds in a word, planes in a paragraph

    What a great read! Well done, folks. This unbridled imagination is why I love D&D and, in particular, Planescape, so much. I have to say, though, there is a dark quality to most of these! Nothing wrong with that, by the way, I love me some Grim. I'm going to attempt some lighter, marshmallowier...
  7. Cyan Wisp

    D&D 5E What can you 'not' take with you when you dim door?

    I agree with Charlaquin on this one. My reading is that you "teleport yourself". Everything else is optional as it is not "yourself". Mundane manacles, Evard's tentacles, a gropey bard, maybe even flaming clothing... just leave it all behind.
  8. Cyan Wisp

    D&D General Which Edition Had the Best Ranger?

    Ranger. First comes the Rrrrrr... then comes the Anger. With the Outlander background, anyone can be a ranger now. I kind of feel like 5e ranger should have some basic, reliable wilderness staples as part of their kit such as Nature and Survival proficiency as gimmes, as well as souped-up...
  9. Cyan Wisp

    D&D General Which Edition Had the Best Ranger?

    I just remembered a weird rule about 1e rangers: no more than 3 can work together! I voted 1e, but I'm not sure I can back it up. They played quite different to fighters. I remember it could track, cast druid and mage spells, and boy could it smash "giant class" creatures - but, like favoured...
  10. Cyan Wisp

    Anyone ever played a game with two linked groups?

    Yes! Only once, and only as a special end-of-year treat for my kid players (I'm a primary/elementary teacher). Both were exploring The Sunless Citadel - different RL days, concurrent in-game time. One group got hired by the kobolds to stop the depredations of the nasty goblins. The other group...
  11. Cyan Wisp

    Flat World design

    This video describes a potentially interesting gravitational effect on a flat earth. See 0:30 - 2:00. Seems closer you get to the edge, the "steeper" it seems.
  12. Cyan Wisp

    OSR What's your brand of Basic?

    I said BECMI, however my preferred method of teaching kids to DM is 5e Basic Rules (not listed for some reason). It's free, current, and the rules are (mostly) intuitive. A few students have since bought their own 5e PHBs and so the cycle continues. Personally, I started on the Red Box in 1985...
  13. Cyan Wisp

    Terminator Dark Fate Review (no spoilers)

    T1 is my fav, mainly because of Reese and the love story with Sarah. T2 was amazing and still holds up. I love the calm, slow relentlessness of the T-1000. Hard to top. Both are burned into my psyche. My mum's fridge makes a three note jingle when you open it... I think of that beautifully...
  14. Cyan Wisp

    D&D 5E See Invisibility: awareness of Invisibility

    Thanks for the replies, team! The Dm, a fair and reasonable chap, went with "shimmering aura" or something, so I could alert the team to the skulker, but I do, also, like the idea of reading suspicious behaviour or visual weirdness with Insight/Perception.
  15. Cyan Wisp

    D&D 5E See Invisibility: awareness of Invisibility

    Hi, community, I would like to see how See Invisibility works for you regarding knowing that something is invisible. The Situation: My bard has See Invis running and we encounter a wizard cabal. My companions don't see the skulking invisible mage by the statue, but I do. My immediate reaction...
  16. Cyan Wisp

    Is it nostalgia?

    On a furious de-cluttering purge, I donated all of my collected D&D 0e, 1e, 2e books, extensive Planescape collection, and other accessories to a university gaming club. I wasn't using them (played 3.5e at the time) or even reading them casually. It was the logical thing to do. However... it...
  17. Cyan Wisp

    What are your favorite (and least favorite) Star Wars sequences or scenes?

    For me, nothing tops the unmasking/death of Vader (RotJ) "Let me look on you with my own eyes..."
  18. Cyan Wisp

    Collective Nouns for Classes

    These are hilarious. Favs: A clobber of monks (lowkey), a dreg of druids (jasper). I'll have a go... A froth of Barbarians A cacophony of Bards A sermon of Clerics A dreadlock of druids A blender of fighters A rush of monks A choir of paladins A volley of rangers An evisceration of rogues An...
  19. Cyan Wisp

    D&D 5E The Return of Tyranny of Dragons: First Impressions

    Well I, for one, am interested. I didn't get the originals, so this revised two-fer seems like a good deal. My only concern is that I set everything in Eberron so lots of dragons and Tiamat may be not particularly compatible.