• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. TarionzCousin

    Temporarily Painting Minis?

    What's a good way to paint minis temporarily? As in, I want to wash this off eventually. Longer version: I have a "Bluespawn Godslayer" miniature. It's blue and somewhat over three inches tall. I want it to temporarily be black for my current campaign. What paint/ink/other could I use to dye it...
  2. TarionzCousin

    New OGL: What You Can Do

    Excellent tweet from @M.T. Black here about what you can do about the upcoming OGL:
  3. TarionzCousin

    Level Up (A5E) Monstrous Menagerie Call Out "Favorite of the Year"

    SlyFlourish picked the A5E book "Monstrous Menagerie" as his favorite product of 2022.
  4. TarionzCousin

    D&D General Finding Stuff in a Bag of Holding

    Did previous editions mention how easy/difficult it was to find something in a bag of holding? :unsure: 5E Doesn't address this issue. What if your group finds a bag of holding and it already has stuff in it? How difficult is it to pull out something that you don't know is there? Other...
  5. TarionzCousin

    D&D General Japanese D&D Commercial

    With subtitles. Not dubbed. I too have one-shot a huge dragon in D&D. 😜
  6. TarionzCousin

    Kickstarter Spelljammer 5E: Shipwrecks of the Astral Sea

    This really piqued my interest. I'm starting a Planejammer campaign this Sunday. A few shipwrecks will fit in nicely once they begin sailing the Astral Sea. I have no connection to this creator or Kickstarter other than backing it. I want it to succeed so I'm posting about it here...
  7. TarionzCousin

    D&D 5E New D&D Book Released in December?

    What book is this? Amazon.com: Dungeons & Dragons 2022 Release: 9780786968282: Wizards RPG Team: Books
  8. TarionzCousin

    D&D General Artificial Intelligence Plays D&D

    Relatively short and sweet. Nothing ground-breaking but I found it mildly amusing. .https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/vfsyc5/i_played_my_first_game_of_dd_with_an_ai_openai/ I can't get the link to work. So I put a dot in front of it.
  9. TarionzCousin

    ENWorld Kickstarters Page

    Was there a page full of Kickstarter and other group-funded RPG products? I don't mean the articles.
  10. TarionzCousin

    D&D General Goblins Eat Pickles???

    The upcoming September set of miniatures from Paizo has as its special extra a goblin village. Among the things found in a goblin village is apparently... a barrel of pickles! The digitally rendered image below is from the unreleased "Legendary Adventures" set. Since when are pickles and...
  11. TarionzCousin

    Dragonlance Dragonlance Novels - How Many Are There?

    Before you open the spoiler block below, guess how many novels have been written in the Dragonlance setting. Maybe write down a number. This number should not include modules or other works--only book-length stories. Ready? Ok. Click on "Show" to proceed. B-) In the awesome and informative...
  12. TarionzCousin

    A List of All the Elements in RPG's

    I'm about to start running a new campaign and I want to poll the players as to what they want in the game. To that end, I'm trying to create a list of all the elements/categories in a typical role-playing game. Please help me by telling me what I've missed, what elements should be split out or...
  13. TarionzCousin

    D&D 5E Finesse Paladin - Opinions Wanted

    Is a finesse paladin viable in 5E? Yes, I know that "anything is playable," but is it advisable? How far behind a traditional Strength paladin would a Dex one be?
  14. TarionzCousin

    Has the "Currency" link been removed?

    It is inactive for me. I've got 14 gold pieces I'm itching to spend!
  15. TarionzCousin

    Reputation: Events and PC/NPC Actions. A List

    What are some things that should count for or against a party's reputation? I've started listing them out, below. Please comment on and add to the list. Positive Reputation Winning a public duel. Recovering something stolen, bonus if publicly known. Stopping a monster incursion. Freeing a...
  16. TarionzCousin

    Wanted: Defend the Castle/House Adventures & Ideas

    While the PC's in my campaign have been off doing heroic things, their home has been attacked! Over the course of a year, they have accumulated 5 NPC allies/servants: 1. Human woman cook 2. Human man housekeeper 3. Wax golem scholar, for their growing library 4. Rogue modron 5. "Reformed...
  17. TarionzCousin

    16 pre-generated character sheets hidden on WotC's site

    You have seen the original Monster Slayers pdf, correct? If not, it is free at dndclassics.com: http://www.dndclassics.com/product/123538/Monster-Slayers-The-Heroes-of-Hesiod
  18. TarionzCousin

    Is Science Fantasy the Next Big Thing™?

    Is Science Fantasy the Next Big Thing™? When Numenera came out, I thought it was an outlier. But is it a harbinger instead? The Strange came next, and although it is directly related to Numenera, it is also a new game. Now Wil Wheaton's Titansgrave is coming, and it is a self-proclaimed...
  19. TarionzCousin

    April Fools Day Web Sites 2015

    Every year, some websites post jokes/pranks for April Fools Day. This year is no exception: http://www.computerworld.com/article/2903920/april-fools-day-prank-round-up-2015.html http://lifehacker.com/your-2015-april-fools-day-spoiler-1694954768
  20. TarionzCousin

    Fantasy Flight Games is Doing Very Well, Thank You!

    Which chord? Was it D minor, the saddest of all keys?