• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. R

    Strength Paladin Build suboptimal?

    I only see 1 level of non Str choices. Level 9. What other levels are you talking about?
  2. R

    Strength Paladin Build suboptimal?

    I'm working on a Str based Paladin for my groups Scales of War campaign. They look very doable to me. They seem to have a few less options than the Cha based, but I don't feel this makes them any less effective. The only level where I see no Str based choices is the lvl 9 daily power. BUT these...
  3. R

    Search for the White Rose [IC]

    Ekoss takes a second and looks at the maps once more. Trying to see what progress has been made… or lost. With a nod to General Brandt, he picks up his staff and begins to follow Senechal Coel. As he stands Ekoss lets out a slight moan. “Grmmf.” His face is covered in a grimace as the pain of...
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    Search for the White Rose [IC]

    Ekoss steps over and nods to the pair of half-orcs. He makes a fist and places it over his heart, saluting the human warrior standing to the side. He admires the mounts and their respective owners, nodding in approval of the animal's fine stock. Ekoss smiles at the gnome, then arches and...
  5. R

    Search for the White Rose [OOC Talk]

    Goddess FallenAngel I updated my character sheet with * for current memorized spells. Thanks for the reminder. Also. Can I get a Knowledge: History (+12) or Arcana (+12) roll to provide any info on the White Rose? Thanks :)
  6. R

    Search for the White Rose [IC]

    Ekoss takes a moment and gazes up at the towering castle and the grey skies beyond. Sweeping change is in the air, he can feel it. These are important times and Ekoss is glad to be apart of it all. He takes a deep breath, grins to himself and nods to the centaur as he passes. While standing in...
  7. R

    Search for the White Rose [IC]

    The young wizard leans heavily on his oak staff as he maneuvers through the dense crowd. His gaze is steely and cold, reflecting the grim mood of the townsfolk around him. He nods to a dwarf merchant who has had to pack his shop and entire life into a single weather-worn wagon. Myrbar was a...
  8. R

    Search for the White Rose [OOC Talk]

    All done. :) FYI, I spent some of my gp on scrolls and the cost to convert them into my spellbook. Thanks.
  9. R

    Search for the White Rose [OOC Talk]

    Just about done. I'll update tonight. Thanks!
  10. R

    Search for the White Rose [character thread]

    Ekoss Barasune Character Ekoss Barasune Neutral-Good Male Human Wizard Age: 27 Size: Medium (5'10", 167 lbs) Str: 9 -1 (1p.) Level: 5 XP: 12,500 Dex: 16 +3 (8p.)* BAB: +2 HP: 26 (5d4+10) Con: 14 +2 (6p.) Grapple: +1 Int: 18 +4 (16p.) Speed: 30'...
  11. R

    Search for the White Rose [OOC Talk]

    This looks like and fun and it's been a few years since I've been in a PBP game. Here's my character concept. Ekoss Barasune (Human Wizard) Ekoss was born to a noble family filled with world renown Knights. As a boy he worked as a squire and was trained to ride warhorses. While training at...
  12. R

    STAR WARS - The Clone Wars - Child of Prophecy FOLDED

    Too Bad. I was really digging this SH. If you don't mind... Magnus, Pock and Mikau will make cameos in my next Clone Wars game. Can't wait to see what you have in store for use next.
  13. R

    STAR WARS - The Clone Wars - Child of Prophecy FOLDED

    NICE! Looking forward to a new Doc Midnight story hour. Welcome back.
  14. R

    Using Mutants & Masterminds for Stormwatch: Team Achilles?

    Totally doable.... I'm playing the resident non-mutant in my campain. X-military, spec-ops guy. My character can totally hang with all the Supers in my group. I think a Stormwatch TA game would work fine in M&M... you might want to look for some grim a gritty damage rules to make the combats...
  15. R

    EPIC (M&M - Recruiting) CLOSED

    Well I guess I didn't make the cut... Too bad. If someone drops out I'd love to play. Like I said before I have a ton of character ideas and if you don't like Incorporeal than I could use another character/ power. You know, I have a player in my w' Incorporeal and we play it as is out of the...
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    EPIC (M&M - Recruiting) CLOSED

    Hey Calinon.... Are you familiar with the errata on Incorporeal? They way I read it is that you pick one of type of energy or power. They list unarmed attacks or iron weapons or a specific type of energy as examples. I was going off the specific types of energy. Let me know..... Raz
  17. R

    EPIC (M&M - Recruiting) CLOSED

    Calinon.... I changed my history a little to meet with your request. Please let me know what you think. Wraith PL: 8 (120PP) Abilities: 19PP STR 10 DEX 18 CON 14 INT 10 WIS 14 CHA 11 Saves Damage: +2 Fort: +2 Ref: +4 Will: +2 Combat: 15PP Base Attack: 3 (Melee +3, Ranged +7) Base Defense...
  18. R

    EPIC (M&M - Recruiting) CLOSED

    I am VERY interested in joining this game. I hope there is still a slot available. I am a huge comic-fan and I run a table-top M&M game on saturday nights. I have all the books and know the system very well. I've been dying to actually play for quite a while. I will finish my character later...
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    STAR WARS: The Emperor's Game

    DOC! :D Good to see you're back! Your storyhours are the only ones I read. I love your cinimatic style. Looking forward to lots of Star Warsy goodness. Raz