• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Laman Stahros

    Did you look at Ghostwalk? What did you think?

    The main problem I had with the setting that came with Ghostwalk was that once you became a ghost, you were pretty much stuck there in Manifest. I have thought about removing that restriction, but just never got around to doing it.
  2. Laman Stahros

    Wikipedia Feature Article = D&D!

    There is already a thread on this in the General RPG forum.
  3. Laman Stahros

    Rules Compendium - Worst timed release ever?

    It won't be that type of book. You will need the core three still to run a 3.5 game.
  4. Laman Stahros

    Plans to upgrade/switch?

    I wasn't being pedantic. I understood what you meant. I will not give up 3.5e at all. I can mod 3.5e to fit what I am looking for so easily that I can't imagine (at this time) how they can improve upon it. I may run 4e campaigns also, but I won't decide that until I see the rules. I already...
  5. Laman Stahros

    The BEST Excel/Spreadsheet Character Sheet Around?

    The newest version of Heroforge (currently in beta-test) has at least some of the magic items loaded in a sheet for selection. Should be released in a few weeks. There is a Yahoo group were you can report any problems that you find.
  6. Laman Stahros


    Book one (The Gathering Storm) of the Drow War campaign by Mongoose Publishing has a werespider in it.
  7. Laman Stahros

    Favorite Pirate city: Freeport vs. Five Fingers vs. Sasserine

    Did you miss the CoC elements to Freeport? Just puff them up and it is dark enough for anyone. :D That is how I darken it.
  8. Laman Stahros

    So No Feat/PrC Compendium eh?

    $10 a month (less than the cost of both the Dragon and Dungeon magazines combined) is not extortion. I don't know if I will sign up or not (don't know if I will play 4e or just stay with 3.5e) with D&D Insider, but charging for a service is hardly extortion. If the books were online only and you...
  9. Laman Stahros

    Gaming Pornography: Will 4th Edition lead to a more Realistic and Useful Game?

    Meh. I have been playing D&D since 1978 and the game hasn't changed at its core at all. The rules have changed (for the better, IMHO), but all of the things that the OP is talking about are about setting and feel. Those things are edition independent. The books may showcase one feel, but that is...
  10. Laman Stahros

    I don't get firing into melee

    In my current campaign, one player has a habit of refusing the -4 to hit because he "doesn't care who he hits". He has yet to miss though. When he does, I will require him to make an attack roll against his friends. We'll see. :lol:
  11. Laman Stahros

    Error in Magic Item Compendium

    Post it on WotC's boards. They may pay more attention there. I have seen some of the WotC people posting on here lately, though. Edit: They are looking at errata, but it has to be more than something like "stat block errors".
  12. Laman Stahros

    Stormwrack: The Case of the Irrelevant Crew

    Ok. Your contribution was less compilcated then Veril's, but more complicated than Grymar's. I tend to like the K.I.S.S. principle. Keeps the game moving smoother. Better? :lol: That might work.
  13. Laman Stahros

    Stormwrack: The Case of the Irrelevant Crew

    Sorry Veril, that is just too many rolls. Some ships from Stormwrack have over a hundred crewmen. Would you want to roll all of those dice? :D Grymar, that looks like a good base to build a system on.
  14. Laman Stahros

    Theories regaurding the change in rules of D&D.

    In 1e, I made things up as I went to cover the holes in the game and was not very consistent in my rulings. I spent most of each game making rulings. In 2e, I ended up with a 100+ page house rule book in order to deal with the problem rules so that I would be consistent. I spent a large part of...
  15. Laman Stahros


    There was a much more balanced version in the Arms & Equipment Guide (3.0), but I haven't seen a 3.5 version yet.
  16. Laman Stahros

    Questions about Skin of Ectoplasmic Armor

    Bump for more input. Thanks to those who have already voted and/or posted.
  17. Laman Stahros

    Info about Elans

    Complete Psionic has more information and feats for the Expanded Psionics Handbook races.
  18. Laman Stahros

    Questions about Skin of Ectoplasmic Armor

    Ok, here goes. A player of mine asked me some questions regarding enhancing a psionic skin he has and I would like some advice from the experts here before I make my ruling. 1. He would like to add the Ghost Touch armor quality to the skin. Is this possible? 2. Does the skin require an...
  19. Laman Stahros

    Just Plain Broken

    Thanks Nifft. Now that shows why I don't go to those boards. I hate dealing with people who don't read the blasted rules they claim to be using. Pun-Pun as listed in that thread is impossible under the rules he lists. Aw well. On topic, I have yet to find anything in 3.5 that I can call broken...