• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Acmite

    Buffy RPG - A Hellmouth in Waterloo [Closed]

    Ah, I don't own The Magic Box. Or if I do, I couldn't find it. I'll revamp Tamas tonight with Superscience vs Sorcery, and maybe change some other stuff around. Background will also come tonight. Thanks, G.
  2. Acmite

    Buffy RPG - A Hellmouth in Waterloo [Closed]

    I didn't see the Superscientist quality! Where is that found? The sorcery is more background than anything. If I could have taken a 2 or 3 point Sorcery, I would have. I want him to move more towards a superscience bent, with techno-wizardry flavouring.
  3. Acmite

    Buffy RPG - A Hellmouth in Waterloo Casting Sheet

    Tamas Horvath, White Hat Gypsy Tinkerer Stats STRength: 1 DEXterity: 4 (3 + 1 Criminal) CONstitution: 2 INTelligence: 5 (3 + 2 Braniac) PERception: 2 WILlpower: 5 (4 + 1 Braniac) Qualities (18 pts) Braniac (4pts): Very quick to learn, intuitive understanding of mechanical and electrical...
  4. Acmite

    Buffy RPG - A Hellmouth in Waterloo [Closed]

    Don't want to step on any toes! Hmmm...if superscience isn't yet covered, I have my idea fleshed. Will post after work. Cor...been a while since I've delved into Uni (2005?). May need some rules wizardry assist.
  5. Acmite

    Buffy RPG - A Hellmouth in Waterloo [Closed]

    That'll learn me to join the dance late. The three base concepts I had have been covered (man-out-of-time, budding sorceror, and tech-wizardry--heck, even the non-hero is covered by Walking Dad). Back to the drawing board! I'll figure something out for tomorrow night (PST). I'll dig out my...
  6. Acmite

    Buffy RPG - A Hellmouth in Waterloo [Closed]

    Count me in. Yes, for reals. I assume there will be late night hangouts at the 7-11? I'll pop back in with character idea(s) on Thursday, if that works for the timeline.
  7. Acmite

    ASoIaF RPG - A Tourney of Gulls [Recruiting]

    In the forum vernacular, "This". Expect a character concept, well-fleshed and full-bodied, by week's end. I have some reading to do!
  8. Acmite

    D&D 4E Making themed Random Encounter Tables in 4e

    Much appreciated. I don't suppose there is an Excel (or equivalent) version floating around?
  9. Acmite

    No Dice <Nerd Rage>

    Do you support child labour? Support for genocidal and harsh political regimes? What about slavery? Pollution? I hope you don't support: -clothing companies with factories/facilities in Africa and Asia -shoe manufacturers -Coca-Cola, etc And I certainly hope you don't use any of the...
  10. Acmite

    No Dice <Nerd Rage>

    I'm going to go ahead and ignore the conclusions you're drawing based on anecdotal evidence. Here's where I think you've lost what little support you had... Where is the evidence that PDFs expand the hobby? Seriously, where? I'd love to read a well-research document that compares the growth...
  11. Acmite

    (MEG) Reviews of The Deep?

    :p Bump
  12. Acmite

    (MEG) Reviews of The Deep?

    Are any advance reviews available of The Deep (Mystic Eye Games' Underwater sourcebook?
  13. Acmite

    Catwoman Movie (threads merged)

    Oops! Totally missed that. Thanks, Henry.
  14. Acmite

    Catwoman Movie (threads merged)

    jonrog1 writing Catwoman? Here's the link: http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2003-10/02/08.00.games Does this mean there's hope for Catwoman yet? jonrog1, if you see this....is there anything that you can tell us about it? From what I've read, the Catwoman movie has nothing to do...
  15. Acmite

    Druid's Vestment cost?

    Why does the main index list the icon for this thread as a Poll? I don't know, I selected 3.5. Anyway....bump.
  16. Acmite

    Druid's Vestment cost?

    There's a discrepancy in the cost of the druid's vestment (from the 3.5 DMG) between the main listing and the by-cost listing at the beginning. The index lists it at 3750gp, while the main listing is 10,000gp. Which is correct?
  17. Acmite

    Pronunciation of Handles

    "Ack-might" not Ass-ah-might. There's only one "i" so I'm not sure where the mispronunciation comes from, but I get it a lot.
  18. Acmite

    2002 - Year of the Drow. So what should 2003 be?

    Ahem. What he said.
  19. Acmite

    [OT] How Proud I am of NYC

    I'm sad to say that if it weren't for League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, I would have completely missed this reference. I think I need to read some novels. Soon. Too many scientific journals...... ;) (I'm 24 and I've been a gamer since '88-'89)
  20. Acmite

    [OT] How Proud I am of NYC

    Re: Re: What About Everywhere Else? We got power back at around 4:30am. Despite the warnings about intermittent blackouts, it doesn't appear that my part of Waterloo was affected. Although Kitchener was hit mid-afternoon. Seule, did you get my email?