• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Serendipity

    Rainbows, unicorns, and body horror

    Who is the Horned Queen? She is the Liberator - a slave who freed herself in every conceivable way. She will show you the way. Laugh. Be Free. She is the avenger - the deliverer of our enemies and the avenger of the marginalized She is the Mother of Monsters. You will become like her. Have...
  2. Serendipity

    Gamma World 3rd Edition now on dndclassics and drivthrurpg

    Sweet. While a it of a 1/2e purist (though the version based off of 2e AD&D I quite liked), I very much appreciated the toolbox approach those books took.
  3. Serendipity

    Is Science Fantasy the Next Big Thing™?

    Pretty much exactly this. Though it's 'she' not 'he.' :)
  4. Serendipity

    Is Science Fantasy the Next Big Thing™?

    I disagree. I started gaming in 1981 - the offerings nowadays cater to enormously more play styles and even the most niche concepts (be they stylistic, or in terms of rules complexity, or from the more narrativist to the more traditional) are getting wider acceptance than ever before.
  5. Serendipity

    Is Science Fantasy the Next Big Thing™?

    It really is a fantabulous time to be a gamer; I don't think I recall a period where this much diversity of product, catering to so many different interests, were all widely available. Everybody wins, and that's awesome.
  6. Serendipity

    Is Science Fantasy the Next Big Thing™?

    I have no idea if it's the "next big thing" or not but I've always liked (and honestly, preferred) science fantasy - so it's a nice welcome change of pace from bog standard fantasy. I like my food to touch on the plate. :)
  7. Serendipity

    Rifts coming to Savage Worlds

    Didn't see a thread about this, tho I had to resist the urge to post This is not a joke. Details here - http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=769fad71f5a930b6bef22bca8&id=73dad77bb4
  8. Serendipity

    What Game am I Thinking of? 4E / Sci-fi / Modern

    I'm surprised no one has suggested the 4e and other system AP Santiago A myth of the Far Future.
  9. Serendipity

    D&D 4E The Best Thing from 4E

    The "fluff" really was what I liked about 4e the most. Not all of it obviously (though we retain some affection for the accursed Donkeyhorse) - so in essence the PoL/Nerath setting. But the planar books are informing my 5e game today. Just full of good ideas IMO.
  10. Serendipity

    Dragonlance Would you allow Kender outside of Dragonlance?

    No, but if I were to do so they'd have to be an import from Krynn. Given that I do use the D&D multiverse (more or less) as the backdrop to my homebrew, that wouldn't be too much of a problem. But that's if. And the answer's no. If one of my better RP oriented players had a concept that...
  11. Serendipity


    That's a good point. I've known a lot of people who get the two confused, actually. Mostly though I think I was just being pedantic. And I groove on that kind of setting the most so ..... he's got my attention.
  12. Serendipity


    The Heavy Metal movie in question came out in 81 actually.
  13. Serendipity

    GM advice: Earthmote as gigantic earth elemetal encounter

    That would be an awesome location/NPC for a social encounter - maybe they have to negotiate or parley with the creature. (edited to add) IT also occurs to me that it'd be a dandy place for a fight with a rival group or perhaps some enemy faction. Lots of interesting environmental effects and...
  14. Serendipity

    Sharing house rules and setting encyclopedia

    I used to. To the point of making wikis for the players to contribute to and use as a memory aid. Containing illos and basic stuff about important NPCs, places, and that kind of thing. But that was several years ago and I had more players then. Nowadays I run things much more streamlined...
  15. Serendipity

    So What IS Happening to Tabletop Roleplaying Games? Dancey & Mearls Let You Know!

    Rather than just being a table top game? *sigh* I don't much care about those other things, I care about the tabletop rpg. It's hard for me to see this as a positive.
  16. Serendipity

    So What IS Happening to Tabletop Roleplaying Games? Dancey & Mearls Let You Know!

    I don't know that I would say the only form of entertainment, but where D&D is concerned, it's really the only one I care about. MMOs have always hit a "inferior substitute for table top" chord with me, but I know that's hardly universal. I realize I'm not their, what, demographic or whatever...
  17. Serendipity

    So What IS Happening to Tabletop Roleplaying Games? Dancey & Mearls Let You Know!

    Kind of what I took away from that too. It seems like Wizards has been trying to leverage D&D into some multimedia franchise, with about the same level of success, since 2000. I don't think it's happening. Moreover, movies, and legos (sorry, KreO or whatever), and video games, etc etc. do not...
  18. Serendipity

    So What IS Happening to Tabletop Roleplaying Games? Dancey & Mearls Let You Know!

    I'll agree that the second one is good for D&D - in fact, it's one of the best things I've heard from anyone on the dev team as far as D&D is concerned. The first one I'm dubious on - creating a bunch of multimedia (games, books, blah blah) instead of creating, you know, game content, isn't...
  19. Serendipity

    So What IS Happening to Tabletop Roleplaying Games? Dancey & Mearls Let You Know!

    I can understand the desire to continue bringing in new players, but not at the expense of the existing customer base. You'd think that Wizards would have gotten that particular learning experience down by now. Given the way the concerns of many 4e players have been, ah, politely disregarded...
  20. Serendipity

    And then there were 8! On Chris Sims and Jennifer Clarke Wilkes' Layoffs...

    Wow. Wishing them both very well, hoping they land on their feet in short order.