• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. LcKedovan

    Anyone know where to find, or have, a RealmWorks Call of Cthulhu structure file?

    Going out on a limb, I know Realmworks was sunsetted but I use it and want to start prepping a CoC campaign in it. Looking for any timesavers I can :) -W.
  2. LcKedovan

    Old timers?

    Yeah, life takes us different directions, ups and downs... its a hell of an adventure! ;) Yeah, noticed a bunch of familiar names in the thread, even if we didn't all directly interact... Good times... and nice to have a place like this. So great to run into you and this thread. -W.
  3. LcKedovan

    Old timers?

    Haha, and I just crawled out of the ancient woodwork myself... @Horacio long time no see man! :D also an originally Eric Noah's boardmember.... Planescape 4 evah! ;) -Will
  4. LcKedovan

    A "naysayer's" review of 4E

    Thanks, I'll check out that aspect. I appreciate the response :) -W.
  5. LcKedovan

    A "naysayer's" review of 4E

    Hey Primal, please elaborate on this. -W.
  6. LcKedovan

    4ed torrents -How'd it happen?

    All shades of grey when it comes into international laws, outside of the U.S. of course. In Canada we pay the Royalties to those companies from that Tax so in effect it is licenced not Piracy. That only applies to music/movies yo the best of my knowledge. My other understanding is that If...
  7. LcKedovan

    A "naysayer's" review of 4E

    Ok, so here is the breakdown of my gaming group. Primal (or anyone else), based on your reading do you think 4e would work for us (Personally I am more and more thinking it won't be the case but I haven't played or gotten the books yet so can't form an opinion). Me: Been playing since the days...
  8. LcKedovan

    Rate 4e!

    Jeeze! I was tempted to check it out for my gaming group but your first sentance pretty much eliminated every one of their characters but one! Hell, these days I barely get time to game and with 11 week newborns I certainly don't have the cash to spend on something that means I need to start...
  9. LcKedovan

    Grognard's First Take On 4e

    I guess from what I've been reading, from a few places and from both sides, is that combat takes longer and is more battlemat intensive. For me, if I wanted D&D Miniatures I would have bought that game. It really appears to me that things are very much more of a boardgame or tabletop than...
  10. LcKedovan

    Planewalker is acting very odd

    Hey guys, I didn't see any response regarding what's happening with the pop 3 accounts? cheers, will
  11. LcKedovan

    Planewalker.com: Current State

    Hey Clueless, Are we going to get new info for those of us with planewalker.com POP3 accounts? Its' my primary email address for everything and I was caught a bit off guard by the change and loss of mail since my wife and I just had twins so we've been a bit out of touch. Cheers, Will
  12. LcKedovan

    Our (as in ENWorld's) tribute to Gary

    Thanks Michael, a much appreciated tribute from those of us far away who could not be present in body. -W. (On another note, wow, it was quite a thing to see how many people have joined since the early days since it was in order.)
  13. LcKedovan

    Superhero RPG

    Thanks guys, tons of great suggestions. I'm thinking since all of my group are used to D20 I will probably grab that one to start and then pick up some of the other suggestions once they get a bit into things. I'm a glutton for games anyhow so having more than one of the same Genre is my modus...
  14. LcKedovan

    Are there any fans of Star Frontiers on ENWorld?

    Cool! I'll check it out, back when Traveller D20 first came out I posted all the core SF Player races as D20 versions on here and on CotI so I'm definately down with SF :D -W.
  15. LcKedovan

    Pathfinder 1E hahah. Who's the Einstürzende Neubauten fan at Paizo?

    To be honest Dave their Perpetuum Mobile stuff was very accessible and one of the best shows I have seen. A good friend of mine (who happens to be over his 50s and a bit of a grey hair) actually came to the show after hearing their CD in my office. Still very creative use of things, but not...
  16. LcKedovan

    Pathfinder 1E hahah. Who's the Einstürzende Neubauten fan at Paizo?

    hahah. Who's the Einstürzende Neubauten fan at Paizo? Just got some Gamemastery item cards and to my surprise on a few items it looks like the symbol the band Einstürzende Neubauten use is on a few items. Haha, cool. http://www.neubauten.org/ -W.
  17. LcKedovan

    Superhero RPG

    What's the extent of the superpowers? lots to choose from? gadgets/super-science as well? -W.
  18. LcKedovan

    Superhero RPG

    Hey All, I've recently decided I want to run a few one offs Marvel/DC style. What Superhero RPGs would you recommend (and why!). I used to play Marvel Superheroes and Villains & Vigilantes back in the day so any suggestions would be appreciated. -W.
  19. LcKedovan

    Going to London... advice?

    I hope you told him to shove off and gave him what for mate! ;) -W.