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  1. C

    Campaign Suite - User Manual

    Hi all- I just spent my $25 for CS. I'm trying to upload my PC, but I can't seem to get more Skill Points than whats typically allowed for a 6th lvl Fighter. We have house rules and other circumstances that have allowed a few new skill points. Same with the Feats. I have about 4 extra feats than...
  2. C

    PCGen Printer .jar's

    Hi all- I finally downloaded the Java requirement to run PCGen. It looks pretty good. But I wanted to print my PC and I get an error that says that I need the following .jar files: fop.jar, xerces.jar, batik.jar. It says that I can go to the site and d/l them there - but I...
  3. C

    Has anyone used WeatherMaster on FR?

    Oerth Database I have designed a basic Oerth Database. The program doesn't allow for what I had originally envisioned, but this database will handle the first part of the information input that is required. The second required area is up to you to input. Being that I am doing a lot of...
  4. C

    Other MT Like Software?

    PCGen's d/l's I was thinking of the huge java or whatever it is download that needs to be d/l'ed from Sun Micosystems. That is the hinderance that stops me from being able to use PCGen. I'm glad someone has written about Campaign Suite. I'm d/ling the trial version now. If it does what you...
  5. C

    Other MT Like Software?

    Hi all- We're all frustrated about the lack of information on Master Tools. We're all frustrated about the lack of functionality of Master Tools. I've heard of DM's Familiar for $20, Campaign Suite for $24.95, City Overseer 3D (the full set) for $54.95, and Gemstone which appears to still be...
  6. C

    Has anyone used WeatherMaster on FR?

    WM kicks ass I'm using Weather Master - I've purchased the program and I think it's awesome. I'm not using fr or Toril - but Greyhawk and the Oerth. I'm going a little overboard in detail and going very in depth - but I am doing it for an article on the weather of the Flanaess. I'm also going...
  7. C

    Mongose: Quintessential Fighter

    Mongoose Free Goodies? Is it me (and some firewall or virus protection that doesn't allow Java) or do others have issues when trying to d/l the free goodies from Mongooses site? I've got the whole line of Slayers Guides, Gladiators and the Necromancers book. Looking forward to picking up...
  8. C

    DM's Familiar: New Version

    I attacked your "baby". Did you see Angel a few nights ago. All the bad guys were trying to get his baby. He kicked their ass for it. Defending your creation may sound pissy. I don't take it that way; I don't think you meant it that way. My notes were not meant to be pissy or hurtful. I wanted...
  9. C

    DM's Familiar: New Version

    I want to give a little feedback on the DMF. I've now done a complete fresh install. I installed the 12-18-01 update and then the latest 01-20-02 update. I should be "fresh". Also, as a note, I didn't see an FAQ on the site. I've been around the boards - esp. the software ones - and don't recall...
  10. C

    Great Weather Creation Program

    Of course that Dragon has a WoG weather system - it's the same as the one that is in the WoG boxset - glossography. It's all housed. On the plus side - I've seen you (XManii) at GreyChat so you should know about the discussion from there!
  11. C

    DM's Familiar: New Version

    I'm taking another look at the code for the website for that problem with the update link. From what I can see, the link from that box that says to click here to download - for me just shows that same page /dmf/ - but when I look at the code I can see the link as...
  12. C

    DM's Familiar: New Version

    At the Downloads page you have 2 boxes. One that says "Click to Download..." (The other box references having a CD mailed to you) - clicking just takes you to - - see the problem is when your at the downloads.htm page and click the link all it does is...
  13. C

    Great Weather Creation Program

    Yes, this program is awesome. I'm currently working on setting up a database for Greyhawk. I thought this would be an easy thing to use. I've always used weather in my games. I'm now referencing International Weather Observers Handbook, Websters Encyclopedia, a few other "weather" resources, as...
  14. C

    DM's Familiar: New Version

    I went to the site to d/l the update. The link for downloading the update is - which of course due to the # just takes you back to where you started. I've installed it, and only just barely looked at it. Why is Krom the default PC? The background...