• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Thomas Percy

    Giants in the Earth discussion: Jack Sparrow and Pirates of the Carribean

    That's why we MUST see third part :).
  2. Thomas Percy

    OK, we have a problem [please read!]

    We (The Forge Studios) have some money at our ENGS Account, and I'll gladly buy Community Supporter Accounts for 1 year, but :confused: can someone tell (me idiot) how transfer this (ENGS Acc) money onto Community SA?
  3. Thomas Percy

    Appropriate classes for a pirate game

    Al-Qadim classes as corsair, mamluk, askar, faris, sha'ir, saluk, barber, beggar thief, holy slayer, merchant rogue, rawun nicely feeting into pirate campaign.
  4. Thomas Percy

    Have you ever refused to come back from the dead?

    Yes. I was playing conetable (commander in chief) of some army, and I felt in victorious battle with campaing setting most notorious bad guy army (BIRTHRIGHT - The Gorgon), so I choose to stay dead, because I considered there is no more glorious death for knight and commander than that.
  5. Thomas Percy

    AEG's Adventure I and Adventure II

    What a beautiful cover arts! I like all the covers. I'll stay in touch with this thread to hear more about the contents.
  6. Thomas Percy

    I'm gonna run The Tomb of Horrors for level 15-17 chars...

    This adventure is deliberate TPK, so there are no levels such high you can't play it.
  7. Thomas Percy

    Creature body parts?

    I'm always dreaming of playing the dwarf smith, who started adventuring to collect monsters body parts to reforge them into enchanted armors and weapons.
  8. Thomas Percy

    Do You Have An Ioun Stone?

    Yes, but in my pocket, not flying above my head.
  9. Thomas Percy

    Your Top 5/10 Favorite WotC Supplementary Rulebooks

    Tome of Magic Complete Warrior DMG2
  10. Thomas Percy

    Complete Champion excerpts

    I will read this book first, than I will consider buying, because CMage was not perfect form me and CScoundrel nice.
  11. Thomas Percy

    [The Forge Studios] Warranty for "Barony"

    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Anuire/okladkacopy-1.jpg Something new in the game industry! Warranty. If you will be disappointed with „Barony”, send it to email: barony_the_forge@yahoo.com We’ll send you FOR FREE another The Forge Studios PDF. "Barony" - The Forge Studios at OneBookshelf
  12. Thomas Percy

    Longsword PCs

    What a question!! I assume 20%.
  13. Thomas Percy

    Have you decided to change systems?

    AD&D was my first game, 3,5 is my present game, and I assume 4e will be my game. I tried other games (Ars Magica, Warhammer, World of Darkness) but nothing compares to D&D for me.
  14. Thomas Percy

    Low Magic Campaigns?

    Good resume :D but anyway, perhaps everyone of us one day must do HIS trench warfare.
  15. Thomas Percy

    Lame Names

    In the "City of the Spider Queen" there is one called Tuman, which means in Polish "idiot".
  16. Thomas Percy

    Recommend me some good political adventures

    BIRTHRIGHT of course, and shamelessly our (The Forge Studios) Strongholds series (there are two pdfs now: "Manor" and "Barony"), which are (among others) 3,5 upgrade of BIRTHRIGHT, but writen from the perspective of single knight and single baron. You can find there 60 adventure ideas, many of...
  17. Thomas Percy

    [xkcd] Someone must start a campaign using this map

    My PC (called Caballero Andante) started at Noobs' Sea and spent all Sunday (sorry, TenDay) at Yahoo learning Spanish (oops, Gibberish). He did not gained a level, but he defeated terrible CR1/4 monster called "The difference between jabón and Japón".
  18. Thomas Percy

    Sigh. I can't do Warhammer. How's about Iron Kingdoms?

    Iron Kingdoms is not like Warhammer. It's different - as a mix of mechanika and magic not a mix of radioactive decay and dark fantasy - and not as original, not so full of interesting places in the world, not so consistent. I'm big fan of Privateer Press' "Witchfire", but I don't run it in...
  19. Thomas Percy

    Common High-Level Tactics

    For shadowcaster, Favored Mystery feat changes any mystery into Supernatural Ability, what makes Spell Resistance irrelevant. Maybe not combo, but useful.