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  1. M

    The Three Musketeers (2011)

    The critics are not being kind to this, I didn't think it was all that great a movie but I didn't think it was that bad, either. It's not a gritty reboot or anything like that, it's an action comedy with the Pirates of the Caribbean being the most ready point of comparison. The sets and...
  2. M

    Domains not in SpC or PHB

    Eldritch Sorcery by Necromancer Games has a necromancy domain, you could check it out but I don't know if it's that much different from the Undeath one in SpC. PS. whoah, first ENWorld post in three years :heh:
  3. M

    Metal School

    It started in the "arena rock" era in the mid-'70s when bigger became better - elaborate stage designs, pyro effects, and so on. Obviously KISS are the example that comes to mind most readily. Then music became even more visual in the '80s with MTV. Look at the videos to "Jump" and "Panama"...
  4. M

    Metal School

    I just saw that today, May 29th, is the 25th anniversary of "Heavy Metal Day" at the US Festival. The lineup consisted of: Quiet Riot Motley Crue Ozzy Judas Priest Triumph Scorpions Van Halen Entering any of these band names plus "us festival" into youtube will turn up some quarter century...
  5. M

    Metal School

    I think it's kinda like classifying D&D as a hobby for white males. You can find plenty of exceptions to the stereotype out there. But at the same time, you look around and wonder how much there might be to that idea. Hmmmmmm. Well, if we agree that men enjoy violent entertainment more than...
  6. M

    The sound of Deforestation?

    Bruce Cockburn - If A Tree Falls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8CibAuvZM4
  7. M

    Metal School

    There were some developments going on in those seven years between the respective debuts of Vanilla Fudge and Rush that probably should be mentioned with regard to the roots of heavy prog; Uriah Heep, certainly. They were doing fantasy lyrics before Rush, and plunged deeper into fantasy themes...
  8. M

    10 incredily old Computer Ads

    The guy in the "what is electronic mail" ad looks just like Mike Myers as the SNL character, Middle-Aged Man:
  9. M

    And another one bites the dust

    Well there IS still noisy music with "vocals and musical instruments" that does well on the charts of course, but there's not a strong overlap between fans of the "classic rock" sound and fans of today's "emo/pop-punk" sound. Not sure if you're lumping all that stuff together or not, but I guess...
  10. M

    And another one bites the dust

    MuchMusic and MuchMoreMusic (the Canadian equivalents of MTV and VH1, respectively) were cooler for longer than their American counterparts, but now they too have all but abandoned playing music videos. They mostly run reality and celebrity profile shows now. I only have the basic TV...
  11. M

    Fantasy book covers

    Ouch, I had "Assassin!" and I believe I still have "Robot Commando". What's that wrong with the Robot Commando cover anyway? If the robot was being controlled by a pirate, wouldn't that be pretty cool?
  12. M

    Steampunk Laptop

    This seems like the kind of thing that would have been posted here already, like the fifty threads on the Ancient Roman d20 a while back, but I don't see any, so here goes. This guy crafts authentic-looking and fully functional steampunk items and casings: his latest creation is the Steampunk...
  13. M

    Metal School

    I'm going to go with "B:)lls To The Wall" by Accept. First off, it is, to borrow a word you mentioned, an ANTHEM. That's a chorus that you just have to raise your first and shout along to. The lyrics are about the oppressed rising up, and that's a very metal thing, the whole attitude of "even if...
  14. M

    Steriods in sports

    Yeah, it's been reported in some mainstream sports outlets. ESPN: WWE suspends 10 for 'wellness policy' violations Sports Illustrated: Fourteen wrestlers tied to drug pipeline
  15. M

    Texas 30, Baltimore 3

    This game looks like the match for the one you just described: http://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/CHN/CHN197905170.shtml Ouch, both starters were pulled after only 1/3 of an inning each!
  16. M

    Metal School

    Get the first two or three Rhapsody discs, they kinda start to go downhill after that. For some reason they stopped using authentic medieval-ish instruments and started using digital samples for them instead. You can tell, unfortunately. And I was really disappointed when they finished the last...
  17. M

    Would you buy a hardcopy Tome of Horrors 3.5?

    I would be all over that like post-it notes on an Adherer.
  18. M

    [Eternity Publishing] Immortals Handbook - Epic Bestiary: Vol. 1 (out today)

    I'm concerned that this product was put out too quickly. Maybe it should have been talked about a little bit on these message boards first. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D I've been waiting a long time to post that!!!! :p :p :p Seriously, congrats U_K!
  19. M

    Vikings D20

    Been watching this thread for a while, thanks for the previews :) There's two references to "vine" and two to "wine" in Food And Drink - all four should say "wine", I think?
  20. M

    Metalheads! Confess & Brag

    If you like Queen, you should check out yet another British group that hit the scene at the very beginning of the '70s - Uriah Heep. I've never read a reliable source that says Uriah Heep influenced Queen, but it's easy to listen to Heep and THINK they did, because Uriah Heep came a little...