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Search results

  1. Obryn

    Ben Riggs: 'The Golden Age of TTRPGs is Dead'

    This honestly reads like a teenager sad that D&D is making a new edition. Really overdramatic and makes me wonder how he had enough perspective to write a history book.
  2. Obryn

    D&D Celebrity Satine Phoenix & Husband Jamison Stone Accused Of Abuse Towards Freelancers

    I don't suspend mine :) I think if you've paid close enough attention in the past few years (and no criticism to those who don't - it's pretty depressing), it was pretty clear Phoenix and Stone were not who they publicly presented themselves as. Zak, yup. But also "Grim" Desbrough; she had a...
  3. Obryn

    Does TSR3 Have Nazi Connections?

    Why not go on and look into it, and then get back to everyone with your results, instead of throwing around rhetorical questions?
  4. Obryn

    Check Out This Preview of the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game

    This just all looks like they've ignored the past 20-30 years of game design and have settled on a very 90's kind of system. It's really looking bad so far.
  5. Obryn

    The Forlorn North Adventure Path for D&D and DCC RPG

    I'm a big fan of DCC, and ran two of these adventures - The Old God's Return and Frozen in Time - just in the past few weeks. They're really spectacular adventures, but I'd suggest running them in DCC as opposed to 5e. DCC's a fantastic system, with some good (and surprisingly) modern design...
  6. Obryn

    Preferences regarding "save to resist" vs. "roll to hit" mechanics?

    Ideally, I prefer consistency as much as possible. I love players-always-roll. Second place is "active do-er of a thing rolls." My least favorite is the D&D way of doing it, but I've internalized it so much it works anyway.
  7. Obryn

    "DnDSports": Competitive Play With Prizes

    I remember when WotC was talking about eSports and everyone said, "No way they *really* meant eSports, that would be dumb. I'm sure it's an analogy of some kind!" Welp! I remember the D&D Open at Gen Cons of old - competitive dungeoncrawling isn't a new thing - but 5e is such a floofy rules...
  8. Obryn

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    This post is dumb in profound ways.
  9. Obryn

    Looking for Advanced Role-Playing Content

    BitD is a refinement and progression of the PbtA system. It takes the best parts and further expands the framework. To me, this trend of paring down RPGs to their essential cores and streamlining them to put the desired genre front & center is what defines modern design. There's not a thing in...
  10. Obryn

    Looking for Advanced Role-Playing Content

    Any joker can take a d20 table and expand it to a d100 or d1000 table. Anyone can add in stuff about wind speed, etc. True artistry is when you can distill the theme down into a concise set of rules that enhances the sort of play desired, without getting in the way. One of the best examples I...
  11. Obryn

    Looking for Advanced Role-Playing Content

    I'd say the most advanced rpgs right now - in 2018 - have very little to do with AD&D, and question the OP's assertion that added detail makes a game more advanced. On the contrary, what you cut from a game is every bit as important, if not more so. I found the linked blog a huge, bloated mess...
  12. Obryn

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    Thank you, forums poster Thomas Bowman, for coming forward with the "but what if women are sadistic, lying witches?" defense. I am sure that your fanciful what-if scenarios are extremely pertinent to the issue at hand and things that actually happen all the time. As opposed to harassment...
  13. Obryn

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    You seem very ... confused ... about the differences between lawsuits and journalism, and about the differing standards of evidence at stake. You also keep on retreating to a 'crime' comparison - probably because you know very well that a criminal case has an exceedingly strict standard of...
  14. Obryn

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    Enworld, bastion of such leftist policies as "hey maybe women shouldn't be harassed out of the hobby" and "it's okay to have gay characters in an RPG, if you want." Truly, the next step is to behead the bourgeoisie and hand the means of production over to the proletariat. Time to pack it up...
  15. Obryn

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    This is neither religion nor politics. It is about the (alleged) behavior of a well-known RPG industry figure and (former) blogger for this very site. You keep saying this as if it's an established fact. Why should we doubt his motives?
  16. Obryn

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    I don't think you have a realistic perspective on this, but I don't really have the time to untangle everything that's going on in these two paragraphs. We can start with "Asking someone out and quitting when rejected" is not harassment, but from there, oof.
  17. Obryn

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    It's super weird how mad you are about accusations against Fannon, while it's open season on the article's author.
  18. Obryn

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    This isn't the court system, and the level of proof required by a criminal court is simply not tenable as a standard for day to day living.